Hurtigbåttur til Angthong Marine Park fra Koh Samui med snorkling og kajakkpadling
Hurtigbåttur til Angthong Marine Park fra Koh Samui med snorkling og kajakkpadling
Av Trip Store Krabi
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Cruise Ang Thong National Marine Park for å se øyer, strender og laguner som har blitt bevart fra utvikling, og få et glimt av Thailand på sitt mest uberørte. Reiser med speedbåt betyr at du kan besøke flere øyer og rev enn på fergetur, med mange stopp for å svømme, kajakk, snorkle og vandre for en grundig opplevelse av det levende liv som trives i det beskyttede området.
fra per voksen
kr 633,09
Laveste pris garantertBestill nå og betal senereGratis avbestilling
Alder: 2–99 maks. 70 per gruppe
Varighet: 8 t
Starttidspunkt: Sjekk tilgjengelighet
Direkte veiledning: Engelsk
- Speedboat tur fra Koh Samui dekker enda flere øyer og strender
- Besøk en beskyttet nasjonalpark for å se uberørte steder
- Aktiv dag med å utforske: snorkle, kajakk og fottur
- Praktisk henting og avreise på Koh Samui hoteller
- Hotell henting og avreise
- Drikkevann og frukt
- Lett frokost og lunsjbuffé
- Snorkling og kajakkutstyr
- Redningsvest
- Profesjonell engelsktalende guide
- Grunnulykkeforsikring
Det som ikke er inkludert- Inngangsavgift til nasjonalparken på 300 THB per voksen og 150 THB per barn
- Etter henting på hotellet ditt, kan du gå ombord på en hurtigbåt for cruise til Ang Thong National Marine Park. Dagens reiserute dekker en lang liste med nydelige strender og øyer, hvor du kan oppdage huler, laguner og fjellformasjoner. Nyt en Thai lunsj på øya Koh Wah Talap, mens ettermiddagen handler om kajakkpadling av den uberørte kysten og deretter vandre til et utsiktspunkt på Koh Mae Ko som gir deg et flott perspektiv på øyene rundt. Etter turen kan du nyte saltbrisen når du cruise ut av Ang Thong National Marine Park og tilbake til Koh Samui, hvor dagen avsluttes med avgang på det opprinnelige avgangspunktet.
- Startpunkt:Flere hentesteder tilbys.
- Big Buddha pier, H354+6FJ, Bo Put, Ko Samui District, Surat Thani 84320, ThailandMøt på Lomlahk Khirin Pier i Bang Rak på Koh Samui 30 minutter før planlagt avreise.
Informasjon om hentested- Bli hentet fra hotellet ditt på Koh Samui hvis det ligger i nærheten av hovedveien og ikke eksternt. Hvis du bor på bakken, vennligst kom til et nærliggende hotell. Nøyaktig hentetid vil bli bekreftet på e-post etter at du har foretatt bestillingen. På grunn av tidsbegrensninger er det ikke mulig å bli med på turen fra cruiseskip. Av denne grunn kan vi ikke akseptere bestillinger fra cruiseskippassasjerer. Hentetider for hver sone: • Ban Tai Beach: kl. 08.00 - 08.15 • Bang Por-stranden: kl. 08.00 - 08.15 • Bang Rak Beach: kl. 08.00 - 08.15 • Bo Phut-stranden: kl. 08.00 - 08.15 • Chaweng Beach: kl. 08.00 - 08.15 • Chaweng Noi Beach: kl. 07.45 - 08.00 • Choeng Mon-stranden: kl. 08.00 - 08.15 • Hua Thanon-stranden: kl. 07.30 - 07.45 • Lamai Beach: kl. 07.45 - 08.00 • Lipa Noi-stranden: kl. 07.30 - 07.45 • Mae Nam-stranden: kl. 08.00 - 08.15 • Nathon Beach: kl. 07.45 - 08.00 • Taling Ngam-stranden: kl. 07.30 - 07.45
Henting ved hotellet tilbysVed betaling kan du velge fra listen over inkluderte hoteller.Henting ved havn tilbysVed betaling kan du velge fra listen over inkluderte havner.- Big Buddha pier, H354+6FJ, Bo Put, Ko Samui District, Surat Thani 84320, Thailand
Sluttpunkt:Denne aktiviteten avsluttes på møtestedet. - Ingen rullestoltilgang
Hvis du har spørsmål om tilgjengelighet, hjelper vi deg gjerne. Ring nummeret nedenfor, og oppgi produktkode: 9574P15- Bekreftelse mottas ved bestillingstidspunktet
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- På grunn av tidsbegrensninger er det ikke mulig å bli med på turen fra cruiseskip. Av denne grunn kan vi ikke akseptere bestillinger fra cruiseskippassasjerer.
