Gladiators Arena & Colosseum Underground Tour
Gladiators Arena & Colosseum Underground Tour
Av Roma Experience Tours
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Fordyp deg i den antikke romerske historien på denne halvdagsvisningen på Colosseum. I stedet for en oversiktlig oversikt over de store landemerkene, hører du historier om gladiatorer som en gang kjempet på Colosseum, og til og med våger seg inn i sitt underjordiske kompleks, noe de fleste besøkende savner. Turen fortsetter med en informativ tur til Forumforumets ruiner, samt en tur til Palatine Hill, byens eldste hjørne.
Alder: 0–99 maks. 24 per gruppe
Varighet: 3 t 30 m
Starttidspunkt: Sjekk tilgjengelighet
Direkte veiledning: Engelsk
- Garantert adgang til Colosseum og Forum Romanum
- Oppdag begrenset tilgang, underjordiske områder av Colosseum
- Hopp over tilgang betyr at du ikke må kjempe mot folkemengdene
- Lær historiene og historien bak landemerkene fra guiden din
- Full tur fra en ekspertguide
- Liten gruppe tur på max 24
- Hodesett for grupper på 6 eller flere
- Inngang/adgang – Colosseum
- Inngang/adgang – Roma
- Inngang/adgang – Foro Romano
- Inngang/adgang – Palatine Hill
Det som ikke er inkludert- driks
- Hotell henting og retur
- Mat og Drikke
- Denne oppslukende turen til Romas viktige eldgamle nettsteder starter på det tidspunktet som ble valgt i kassen. Finn guiden din på et praktisk sted i Roma sentrum. Derfra kan du ta turen til Colosseum, et UNESCOs verdensarvsted og ikon for den eldgamle verden. På denne turen kan du hoppe over linjen og oppdage den på nært hold, mens guiden din deler historier om sin gladiator-fortid. Dernest har du tilgang til Colosseums underjordiske områder med begrenset tilgang, som er utenfor grensen for de fleste besøkende. Fortsett deretter til det nærliggende romerske forumet, hjem til et stort utvalg av gamle ruiner. Følger Via Sacra - en gang gammel Romas travleste gate - ser du blant andre Vestal Virgins House, Septimius Severus bue og Konstantinsbuen. Det siste stoppet på turen er Palatine Hill, den eldste delen av byen og, ifølge eldgamle myter, der Romulus og Remus bodde. Turen avsluttes med retur til Colosseum.
- Startpunkt:
- Largo Gaetana Agnesi, L.go Gaetana Agnesi, 00184 Roma RM, ItalyLargo Gaetana Agnesi, på METRO-skiltet - like utenfor det øvre nivået av Metro B metrostasjon "COLOSSEO". Veibeskrivelse: Det øverste nivået på Colosseum tunnelbanestasjon kan nås via trapper like innenfor avkjørselen til stasjonen / inngangen - Følg skiltet mot Largo Agnesi - Når du går ut av det øvre nivået, finner du "M" T-biltegnet til høyre .
Sluttpunkt:Denne aktiviteten avsluttes på møtestedet. - Ingen rullestoltilgang
- Nær offentlig transport
Hvis du har spørsmål om tilgjengelighet, hjelper vi deg gjerne. Ring nummeret nedenfor, og oppgi produktkode: 8305P9- Bekreftelse mottas ved bestillingstidspunktet
- NB: Du må ha gyldig bilde-ID for å komme inn i Colosseum (studentens ID, førerkort, pass eller stat ID alle arbeider.) Du vil bli bedt om å gi også navn, etternavn og fødselsdato (i begynnelsen av tur hvis det ikke er gitt på forhånd.) Sikkerhet kan forhindre deg i å komme inn på nettstedet dersom informasjonen som er oppgitt, ikke er nøyaktig og / eller ikke samsvarer med den på din ID.
