Turer i Nuevo Vallarta
Oppdag Scuba-opplevelse i Las Caletas, Puerto Vallarta

Oppdag Scuba-opplevelse i Las Caletas, Puerto Vallarta

Av Vallarta Adventures
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Alder: 10–99 maks. 8 per gruppe
Varighet: 7 t
Starttidspunkt: Sjekk tilgjengelighet
Oppfyller retningslinjene for dyrevelferd
Direkte veiledning: Engelsk, Spansk

  • 1-tank dykk
  • En PADI sertifisert divemaster
  • BCD
  • Våtdrakt
  • regulator
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  • Lunsj
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  • Vallarta Adventures Nuevo Vallarta, Paseo de las Palmas 39, Zona Norte, 63732 Nuevo Nayarit, Nay., Mexico
    Ring oss så vi kan hjelpe deg med å bekrefte nærmeste møtested. Du kan velge å reise fra enten Nuevo Vallarta Adventures-senteret eller cruisehavnen i Puerto Vallarta. Vær oppmerksom på at møtetidene kan endres avhengig av tilgjengelighet.
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    • Bekreftelse mottas ved bestillingstidspunktet
    • Ikke anbefalt for reisende med ryggproblemer
    • Ikke anbefalt for gravide
    • Ikke passende for reisende med hjerteproblemer eller andre seriøse medisinske problemer
    • Reisende må være fysisk sterke og middels godt trent
    • Ikke anbefalt for barn i alderen 10 år og under
    • Basert på PADIs anbefalinger om flying etter dykking, bør nybegynnere ikke fly innen 12 timer etter et dykk.
    • En bekreftelse på risiko må signeres før du deltar i noen av våre lære å dykke programmer.
    • Dette alternativet er ikke egnet for cruiseskippassasjerer på grunn av tidskonflikt med vår lokale tidsplan
    • Vær oppmerksom på at Mexicos føderale maritime havner har strenge retningslinjer for forbud mot narkotika, inkludert elektroniske sigaretter, vapere og alle typer narkotika. Vær oppmerksom på å ikke ta dem med på noen av turene våre. Vi kan ikke tilby refusjon eller endring av dag for noen gjest som Federal Security har nektet tilgang til.
    • Gjester med luftveis-, kardiovaskulære eller øreproblemer er begrenset.
    • Det kreves gode mentale og fysiske forhold.
    • Gjester som er påvirket av alkohol eller narkotika er ikke tillatt.
    • Denne turen/aktiviteten har maksimum 8 reisende

    • For full refusjon avbestiller du minst 24 timer før startdatoen for opplevelsen.

    Hvis du har spørsmål om denne omvisningen eller trenger hjelp med å bestille, hjelper vi deg gjerne. Ring nummeret nedenfor, og oppgi produktkode: 2736DIVE_RES

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    • Vallarta Adventures
      24 230
      Ble medlem i april 2006
    • Irene J
      0 bidrag
      5,0 av 5 bobler
      Dolphin encounter & Luxury Snorkling
      Var på disse to utfluktene i regi av Vallarta Adventures. Vi booket "Dolphin Signature" hvor vi fikk bade med to delfiner i 40 min. Vi var en gruppe på totalt 8 personer og vi fikk hver og en gjøre flere aktiviteter med delfinene i et stort saltvannsbasseng. Det var en utrolig opplevelse. Det virker som om delfinene har det bra her og de ansatte var ekstremt dyktige og opptatt av å ta vare på miljøet. I etterkant kunne vi kjøpe bilder og film av seansen. Dette var riktignok i overkant dyrt. På Luxury Snorkling var vi vel ca 30 personer som var med på båten. Vi ble tatt med til to fantastiske steder som var perfekte for snorkling. Vi fikk også prøve oss på paddleboards. Turen varte vel i ca 6 timer. Det var lenge nok. Vi startet heldigvis tidlig om morgenen. Det ble ganske varmt på slutten av dagen. Hyggelig båtcrew som også overrasket oss med en sjøløve som plutselig kom ombord. Alle som ville fikk gå bort og hilse på den i tur og orden. Det var en kjekk bonus! Anbefaler å ta med solkrem og hodeplagg!
      Skrevet 16. juli 2017
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    4,5 av 5 bobler22 anmeldelser
    Svært bra