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- thomaswT1754GU0 bidragBeste utflukt på Koh Samui?Beste utflukten på vår to ukers ferie på Koh Samui. Fantastisk natur, stien opp til fjelltoppen kan være bratt, men er vel vert turen. Fantastisk utsikt!Skrevet 18. august 2024
- Nora M0 bidragInnholdsrik turDet var en fin tur, med dyktig mannskap. Dessverre bar turen preg av masseturisme, og det ble mye venting. I tillegg fikk vi noe motorproblemer, mannskapet håndterte det på en fin måte. Nasjonalparken er et nydelig sted, og det anbefales å ta turne dit, men greit å være klar over at det er mye folk der. Alt i alt en ok opplevelse og man får det man betaler for. Det var så mye vann og Pepsi man hadde lyst på, det var kjekt i og med at det var relativt varmt. En fin måte å få oppleve mangfoldige naturopplevelser.Skrevet 7. juli 2024
- grethe12340 bidragMye transport, mye folk, lite opplevelseØyene er fantastiske, det samme er snorklingen. Guiden var fantastisk morsom og engasjert, maten strålende og også selve organiseringen. MEN, det er alt for langt fra Phuket!! 2 timer i van om morgenen og 3 timer tilbake i rushtid (Karon). I tillegg nesten 1,5 time båttur hver vei og venting før båtturen. Sitter tett i båten, uten mulighet for å bevege seg. Alt for mange mennesker på strendene på øyene. Idylliske omgivelser, men ingen idyllisk opplevelse. Turister i kø. Ville helst vært foruten denne turen.Skrevet 27. mars 2024
- Connector572150110120 bidragSupertKjempe bra vi var veldig fornøyde all maten ble kjempegod og man lærte virkelig autentisk thai mat. Vi hadde det kjempe gøySkrevet 10. mars 2024
- Cruiser084098826830 bidragOverfylte strender, men fin båt og mannskap.Nydelig gammel båt, og guide og besetning var veldig flinke, men alle stedene vi dro til var overfylt av mengder med turister. Snorkelutstyret var veldig enkelt, fort gjort å få vann inn luftrøret.Skrevet 15. desember 2023
- VibekeBD0 bidragVery Nice snorkeling trip to Ko RokVi hadde en veldig fin tur med Tin Adventure til KoRok. Vi hadde med to barn på 11 og 13. De synes båtturen var spennende og likte snorkelingen veldig godt. Alt var profesjonelt og bra arrangert. God lunsj på stranda. Korallene noe ødelagt og litt dårlig sikt i vannet. I tillegg mye andre turister samtidig. Men vi så mye fine fisker. Og Tin Adventure hadde guider i vannet som viste oss mye vi ikke hadde sett alene. I tillegg tok de bilder som de delte med oss. Alt i alt er vi veldig fornøyd med turen. NB: hvis det er bølger slår speedbåten veldig i bølgene på turen ut og tilbake fra Ko Rok.Skrevet 26. februar 2020
- Rune A0 bidragSimilan IslandHelt fantastisk tur. Ble tatt godt vare på fra første til siste stund, kjempe takk til Arty og teamet hans som ga oss en uforglemmelig tur til Similan Island Mvh Rune og CatoSkrevet 17. oktober 2019
- tonjeniel0 bidragVeldig bra dag.Vi hadde en super dag på tur. Været var ikke all verden , men gutta på båten tok oss med til fantastiske steder under vann. Maten var god og det var kaffe og vann til hele dagen. Vi så masse fisk og store havskilpadder. Store bølger på vei hjem , men det gikk veldig fint .Skrevet 17. september 2019
- 953mereteh0 bidragAnbefaler denne turenHatt en fantastisk dag med Opal Travel og Joy 😃🏖 snorklet to steder og fikk sett mange fargerike fisker. Innom ett par strender og må fremheve Bambo beach - noe av det mest fantastiske jeg har sett. Nydelig lunsj. Avsluttet turen innom Phi Phi, med mulighet for shopping og en kort stopp ved Monkey bay. Joy var en super flink og ikke minst morsom guide. Hatt en kjempe bra dag med variert program 😃👍🏖Skrevet 12. januar 2019
