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Royal Observatory Greenwich inngangsbillett

Royal Observatory Greenwich inngangsbillett

Av Royal Observatory Greenwich
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  • Royal Observatory Greenwich
    3 719
    London, England
  • Hola1944
    0 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    Artig linje
    Fint område og gøy å sjå tidslinja. Fint å traske rundt i området. Eit gøy besøk. Stenger kl 16, så vær tidlig ute.
    Skrevet 14. januar 2019
  • Knutegutt
    0 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    Kjekk plass for store og små
    Royal Observatory Greenwich er en kjekk plass for store og små. Jeg vil anbefale å sjekke værvarslingen, da man må gå ett stykke fra buss / undergrunn / vei til selve observatoriet. Dessuten er det flotte uteområder som er hyggeligst i fint vær.
    Skrevet 2. oktober 2018
  • Runar L
    0 bidrag
    3,0 av 5 bobler
    På historisk grunn!
    Royal Observatory i Greenwich er en hyggelig utflukt å gjøre når man er i London. Fint å kombinere med en båttur fra Tower Pier til Greenwich pier som er en del av kollektivtilbudet i London. Observatoriet er helt greit, men morsomt å se nullmeridianen som alle tidssoner går ut i fra. Interessant å se utstillingen om historien bak det hele selv om museets bærer preg av å være litt slitt og gammelt. Planetaeriet er nytt, men koster ekstra for å se film. Men det er også en fin film om se gratis et annet sted på museumsområdet. Greenwich er uansett et fint sted å slappe av. Londons største grøntområde. Muligheter for å ta båten videre til Millennium Dome og ta Emirates Cable Car videre nordover!
    Skrevet 22. april 2018
  • Tore1970
    0 bidrag
    4,0 av 5 bobler
    Flott park og en fin tur
    For det første : vi var ikke inne på selve observatoriet. Ruslet fra Cutty Sark, opp gjennom markedet og byen, så inn i parken og opp til observatoriet. Anser meg selv som dårlig trent, og vi brukte ikke mer enn 3 minutter opp bakken som mange advarer mot - gikk veldig greit. Fin tur, og nydelig utsikt fra midten av bakken.
    Skrevet 20. juli 2016
  • Fanny F
    0 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    Exellent place
    Hvis du har tenåringer eller ekstremt nysgjerringe og kunnskapshungrige barn, er dette stedet for dere. I alle fall hvis dere allerede har vært på Science Museum i London først. Et besøk i planetariumet et obligatorsik, og plassen i seg selv er svært idyllisk. Mye å lære hvis man går rundt og ser på d ulike skiltene og infoskiltene. De har også en Cafè med god mat. Sett av minst 2-3 timer når dere skal hit.
    Skrevet 1. august 2015
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Nathan J
2 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
jan. 2025 • Par
MARY was an outstanding presenter on the paid 3pm tour! She was passionate, interesting, knowledge, and kept us engaged the whole time. Best tour I've been on!
Skrevet 15. januar 2025
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Hi NathanjS6154FU, Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review and such kind words about our tour guide Mary. We're very glad to hear you found Mary and the tour engaging and very interesting (we think so too and it's nice to hear it's not just us who think this about our tour guides!) We look forward to welcoming you back in the future
Skrevet 16. januar 2025
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

Lincoln, UK28 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
Excellent Tour by Paul. Well worth the tour fee of £5pp. We allowed 2 hours but that was not enough, need another 2 hours + to see it all. Will have to return.
Skrevet 12. januar 2025
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Hi 283kene, Thank you for taking the time to give us such kind feedback about our tour guide Paul! We're very glad to hear you enjoyed the tour and found the Observatory full of information and interesting history. We have passed your kind words over to Paul who is appreciative of your feedback. Thanks,
Skrevet 16. januar 2025
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

Francisco Couto Valente
Porto, Portugal95 bidrag
2,0 av 5 bobler
I went with an expectation, I stayed like this.... That's it. History. Objects. The most interesting things are the watches and the line of Greenwich (meridian), but it stays in it. It's worth saying I'm gone... but I'd never come back. Curious that it is expensive and still ask for donations. Lack of interaction.
Skrevet 1. januar 2025
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Hod Hasharon, Israel577 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
des. 2024 • Alene
What a great place. The historic connotation, the museum and the original great telescope, and of course the prime meridian - makes this place a very interesting destination. Coupled with the great view toward London it is a must visit site.
P.S. for an extra 5 BP one can take the very interesting and informative tour.
Skrevet 1. januar 2025
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Hi Pinir67, Thank you for taking the time to leave us such a kind review. We're very glad to hear that you had such a positive experience visiting the Royal Observatory. Our team work hard to engage with all visitors, and ensure they see all corners of the site, as you're correct; the rich history of the building, the architecture behind some our most beautiful rooms like the Octagon Room, the telescopes we have on display as well as the famous Prime Meridian Line. The views of London on our Balcony are unparalleled, especially on a bright day, so if you're visiting don't forget to pop out onto the Balcony for some fantastic photo opportunities! Our guided tours of the Observatory are still relatively new, we began running them in the Summer of 2024 and the tours are 45 minutes of a guided journey through the site with one of our guides who will tell you the story of the Observatory (as well as some fun historical side stories). Our guides work hard to pass on the history of the site, and it's continued importance today, and we challenge everyone on the tour to ask them as difficult a question as possible! (We have yet to have a question that our guides can't answer) We look forward to welcoming you back in the future.
Skrevet 13. januar 2025
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