- Barn må være ledsaget av en voksen
- Spedbarnspris gjelder med minst én voksen
- Colosseum og Forum Romanum er gamle steder og ikke rullestolvennlig. Vi oppfordrer de med mobilitetsproblemer til å bestille en privat tur, for å tillate guiden å tilpasse tempoet til deres spesifikke behov. Denne turen varer 4 timer og det går en god tur, inkludert noen trapper og oppoverbakkebaner.
- Barnevogner er tillatt, men ikke anbefalt, da trappene er bratte og bakken er ujevn; barn må være båret av en voksen eller være i stand til å gå for det meste av turen
- Det er ingen planlagt pause, men det vil være mulig å stoppe for toaletter langs stien, etter behov
- Mat er tillatt i det arkeologiske området
- Av sikkerhetshensyn skal alle besøkende og bagasjen bli vist; Alle gjenstander (inkludert mobiltelefoner) må settes i posen / ryggsekken eller i brettet for røntgenskjerming. Store ryggsekker, campingposer, store bagasjer og bagasje / vogner er ikke tillatt. mellomstore og små ryggsekker kan være skulder og må kontrolleres som enhver annen veske med metalldetektorer, åpnet og visuelt inspisert av sikkerhet
- Gruppestørrelse begrenset til 24 personer
- Colosseumadministrasjonen, som avhenger av departementet for kulturelle eiendeler og aktiviteter, har fakultetet til å lukke Colosseum, eller deler av det, med eller uten varsel, for hendelser, streiker, kraftig regn eller annen grunn. I så fall vil vi tilby en alternativ reiserute som det ser ut til å passe og tilby en delvis tilbakebetaling.
- Bruk komfortable sko; ta med lue og solkrem. Vær oppmerksom på at spray av noe slag ikke er tillatt i Colosseum.
- Ikke passende for reisende med hjerteproblemer eller andre seriøse medisinske problemer
- Reisende må være fysisk sterke og godt trent
- Denne opplevelsen krever godt vær. Hvis den avbestilles på grunn av dårlig vær, blir du tilbudt en annen dato eller full refusjon
- Denne turen/aktiviteten har maksimum 24 reisende
- For full refusjon avbestiller du minst 24 timer før startdatoen for opplevelsen.
- Hvis du har spørsmål om denne omvisningen eller trenger hjelp med å bestille, hjelper vi deg gjerne. Ring nummeret nedenfor, og oppgi produktkode: 8305P9
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Lignende opplevelser
- L.go Gaetana Agnesi, 00184 Roma RM, ItalyLargo Gaetana Agnesi, på METRO-skiltet - like utenfor det øvre nivået av Metro B metrostasjon "COLOSSEO". Veibeskrivelse: Det øverste nivået på Colosseum tunnelbanestasjon kan nås via trapper like innenfor avkjørselen til stasjonen / inngangen - Følg skiltet mot Largo Agnesi - Når du går ut av det øvre nivået, finner du "M" T-biltegnet til høyre .
- 1
- 2
- 3Passerer forbiArch of Constantine
- 4Passerer forbiSeptimius Severus ArchVia SacraTempio di VestaBasilica Aemilia
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26 anmeldelser
Svært bra
Angela O
Las Vegas, NV56 bidrag
okt. 2021
Elisa did an amazing job painting a picture of what the Colosseum was like during the games - both for the slaves/workers tending the underground areas, and what it was like for spectators. We learned so much from her about the Colosseum throughout history.
I absolutely recommend this tour to the intellectually curious or even those just looking for insight into what the Colosseum was really like!
I absolutely recommend this tour to the intellectually curious or even those just looking for insight into what the Colosseum was really like!
Skrevet 11. oktober 2021
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Cheryl S
Brisbane, Australia8 bidrag
This tour was good. Vincenzo our guide made the first part of the tour very interesting and he was very knowledgeable. He could answer any other the questions thrown at him without hesitation. With the 2nd part of the tour commenced with the second guide Maria I think was her name. She was informative and polite. The underground of the colleseum was okay but not as good as expected. Mostly working in this area so not real accessible. The first part of the tour was better one.