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Port Launay39 bidrag
Perfect organization with partner Insea speedboat from koh samui, excursion with included pick up from your hotel, after paying they send you for whatsapp all the information due, prices maybe a bit high to be in Thailand.
Skrevet 18. august 2024
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Thank you for your feedback on the Angthong Marine Park tour! We're glad to hear you found the organization and communication effective. We appreciate your input on pricing and will take it into consideration.
Skrevet 20. august 2024
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.
Steven G
3 bidrag
We took this trip on a day when the sea was not at its flattest, meaning a bumpy ride and a few on the trip struggled with sickness. One angry customer threatened a mutiny and several others on the trip took his cue to be ultra aggressive towards the boat crew when the canopy was left open and we got more than a bit wet! A genuine mistake as we transferred from one spot to the next. But I unacceptable behaviour and quite embarrassing that all this started due to a slight sea swell and the original leader of the mutiny was upset at getting wet, claiming he rides speed boats every week and had never gotten wet, ever!! Not sure I’ve ever met a seamen that’s never gotten wet and is afraid of 1m waves! This led to both my kids being very frightened and scared of the man that rides the dry seas.
Anyway, once this tough guy got his little tantrum out the way, we had a lovely trip led by Skye and the team. Ang Thong is a beautiful group of islands and this trip is worth the 1hr trip across the sea from Koh Samui. The islands were a clear inspiration for the Alex Sutherland novel, the Beach, and parts of the islands were used in the movie of the same title - Emerald Lake can be seen from a short hike on this trip. On the main island, I’d also recommend you take the trip to the top viewpoint. It’s an hours walk in total, tough on a hot day but the views are spectacular just make sure to take water.
Anyway, once this tough guy got his little tantrum out the way, we had a lovely trip led by Skye and the team. Ang Thong is a beautiful group of islands and this trip is worth the 1hr trip across the sea from Koh Samui. The islands were a clear inspiration for the Alex Sutherland novel, the Beach, and parts of the islands were used in the movie of the same title - Emerald Lake can be seen from a short hike on this trip. On the main island, I’d also recommend you take the trip to the top viewpoint. It’s an hours walk in total, tough on a hot day but the views are spectacular just make sure to take water.
Skrevet 7. august 2023
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Dear stevengC8457GM
Thank you for taking the time to write a review of your recent trip to Ang Thong National Marine Park. We're sorry to hear that you had a few problems with the sea conditions on the day of your tour, and that one of our guests behaved in an unacceptable manner.
We're glad to hear that you enjoyed the rest of your trip, and we appreciate your feedback. We will take it into account as we continue to improve our tours. We hope to see you again soon!
Skrevet 7. august 2023
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.