Maryland5 144 bidrag
3,0 av 5 bobler
My first visit to the observatory was in 2009. At that time one just walked up the hill and into the buildings. Things sure have changed. Now, just to get to the prime meridian to take a photo, one must pay, I don’t mind paying a fee because old buildings require maintenance, but I felt that £20 per person was excessive.
Skrevet 13. desember 2024
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Hi There, Thank you for taking the time to leave a review and feedback in regards to your visit to the Royal Observatory. We're sorry to hear you felt the price of the ticket was not reflected accurately in the experience offered to you at the Observatory. We understand some visitors may be concerned with the price, and so our teams work hard to deliver a fantastic Visitor Experience to make everyone's visit worthwhile. Our Volunteer Team provide daily free talks, and often deliver several in one day. These talks can range from topics on the Time Ball, Meridian Line and Harrison Clocks. These talks engage with visitors and offer them knowledge and insights into the stories behind our collection on display. As well as this, our team aim to offer engagement activities such as Stories by the Fireplace (Seasonal) or demonstrating how instruments such as Camera Obscura's and Sextants work. We appreciate your feedback and will take all into consideration and hope you had an enjoyable experience whilst with us.
Skrevet 20. desember 2024
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

5,0 av 5 bobler
des. 2024 • Venner
My friend Laura and I were very happy with the visit. We would like to point out the courtesy, kindness and helpfulness of Francesco di Sassari who dedicated much of his time to us x elaborate the entrance ticket with the formula 2 for 1
Skrevet 6. desember 2024
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Ciao, Grazie per aver trovato il tempo di lasciare la tua recensione sulla tua visita al Royal Observatory. Siamo molto contenti di sapere che hai trascorso una piacevole visita ed in particolare di aver avuto una fantastica interazioni con un membro del nostro team! Abbiamo trasmesso le tue gentili parole a Francesco, che ha apprezzato molto il tuo feedback. Il nostro staff mira a offrire un'esperienza fantastica a tutti coloro che desiderano visitare i nostri siti, quindi è meraviglioso sapere che hai avuto un'ottima esperienza. Non vediamo l'ora di darti nuovamente il benvenuto in futuro!
Skrevet 10. desember 2024
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

Washington DC, DC9 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
We traveled by tour boat to Greenwich from London on a rare sunny November day. We were lucky to arrive just in time for the 1PM “red ball” drop from the top of the observatory and then an excellent tour led by one of the volunteers. We learned a semester’s worth about the discovery of how to measure longitude at sea, the establishment of the prime meridian and the brilliance of the 17th century scientists behind these discoveries. I highly recommend to anyone with an interest in history and science. Worth the trip.
Skrevet 11. november 2024
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Thank you for taking the time to leave us such a lovely review. We're very glad to hear you had a great trip to Greenwich and educational visit at the Observatory. Our volunteer team work hard to deliver daily free talks, and our Assistants deliver 45 minute guided tours twice a day (for prices and information please enquire at our admissions desks). On any day, you can expect to come away from the Observatory with a wealth of knowledge, so when you manage to catch such great Autumnal weather hopefully it makes the visit even better!
Skrevet 13. november 2024
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

Brad Z
2 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Familie
I definitely recommend taking the tour of the site. You’ll feel like a VIP seeing and learning about everything that has gone on here.
Skrevet 20. oktober 2024
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Hi bradz238, thanks for taking the time to leave us a review. We're very glad to hear you had a great experience on our new guided tour of the Royal Observatory. Our tour guides have worked hard to deliver 45-55 minute guided tours, twice a day. Please check at our admissions desks for availability and ticket prices on the day of visit. Our Volunteer team also deliver daily free talks for those interested in learning even more about the site! We look forward to welcoming you back in the future.
Skrevet 23. oktober 2024
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

