Turer i St. Kitts
St Kitts Rainforest Nature Tour

St Kitts Rainforest Nature Tour

Av St. Kitts Captain Sunshine Tours
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Alder: 6–75 maks. 2 per gruppe
Varighet: 3 t
Starttidspunkt: Sjekk tilgjengelighet

  • Hotellgjester vil bli belastet et ekstra gebyr for hotellopphøving og avgang.
  • Profesjonell guide
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  • Inngang/adgang – Romney Manor
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  • St. Kitts, St. Kitts, St. Kitts and Nevis
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      • St. Kitts Captain Sunshine Tours
        Ble medlem i desember 2008
      • Susanne290557
        0 bidrag
        4,0 av 5 bobler
        Caribisk paradis tur
        Bustur til en privat farm på St Kitts.Vi besøge et privat hjem på St Kitts med en fantastisk have og hjem
        Skrevet 23. april 2013
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      4,5 av 5 bobler29 anmeldelser
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      Grafenrheinfeld, Tyskland144 bidrag
      2,0 av 5 bobler
      jan. 2024 • Par
      We booked the tour through a third-party provider (Shore Excursions Group). However, the excursion was conducted by Captain Sunshine, and our guide was Captain Junior.

      When we booked the tour, we assumed that the main part of the tour would involve a hike in the rainforest. However, the first stop of the tour turned out to be an opportunity to take a photo with a monkey or buy souvenirs. Additionally, right before entering the rainforest, we made an extensive stop at a souvenir stand. It became clear to us that the tour was not what we had expected.

      The "hike" through the rainforest was more of a leisurely stroll where we occasionally stopped to admire rather uninteresting things. After about 45 minutes, our time in the rainforest was already over, and we were taken to a beach where we were supposed to be picked up after 3 hours. Since the beach was only "okay" and nothing special for the Caribbean, we decided to shorten our stay to one hour.

      The guide felt more like a taxi driver because he didn't provide us with much information about the island or the rainforest.
      Skrevet 9. januar 2024
      Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.

      5,0 av 5 bobler
      Capt Kenny was personable and more than willing to share information about his homeland and his childhood growing up in St Kitts. On our way to the forest, Kenny took a moment to drop something off to his mom and auntie before continuing on the tour - an unexpected but welcomed gift to meet and say hello to Kenny’s family. We were never rushed and Kenny took the time to answer any questions. Moderate hike, so where good sturdy shoes and when Kenny offers a hiking stick for use, take him up on the offer!
      Skrevet 26. mai 2023
      Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
      We are extremely delighted to showcase our homeland and lush backyard to all of our valuable patrons! We will continue to endeavour our very best to strive for Excellence! Humbled to Serve in Paradise St kitts.
      Skrevet 27. mai 2023
      Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

      Scott G
      Ponte Vedra Beach, FL23 bidrag
      5,0 av 5 bobler
      Captain Kenny was spiritual and welcoming! Part of our crew forever so much fun and beauty! Romney mansion was great and learning g about the island was awesome!
      Skrevet 23. mai 2023
      Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
      We are humbled and passionate in our quest to deliver a remarkable experience here in Paradise St kitts ! Thanks kindly and warmly for choosing Captain Sunshine Tours Blessings to All!
      Skrevet 25. mai 2023
      Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

      Fort Lauderdale, FL2 bidrag
      2,0 av 5 bobler
      feb. 2023
      I don’t like to knock down a business because I know we’re all just trying to make ends meet but I would NOT recommend this company. I saw them recommended in a YouTube video so I decided to book with them. I had three things I wanted to do on this trip (sugar train, ATV and rainforest hike) so I emailed the owner asking if they could accommodate me. After over 10 emails trying to get confirmation and price, they said it was all set.

      When I met with the company, I mentioned my email exchange and they said they had no idea what I was talking about and said that "they deal with a lot of people" and therefore wasn't sure what they could accommodate. I never mind the answer NO but don't tell me YES and then I'm stuck. They start me on the open air truck and we sat in the parking lot and waited for over half an hour. Then they moved me only off of the bus into some enclosed van (not what the tour was supposed to be). It was hot and didn't have a lot of clean windows and you could not see.

      The rainforest hike was not really a hike but a quick walk through the trees. The tour guide was obviously killing time and made us stop a lot while he talked a LOT (about covid no less, and how he never got it, don't care, inappropriate). It was already noon and we hadn't done anything really, I finally complained enough where they dropped me off at the ATV place, which I appreciated, but I honestly wasted 100 dollars of my money booking this tour with them and I would not do so again.
      Skrevet 20. februar 2023
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      Davenport, FL21 bidrag
      5,0 av 5 bobler
      Our guide Shane frequently checked on us as there is a lot of walking. He took great photos, too. He's friendly and knowledgeable. We had a great time.
      Skrevet 18. desember 2022
      Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.