Vorarlberg, Østerrike637 bidrag
mar. 2020
Zur Story: Seit ich an Thailand denken kann, träume ich von diesem Ausflug. Wie es das Schicksal nun mal so wollte, wurde ich vor diesem Ausflug krank. Besser gesagt hatte ich Durchfall, wäre es Husten, Halsschmerzen oder sonstiges gewesen, hätte ich trotzdem Teil am Ausflug genommen. Jedoch war ich auf eine Toilette angewiesen und diese konnte mir die Tour nicht versichern, dass sie eine haben. (Sie haben ganz bestimmt keine, Drei Tage zuvor war ich ebenfalls auf einer Tour welche keine Toilette hatte). Aufgrund dessen bin ich am Abreisetag extra um 5:00 (!!) aufgestanden um nochmals meine Medizin zu nehmen, merkte jedoch relativ schnell, dass es sich nicht ausgeht. Drauf hin habe ich die Veranstallter angerufen, dass sich mich nicht abholen müssen und auch nichts für mich vorbereiten sollen.
Natürlich kam nie ein Rückruf. Da ich davon schon ausgegangen bin, habe ich ihnen alles Schriftlich zukommen lassen.
DREI Stunden später (gegen 8:00 als die Abholung begonnen hat) kam eine Antwort vom Veranstallter zurück, warum ich so spät Bescheid gebe. Weder ein Erkundigen meiner Gesundheit, ein Dank fürs frühe Aufstehen meinerseits, noch sonst irgend welchen netten Worte sind gefallen. Solche Herzlosen Menschen habe ich noch nie erlebt! Sie werden mir nichts erstatten, da 500THB pro Person für Frühstück und die reservierten Plätze bereits bezahlt wurden (wir waren zwei Personen). Aha..
Das Frühstück ist ein Tee, ein Kaffee, etwas Banane und Apfel und mit Glück noch ein kleines Gebäck. Das das über 10€ in Thailand kostet ist nur schwer vorstellbar (wohlgemerkt für ALLE Boote zusammen am Pier, also zirka 50 Menschen minimum).
Da sie nun 1000THB für uns zwei "ausgegeben" haben ( nicht mal 29€), werden sie mir leider kein Geld zurück zahlen. Ich habe 120€ bezahlt und ihnen IM VORHINEIN gesagt, ich würde freiwillig nur 50% zurück nehmen. 120€ minus 29€ für Frühstück und Plätze wären also 90€ wo noch übrig sind. Die Rechnung geht leider nicht ganz auf (nun gut, für den Veranstalter natürlich schon).
ABZOCKER ohne Ende!
Habe für euch extra noch ein Screenshot vom Text des Veranstalters und mir gemacht, als Beweis für euch alle!
Zur Story: Seit ich an Thailand denken kann, träume ich von diesem Ausflug. Wie es das Schicksal nun mal so wollte, wurde ich vor diesem Ausflug krank. Besser gesagt hatte ich Durchfall, wäre es Husten, Halsschmerzen oder sonstiges gewesen, hätte ich trotzdem Teil am Ausflug genommen. Jedoch war ich auf eine Toilette angewiesen und diese konnte mir die Tour nicht versichern, dass sie eine haben. (Sie haben ganz bestimmt keine, Drei Tage zuvor war ich ebenfalls auf einer Tour welche keine Toilette hatte). Aufgrund dessen bin ich am Abreisetag extra um 5:00 (!!) aufgestanden um nochmals meine Medizin zu nehmen, merkte jedoch relativ schnell, dass es sich nicht ausgeht. Drauf hin habe ich die Veranstallter angerufen, dass sich mich nicht abholen müssen und auch nichts für mich vorbereiten sollen.
Natürlich kam nie ein Rückruf. Da ich davon schon ausgegangen bin, habe ich ihnen alles Schriftlich zukommen lassen.
DREI Stunden später (gegen 8:00 als die Abholung begonnen hat) kam eine Antwort vom Veranstallter zurück, warum ich so spät Bescheid gebe. Weder ein Erkundigen meiner Gesundheit, ein Dank fürs frühe Aufstehen meinerseits, noch sonst irgend welchen netten Worte sind gefallen. Solche Herzlosen Menschen habe ich noch nie erlebt! Sie werden mir nichts erstatten, da 500THB pro Person für Frühstück und die reservierten Plätze bereits bezahlt wurden (wir waren zwei Personen). Aha..