    Des Moines, IA230 bidrag
    2,0 av 5 bobler
    From reading the description, I thought this was a 7 hour intro to scuba adventure. The truth is it's mostly a long tourist boat ride to Las Caletas for a short 10 minute instruction and a 40 minute dive.

    For a novice like myself it was very intimidating to have a brief instruction, strap on a heavy tank, mask, fins, and get in the ocean without being able to touch ground hoping to remember the brief instruction.

    If you're new to Vallarta and haven't been to the beach and are interested in taking advantage of all the activities offered as well as a brief dive then you may find this enjoyable.

    Just be aware that scuba is absolutely not the focus of this
    "adventure" and certainly not worth the extra cost over what other people paid to come and enjoy all the same beach activities for much less.
    Skrevet 13. juni 2024
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    Hola Sunny, Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize if our scuba diving adventure did not meet your expectations. Our aim is to provide an introduction to scuba diving while also allowing participants to enjoy the beauty of Las Caletas and its activities. We appreciate your feedback regarding the briefing and equipment preparation. We will review our procedures to ensure a more comfortable and confident experience for future participants. We hope you'll consider giving us another opportunity to provide you with a more enjoyable adventure. Warm regards,
    Skrevet 15. juni 2024
    Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

    1,0 av 5 bobler
    mai 2024 • Par
    I am a certified diver. We did this dive for my girlfriend who has never dove. I was very disappointed with the whole experience. I have taken friends to a discover dive service in Cozumel and had a great experience. First of all the add is misleading. There was no instruction. As stated by a previous review we got a couple of minutes instruction before we were sent into the water. The "instructor" spent another 30 seconds with each person, we only had 4 of us. When my girlfriend had trouble going under I tried to help her and was told not to. I saw another diver come over to our group. I assumed he was there to help. He was not. My girlfriend was sent back to the dock. I continued with the dive thinking she would catch up. Myself and the other 2 divers spent most of the time under water being dragged around on a rope. We kept bumping into each other. Not at all worth the 380 dollars spent.
    Skrevet 12. mai 2024
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    Hola, Thank you for your feedback. We sincerely apologize for your disappointing experience, especially since it was meant to be a memorable dive for you and your girlfriend. Your concerns about the instruction and support provided during the dive are taken very seriously, as our goal is to ensure safety and enjoyment for all our guests. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention and will address these issues with our team to improve our services. We hope you’ll consider giving us another chance in the future to provide you with a much better experience. Warm regards,
    Skrevet 1. november 2024
    Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

    Jessica I
    1 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    apr. 2024 • Par
    This excursion exceeded expectations. We had dove before, but didn't have a certification, so we took this one as it did the class and a dive at once. After the dive, we had a lovely lunch beachside and had time for a cooking class, a few cocktails, and relaxing on the beach. The flamingos were beautiful. The open bar and the show on the return boat was a welcome treat.
    Skrevet 12. april 2024
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    Hola Jessica, Thank you for sharing your experience! We're delighted to hear that our excursion surpassed your expectations. It's fantastic that you found value in our combined class and dive package. We're delighted you enjoyed the beachside lunch and had a chance to unwind with a cooking class, cocktails, and beach relaxation afterward. The flamingos certainly add to the picturesque setting. We're glad you appreciated the open bar and the entertaining show on the return boat. We look forward to welcoming you back soon! Warm regards,
    Skrevet 13. april 2024
    Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

    paul c
    Apex, NC35 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    Awesome time. Great teaching. Saw sea turtles. Puffer fish. Tiger sea snake. Morey eel. Many more fish. Wrecks. 60ft. Beginners welcome
    Skrevet 22. august 2023
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    Madeline C
    Washington DC, DC4 bidrag
    3,0 av 5 bobler
    jul. 2023 • Par
    This was a fun day overall. We booked the beginner scuba through Vallarta Adventures.