      Denver, CO633 bidrag
      5,0 av 5 bobler
      des. 2021
      Captain Sunshine and his wife were our guides on this tour which was billed as a 45-minute rainforest hike, Romney Manor and Caribelle Batik tour by the ship. We drove from the ship to Romney Manor and Batik store on the two lane road that goes all around the island in open air busses, so we had good views and it wasn’t hot. We spent about 40 minutes shopping at Romney Manor/batik store before starting the hike into the rainforest. The highlight of the grounds was a 400- year old tree with a message! (See photos)

      We left our purchases locked up in the cab of one of the buses so we wouldn’t have to take them on our hike, and it’s a good thing we did! The hike was much longer than 45 minutes, and involved steep climbs, avoiding not only the mossy, slippery rocks but also water pipes embedded in the ground to collect the water from the rain and transport it to homes and buildings below. We even had to ford a stream, stepping on rocks so as not to get wet. (See photo) Fortunately, no one fell. It was pretty strenuous, especially for the age group on the tour. Captain Sunshine told us about the trees and plants along the way, and we saw some amazing trees, including banyan trees with huge roots going down 50 feet or more to the water which keeps the leaves green all year, and a tree with spikes sticking out. If one of the spikes gets imbedded in your hand, you need to get an antibiotic. Captain Sunshine led the hike, stopping frequently for everyone to catch up and catch their breath. His wife was at the end of the 21-person line. There was a final uphill push to get back on the trail and then the road to get to the busses. Once there, we were offered chocolate raisin bread, coconut bread, passion fruit juice and water. The raisin bread and fruit juice were very refreshing! We had reggae music playing (a bit loud) on the drive back to the ship.

      Captain Sunshine is a wonderful tour guide, and he even sang to us during rest stops. Highly recommend him and his company. Definitely wear closed toe shoes - hiking shoes if you have them with you would be even better. It rained a couple of times on our hike, so a light poncho is also recommended. Your shoes will get muddy too.
      Skrevet 14. desember 2021
      Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.

      Windsor, Canada1 594 bidrag
      1,0 av 5 bobler
      feb. 2020
      Nothing what we expected this excursion from our cruise to be! It said, nature, wildlife and flowers. Our tour guide was obsessed about the trees, the tree names and what we can do with every tree for medicine or eating. We spotted a bunch of monkeys and were so excited but our tour guide said "it's sad the new government doesn't let us kill them anymore because they eat and ruin all the crops". Then proceed to continue on the tour without even talking about what kind of monkeys or how they even got here. He didn't care we saw a bunch of hummingbirds our tour guide was more interested in picking and handing us a lemon leaf or all of us touching an aloe plant.

      Once we got into the rainforest we noticed the tour walked along the pipe line, it was dirty and nothing scenic about the area at all. He explained every tree in sight but forgot to mention the cool millipede we spotted and walked away when we pointed it out. I really thought this tour was about nature and not trees because I would have picked a far different tour then trees! It said moderate trails and at one point our tour guide said when someone falls we will all laugh and you will get muddy but you'll stand up and continue on, he never waited for the whole group to catch up and at one point a bunch of us might as well been hiking without a tour guide. At least then we were spotting bugs in the forest. Be prepared there is no food or drinks to buy on this trip and at the end they gave out a few apples, bananas, cake and juice. Not much after hiking for 3 hours in a muggy forest.
      Skrevet 5. mars 2020
      Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
      We appreciate your feedback and do apologize for any inconvenience this may have on your Rainforest tour . Looking forward to serve and improve our products.
      Skrevet 6. mars 2020
      Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

      Chicago, IL110 bidrag
      4,0 av 5 bobler
      des. 2019
      Our tour started later than the planned 9 am start - most things in St Kitts start later than planned -with a tour of part of the island on our way to the rainforest. We stopped at a Batik store and then joined others for our hike. Our guide, Captain Junior, was knowledgeable and even ran back to buy water for participants that weren’t prepared for the heat. The hike proceeds at the pace of the group and similarly the length of the hike is determined by the group abilities rather than your personal preference. Saw a lot of interesting plants but no animals. We were near the zip line route so I think the noise scared them away. Overall a nice experience.
      Skrevet 5. januar 2020
      Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.

      Joan P
      Newmarket, Canada9 bidrag
      5,0 av 5 bobler
      des. 2019 • Par
      We had a fantastic time on this excursion with our guide Janeel. He was very knowledgeable and we enjoyed learning about St. Kitts and it’s history from him. Unfortunately we had to cut our tour short because one of our group was not feeling well and Janeel went above and beyond to assist us — even offering up a local remedy to try and help. We loved St. Kitts and I would highly recommend this excursion!
      Skrevet 19. desember 2019
      Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.

      Rodney C
      8 bidrag
      5,0 av 5 bobler
      My wife and I just got done touring the rainforest with Captain Junior, he was very great to talk to and a wonderful tour guide! We will be sure to visit here again if we come back!
      Skrevet 5. september 2019
      Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.

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