Das Frühstück ist ein Tee, ein Kaffee, etwas Banane und Apfel und mit Glück noch ein kleines Gebäck. Das das über 10€ in Thailand kostet ist nur schwer vorstellbar (wohlgemerkt für ALLE Boote zusammen am Pier, also zirka 50 Menschen minimum).
Da sie nun 1000THB für uns zwei "ausgegeben" haben ( nicht mal 29€), werden sie mir leider kein Geld zurück zahlen. Ich habe 120€ bezahlt und ihnen IM VORHINEIN gesagt, ich würde freiwillig nur 50% zurück nehmen. 120€ minus 29€ für Frühstück und Plätze wären also 90€ wo noch übrig sind. Die Rechnung geht leider nicht ganz auf (nun gut, für den Veranstalter natürlich schon).
ABZOCKER ohne Ende!
Habe für euch extra noch ein Screenshot vom Text des Veranstalters und mir gemacht, als Beweis für euch alle!
Skrevet 27. mars 2020
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We already checked your case with all the staff.
First of all you booked the trip with us to go on the 8th Mar 2020 and requested to changed the travel date to the 11th March 2020 instead before of sick with an extra charge 1000 THB for 2 people and you are agree with that conditions.
After that at 06:25 in the early morning the day of the trip, we got your phone call which our office is not open yet (Our office is daily opened from 7am to 10pm) but at 07:34 we already reply your email to inform you that we will cancel the booking with no refundable.
This is the second time we have already reserved the seats and prepared everything for you but you decided yourself that you will not go on the trip. So, we have to charge for a full price.
Best regards,
Skrevet 31. mars 2020
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.
Ottawa, Canada36 bidrag
jan. 2020
Covered lots of beaches. I signed up for a longtail boat tour of 4 islands and ended up on a speed boat tour of 6 islands....don't ask... As a result, it ended up being a very full day being tossed off one boat and put onto another. I actually visited one island twice. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Completely different experience each time because the tide was in in the morning and out in the afternoon. Very cool and lots of fun.
Skrevet 1. mars 2020
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Belgique29 bidrag
jan. 2020
Nous avons choisi l'operateur Insea pour visiter le parc national d'Anthong. Toute était bien organisé pendant la journée, le rythme est soutenu, il faut le savoir. Le snorkling n'est pas très long, et l'eau est un peu trouble en raison du monde, car c'est un spot très recherché. Le luch est agréable, simple mais bon. Le bateau est confortable à l'intérieur, cela secoue un peu plus à l'extérieur. Prévoir de la crème solaire. Eau à volonté sur le bateau. Le staff est compétent et sympa. Attention la journée coute 2200 bats normalement, plus 300 pour l'entrée au parc. Nous avons trouvé une petite agence à 1500 bats +3àà b pour le parc.
En conclusion, nous avons passé une belle journée, à conseiller pour tout public, jeunes, enfants et senior 'mobiles' sont bien venus.
En conclusion, nous avons passé une belle journée, à conseiller pour tout public, jeunes, enfants et senior 'mobiles' sont bien venus.
Skrevet 19. januar 2020
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Marimette T
Rotnes, Norge8 bidrag
The driver picked us up at 0803 and drove us to the pier. A light breakfast was served while tour guides devided us into different groups. Took a little while, but in the amazing weather we didn't mind at all. The breakfast was croissants and fruits, juice, coffee and tea. Simple, but perfect if you get seasick. We were lucky to have the most amazing tour guide, Ani, and his crew that took good care of us.
The weather was amazing, so the water was crystal clear - and our first time snorkeling was super fun!
The hike to see the saltwater lake was steap and sweaty, but totally worth the view! Would also recommend that you walk the stairs all the way down to the lake - it's gorgeous!