    Scuba: This was okay. The instructor ran through the safety/overview information in about 2 minutes, then we geared up and got in the water immediately. They do a 30 second skills test in the water and you are off. There is no pool training or written test. This isn’t a true beginner’s course with significant instruction and the instructors rush you a bit even if you are struggling with getting used to the equipment/breathing. As a compete beginner to scuba I struggled and was unable to leave the surface as the instructors did not have enough time/patience to help me get used to the breathing to go under since we were on a schedule. You just scuba nearby the pier and the water was pretty murky so you can’t see much. A few fish, a giant rope, and a sea turtle were the only attractions. The group spent about 30 minutes in the water doing scuba at a maximum depth of 20 feet. The instructors were kind but I do wish there was more actual instruction so I could have participated more. My husband did fine as he had scubaed before but he wanted to come back up to the surface to be with me once he realized I couldn’t make it down and they wouldn’t let him. I understand this was for safety reasons but we were both disappointed we couldn’t be together.

    Las Caletas: Las Caletas itself was super fun and very cool. There were a lot of different activities, beach areas, and seating/lounging locations. We could have spent the entire day there. Drinks were free and the staff was very friendly. They fed us a decent buffet lunch. We had about an hour after we arrived before scuba started and then 20 minutes after scuba before lunch to hang out on the beach, etc.

    Logistics: We arrived to the Puerto Magico around 8, and boarding for Las Caletas started at 8:15am, We did stand in line in the sun for about 25 minutes before our boat arrived, boarded the boat around 8:40am, and departed shortly after that. We arrived at Las Caletas around 9:50/10:00am. Another group arrived around 1pm. Lunch was served at 1:30 and we boarded the boat to return to Puerto Magico at 2:15. We arrived back at the Port around 3:45. The boat ride was long but the staff try to make it fun. They take your picture while you are at Las Caletas and supposedly show it/sell it to you on the boat ride back but we never got the chance to view or purchase our photos which was disappointing.
    Skrevet 5. juli 2023
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    Alejandro C
    4 bidrag
    4,0 av 5 bobler
    okt. 2020 • Par
    estuvo muy padre, y a los 53 años y ver de una perspectiva el mundo maritimo buceando de principiante pero los videos y las fotografias salen el 80% de los demas y el fotografo metio la pata , creyo que hibamos en grupo; y aun asi cobro un ojo de la cara y solo salgo en unas cuantas fotos pero nimodo, ya ni hablar... si recomiendo la actividad solo aclaren al fotografo que van solo...
    Skrevet 1. november 2020
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    Hola Alejandro, Nos alegra muchísimo que te hayas animado a bucear por primera vez y que hayas elegido a Vallarta Adventures para hacerlo. Sentimos mucho que nuestro fotógrafo no haya estado enterado de que ibas solo, y definitivamente es un muy buen consejo el que estás dando a otros viajeros, de asegurarse de que su fotógrafo sepa si van solos o en grupo, y así poderse enfocar mejor en captar cada momento de la aventura. Esperamos que sigas buceando y que lo hagas con nosotros cuando estés en Puerto Vallarta o en Los Cabos.
    Skrevet 3. november 2020
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    Manhattan, KS31 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    okt. 2020 • Par
    We had a briefing to learn what to do while on the catamaran to the beach. We had 4 in our group, our guide and photographer. Both were helpful above and below water. We saw a variety of fish, round sting ray, jelly fish, and eel! The dive lasted about 45 minutes; they ease you into it.
    Once we were done diving, there was kayaking, paddle boarding, swimming, hammocks and chairs, a hike to 1 zip line and water slide.
    The lunch was amazing and drinks plentiful. I did not expect this great of a lunch buffet! There isn’t enough time to do everything, but we really enjoyed this beautiful beach.
    Skrevet 31. oktober 2020
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    Hi Dan, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience at Las Caletas! It sure is a beautiful dive site and enjoying all the amenities of the private beach afterward is a great way to finish out your experience with us. It was a pleasure having you and we look forward to your next visit!
    Skrevet 2. november 2020
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    Jenny W
    Liverpool, England, United Kingdom2 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    mar. 2020 • Alene
    This was an incredible trip! I was so nervous but the staff (Roger was my dive master) really reassured me and made sure I knew the safety skills before taking me further underwater. Also, Las Caletas was beautiful and the lunch we were provided with was exceptional!! Thank you for an amazing experience!
    Skrevet 3. mars 2020
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    Hello! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and telling us that our team was able to offer the best of themselves to make your experience unforgettable! We really appreciate you recommending us and hope to see you again soon!
    Skrevet 3. januar 2023
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    Ariah C
    1 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    My girlfriend was a little scared when she got into the water but the instructors were very patient with her and helped her feel safe and they paid close attention to her. We also enjoyed our time on the beach and the food was awesome, we had a great experience
    Skrevet 21. desember 2019
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    Michael B.
    Nebraska21 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    okt. 2019
    I've always wanted to learn how to scuba dive so while visiting the Hyatt Ziva in Puerto Vallarta, I signed up for the beginner scuba class and the Los Arcos scuba diving activity. Richi at the Hyatt Ziva did an excellent job with the beginner class. My Spanish is quite limited and rusty (my own fault) so thankfully Richi spoke fluent English. He guided me through the various hand signals, mask fog clearing and water expulsion exercises, tested each learning item with me in the pool to make sure I could perform the various tasks if I needed to, and I got to swim in the scuba gear around the pool to practice buoyancy underwater with the BCD, tank, regulator, and fins. The beginner class lasted an hour or so and concluded with a true/false quiz on what I had just learned. It was awesome and Richi was incredibly professional.