Dave C
14 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
It was overall an excellent visit. I am a amateur clock maker and was fascinated bothered Harrison exhibition and the use of wood in his construction of wheels. The first exhibit in the timekeeping section contained an error in the description of quartz crystal operation. Both my wife and I are physics teachers and l hold amateur radio license G0KYR; we pointed out the error to a staff member. It in no way reduced our enjoyment however in any of the areas of the experience and would pass unnoticed by the general visitor. My wife uses a wheelchair and found access acceptable and we would certainly return with our grand children
Skrevet 20. oktober 2024
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Hi Dave C, thank you for leaving us such a positive review. We're very glad to hear you had a pleasant experience whilst visiting the Royal Observatory. Our staff love engaging with visitors so even noticing small errors in interpretations make for an excellent and engaging conversation, we're very happy that you were so intrigued by the collections to notice this and raise with us! Our interpretation team work hard to ensure information provided is correct and any improvements we can make we will do so. Due to the nature of the Royal Observatory and it's history, we understand and acknowledge the site can be difficult to navigate in terms of accessibility, compared to other historical sites nearby. Our team work hard to ensure they can assist with any access requirements once people reach us, so that they can enjoy their visit to the fullest. Thank you again for leaving us a review, we very much look forward to welcoming you back in the future.
Skrevet 15. november 2024
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

Storbritannia44 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
Greenwich Royal Observatory: Your Ultimate Travel Guide on Instagram-Worthy Adventures 📸✨
Hey, travel enthusiasts! 👋 Are you ready to step into the shoes of an astronomer and explore the historic Greenwich Royal Observatory? 🌌👑 This iconic destination is not just about stargazing; it's a treasure trove of history, science, and breathtaking views. Let's dive into the ultimate guide to make your visit to Greenwich Royal Observatory a slam dunk! 🏀💪
📍 Location & Getting There:
Nestled in the scenic Greenwich Park overlooking the Thames River, the observatory is easily accessible via public transport. Hop on the DLR to Cutty Sark for Maritime Greenwich station or take a Thames Clippers boat to Greenwich Pier. 🚇🛳️
🌌 Must-Dos at the Observatory:

Prime Meridian Line 🌐
Stand with one foot in the East and the other in the West as you cross the famous Prime Meridian Line. Don't forget to snap an Instagram-worthy pic of this unique experience! 📸👣

Astronomical Exhibits 🔭
Marvel at the collection of historical astronomical and nautical instruments, including John Harrison's H4 chronometer and the 28-inch refracting telescope from 1893. It's a trip through time and space! 🕰️🌌

Time Ball & Shepherd Gate Clock ⏰
Learn about the Time Ball, which was used to synchronize clocks on ships, and the Shepherd Gate Clock, one of the first public displays of Greenwich Mean Time. 🕰️🌍

Cutty Sark & National Maritime Museum 🛳️
Just a short walk away, visit the Cutty Sark, the world's oldest clipper ship, and the National Maritime Museum, which houses a fascinating collection of maritime artifacts. 🚢🏛️

Greenwich Park 🌳
Stroll through the lush greenery of Greenwich Park, where you'll find Queen's House, a beautiful Tudor-style building, and enjoy panoramic views of London. 🏞️👑

🎟️ Tickets & Prices:

Combined Ticket (includes Cutty Sark, Flamsteed House, and exhibitions):

Adults: £18.50
Children (5-15): £8.50
Concessions: £15.50

Royal Observatory Only:

Children: £5
Under 5s: Free

🕒 Opening Hours:

May to September: 10am - 5:30pm (last entry 16:30)
July & August: 10am - 6pm (last entry 17:30)
Closed: December 24-26

🍽️ Food & Drink:

Nearby Cafes & Bakeries: Enjoy a delicious treat at Gali's Bakery or Dark Sugars, just a short walk from the observatory. Perfect for a quick snack or a leisurely lunch. 🍰☕

🚶‍♂️ Tips for Your Visit:

Book Tickets Online: Avoid queues and save time by booking your tickets in advance on the observatory's website.
Plan Your Visit: Arrive early to make the most of your visit, especially if you want to catch a glimpse of the Time Ball dropping at 1pm.
Wear Comfortable Shoes: Greenwich Park and the observatory are best explored on foot, so wear comfortable shoes.

Remember, Greenwich Royal Observatory is more than just a tourist attraction; it's a living, breathing part of London's heritage. So, pack your camera, lace up your walking shoes, and let the stars guide you on an adventure through time and space! 🌌👟
🏷️ #GreenwichRoyalObservatory #LondonTravel #AstronomyAdventures

This post is your go-to guide for making your visit to Greenwich Royal Observatory a memorable one, filled with historical insights, breathtaking views, and Instagram-worthy moments. Happy exploring! 🛫🌍
By the way, share it with your family in English District! Recently I found out that there are 20% Railcards on Trainpal.
Code: RC777E
Skrevet 18. oktober 2024
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