The lunchbuffet was tasty, with rice, curry, salad and fruits. They kept us well hydrated during the day. You could choose between kajakking, hiking or chilling on the beach after lunch.
Ani changed our last destination to the most beautiful, quiet beach! Incredibly beautiful. Here you could also join him for a hike, or just enjoy life at the beach!
We totally recommend! 10/10
The weather was amazing, so the water was crystal clear - and our first time snorkeling was super fun!
The hike to see the saltwater lake was steap and sweaty, but totally worth the view! Would also recommend that you walk the stairs all the way down to the lake - it's gorgeous!
The lunchbuffet was tasty, with rice, curry, salad and fruits. They kept us well hydrated during the day. You could choose between kajakking, hiking or chilling on the beach after lunch.
Ani changed our last destination to the most beautiful, quiet beach! Incredibly beautiful. Here you could also join him for a hike, or just enjoy life at the beach!
We totally recommend! 10/10
Skrevet 7. januar 2020
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Bishkek, Kirgisistan10 bidrag
The crew was great, and we had a great trip. It is obvious that the owner has lost sight of the costumer, and is after the all mighty dollar. The boats max capacity is 75, we had 74. In order for the boat to seat 75 the seating must be split. 10 people up front in the elements, and 65 in the rear. We took the cruise at the beginning of the season, so the weather is unpredictable. With 74 people on the boat, we had to over crowd the back to make room when the weather turned. Every service portion was great, the crew was amazing. Also I have a suggestion for the people that organize these tours. The islands have a lot of trash on them. If you took a day and did prices to cover only operational costs, with the customer understanding that they were going out to Coleman up the sites. I've seen this done a few places, and the turnout is suprising. I understand this seems lofty and idealistic, but it was just a thought. I know I would go.
Skrevet 21. desember 2019
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Dear Guest,
Thank you for your review and useful feedback.
We provide the 75 seat boat and it could be a maximum 70 people on the boat for this tour.
We have forwarded your suggestion to the operator. It would be advantageous for them to improve their service, especially environmentally friendly.
Warm regards,
Skrevet 27. desember 2019
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.
29 bidrag
sep. 2019 • Par
Speed boat check in was fast and efficient. Took about 1 hour to get to 1st stop off for snorkelling, which was not great. The sea was choppy and it was raining and lots of people in the water. The lunch was ok not a lot of choice but good food. The trek up to the top of the view point was steep and hard going but so worth it at the top. Take plenty mozzie spray and sturdy shoes. The emerald lagoon was also worth the tricky steps up and down. A good day out. Shame about the rain!
Skrevet 18. september 2019
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
1 bidrag
sep. 2019 • Alene
Plenty of time at each stop to enjoy, fun activities, friendly tour guides. Would recommend. The only thing is that the viewpoint at Ang Thong national park is a really hard climb so if youre older or out of shape I would avoid
Skrevet 10. september 2019
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Kent, UK103 bidrag
aug. 2019
A fantastic way to see this area of outstanding natural beauty. Snorkelling, kayaking and lots of (optional) walking up some very steep steps made it a great workout too...and well worth it for the views.
Due to some inconsiderate people on our transfer to the marina, we arrived quite late and so were in the last boat out. In some ways, this worked in our favour as we were not with lots of others when snorkelling, so visibility was good and we saw lots of lovely fish. The kayaking was a full trip of around an hour, with our guide leading us around a small island, on which we saw wild pigs on the beach. We kayaked through a small cave, which was good fun too.
Our guide, Messy, was funny, helpful and chatty, walking ahead with our daughter who was like a mountain goat up the steps, while we puffed along behind. The steps really are steep and not ideal in flip flops...I had on beach/water shoes which probably made it easier. The climb (and the descent) is worth it, as the views are outstanding - both of the islands and the Emerald Lake (which is a much shorter climb).
We had ample time for each activity and did not feel rushed, even managing a quick swim before we headed home.
Life jackets were available for all and we were told at the safety briefing to wear them. The crew did not make us....I believe people can make their own choice and take responsibility for this!