    Next, I departed the Hyatt Ziva for Hotel Barcelo to catch the boat with the PADI certified dive masters and head for Los Arcos. The boat was packed with people either already certified in open water, or going through their open water certification examination challenges with one of the instructors. I was the only beginner on the boat but everyone from Vallarta Adventures was incredibly friendly and encouraging. Hugo O. was my dive master for my excursion and Alissa was the camera operator. Both were extremely professional and friendly and patient with some of the beginner mistakes I made during the actual dive. Even though I brought my own underwater action camera, I chose to buy the video/photos Alissa took with the more professional quality underwater camera. Charly and Canario were the other dive masters on the boat and each was responsible for the other two groups. Oscar was the boat driver, and every one of them made sure I was OK throughout the entire excursion. I dove one time while the other two groups had two dives. It didn't matter to me waiting for the other divers either, the scenery around Los Arcos was absolutely breath taking!!!! While under water, I was able to see several different fish species, two types of star fish, a tiger snake eel (which was so awesome looking), a scorpion fish, and several other native fish species. I am so glad I did this and the next time I am in Puerto Vallarta, I plan on signing up again to go scuba diving with Vallarta Adventures.

    If you're on the fence about scuba diving, just go for it, and choose Vallarta Adventures. Everyone I spoke to on the way to and from the excursion told me that Vallarta Adventures is the best around and the most professional. I found this to be incredibly accurate. I did get sea sick a bit on the boat but the team did their best to help calm my stomach a bit with techniques they've had to use before and it worked. Overall this was such a great experience and now I have the photo and video evidence to share with my friends and family. I highly recommend going scuba diving with them!!!
    Skrevet 20. oktober 2019
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    Oppdag Scuba-opplevelse i Las Caletas, Puerto Vallarta levert av Vallarta Adventures

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