As a vegetarian, food was very basic....just boiled rice, carrots and cabbage. A vegetable curry would have been nice as there were two chicken dishes on offer. (I knew catering would be limited and didn’t expect anything fancy but it’s always a bit annoying when meat eaters get two choices plus the vegetables and vegetarians just get the veg)! Drinks were only water or coconut water, so a couple of other soft options eg orange would have been appreciated.
We felt safe and well looked after and the limited vegetarian food/drink options is the only reason I haven’t given 5 stars.
Due to some inconsiderate people on our transfer to the marina, we arrived quite late and so were in the last boat out. In some ways, this worked in our favour as we were not with lots of others when snorkelling, so visibility was good and we saw lots of lovely fish. The kayaking was a full trip of around an hour, with our guide leading us around a small island, on which we saw wild pigs on the beach. We kayaked through a small cave, which was good fun too.
Our guide, Messy, was funny, helpful and chatty, walking ahead with our daughter who was like a mountain goat up the steps, while we puffed along behind. The steps really are steep and not ideal in flip flops...I had on beach/water shoes which probably made it easier. The climb (and the descent) is worth it, as the views are outstanding - both of the islands and the Emerald Lake (which is a much shorter climb).
We had ample time for each activity and did not feel rushed, even managing a quick swim before we headed home.
Life jackets were available for all and we were told at the safety briefing to wear them. The crew did not make us....I believe people can make their own choice and take responsibility for this!
As a vegetarian, food was very basic....just boiled rice, carrots and cabbage. A vegetable curry would have been nice as there were two chicken dishes on offer. (I knew catering would be limited and didn’t expect anything fancy but it’s always a bit annoying when meat eaters get two choices plus the vegetables and vegetarians just get the veg)! Drinks were only water or coconut water, so a couple of other soft options eg orange would have been appreciated.
We felt safe and well looked after and the limited vegetarian food/drink options is the only reason I haven’t given 5 stars.
Skrevet 23. august 2019
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4 of us coming in on the Westerdam that has to tender into the dock. So trying to determine how that would work, since I do not control the disembarkation timing from the ship.
Skrevet 28. november 2019
Our group are on a Tui cruise and we would like to book this trip. Does the tour operator pick up from the port.?
Skrevet 17. juli 2019
Hi, thank you for the message and sorry for the late reply. The tour will be started at 09:00 and will be finished approx. 16:30. Please let us know which port the ship will be docked, and what time the ship arrives and leaves, so we can advise. Warm regards, Rinda.
Skrevet 14. august 2019
Are there many box jellyfish in July? Is it worth doing the tour this time of year?
Skrevet 5. mai 2019
Hi, thank you for the message and sorry for the late reply. That would be alright to visit the Angthong Marine Park during July. There is almost no jelly fish over there and it depends on the weather and sea conditions on the day as well. Kind regards, Rinda.
Skrevet 14. august 2019
Bom dia, qual é a lancha em que é feito o passeio?
Buscam no hotel The Beach Samui em Thong Krut?
Skrevet 27. februar 2019
Hi, thank you for the message and sorry for the late reply. We provide a 2, 3, and 4 engines speedboat for this tour. We offer to pick you up from
'The Beach Samui at Thong Krut Beach'. The exact pick-up time will be confirmed by email after you have made the booking. Warm wishes, Rinda.
Skrevet 12. august 2019
Hi, I would like to know how many people can be in one boat?
Skrevet 7. august 2018
Hi, id like to book a trip. Can we pay cash? Im currently in maret
Skrevet 9. juli 2018
Does this company allow you to hike to the top of the mountain to see the view of all the islands?
Skrevet 6. juli 2018
Hello I would like to know the duration of the whole trip from the beginning to drop off, around her 4-5 hours I'm guessing? Many thanks!
Skrevet 18. juni 2018
We were picked up at 8am & got back to the wharf about 5pm, then about half hour for transfer back to hotel. Long but fun day!
Skrevet 24. juni 2018
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