Skrevet 9. februar 2020
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Alison B
2 bidrag
okt. 2019
We spent a superb and fascinating morning in a group of just 5 people with Maria Libera as our tour guide. She was full of enthusiasm for the Roman ruins, the Roman lifestyle that they tell us about and the impact they have on life in modern Rome. She seemed very knowledgeable about every aspect of the ruins and she conveyed her enthusiasm for them to all of us. This included two 12 year old boys, who were enthralled by her words for the full 4 hours, no mean feat! Thank you Maria, we left with lots to think about in terms of the impact of ancient Rome on the modern world and many images of Ancient Roman life in our minds eye from the engineering to the politics, the lives of the common people, the slaves and gladiators and then to Caesar and his family!
Skrevet 3. november 2019
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Richard B
Florence, SC14 bidrag
Our guide Adrianna is an archeologist and kept us well informed about all the sites in the Colosseum, Palatine hill and Roman forum. The Colosseum portion went to the underground which was interesting and she explained a number of things about that. We also went up to the third level of the Colosseum which is not open to general visitors and has some good picture opportunities. We were able to stay in the area after the tour was officially over. Would do again.
Skrevet 27. oktober 2019
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Dear Richard B,
Sounds like you went home with not only good pictures, but also a good memory of your time spent in our beautiful city!
We are over the moon reading you kind words regarding Arianna and the multitude of services she provided alongside of her job as a guide = )
Our Colosseum Underground Tour truly provide a VIP experience being able to access limited access areas where the general public cannot go, like the Colosseum Arena and Underground.
Thank you very much for sharing your kind words with us, we would love to host you again upon return!
Skrevet 29. oktober 2019
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.
Philadelphia, PA79 bidrag
aug. 2019 • Par
My husband and I & our daughter and son in law booked this tour via the Roma Experience Tours website. We visited Rome the last week of August. The company was very responsive to my emails and the customer service was amazing. They gave detailed information on where to meet the group 15 minutes prior to our 9:30am start time. We met at the upper level metro entrance, which was right across from the Colosseum. Check in was easy and we all received a headset to hear our guide. We skipped right passed the lines and straight through security within minutes. Our guide Elisa, had a PhD and was amazing. She lead a group of about 12-15 with ease and answered all our questions. Elisa was so knowledgeable and led a wonderful, informative tour. Although, it was a hot summer morning late August, she made it possible to find shade at each stop along the way. We toured the underground area of the colosseum first. Only 25 people are permitted underground and must be accompanied by a authorized guide. We then toured the two tiers with amazing views. Elisa always left some time for photos and we then finished the tour in the Roman Forum. My family left half way through the forum tour, which had no reflection on our guide. She was amazing. We had a little too much sun for one day and decided to end the tour and resume in the evening due to the sun. Again, our guide was terrific. We are typically not tour group people and were hesitant on booking. We like to wander about on our own. However, with the amount of people visiting the colosseum, I think 3000 at the 9:30am hour, it’s totally worth skipping lines. We would highly recommend this company and Elisa!
Skrevet 3. september 2019
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Dear Tgreco1,
Thank you very much for your detailed review!
Great to hear that in addition to an amazing tour you have also found our customer service efficient/responsive and had no trouble finding our meetingpoint.
We do our best to provide instructions to our meetingpoint that are clear as can be but know it is difficult to find your way around in a strange city.
We hope we restored a bit of your confidence in booking guided tours but please do be advised that we also offer guided tours in a private setting (this way we can completely alter the tour to your liking!)
Skrevet 26. september 2019
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.
Quynh T
2 bidrag
aug. 2019 • Par
My husband and I went to Italy for our honeymoon and booked this tour. Overall we thought it was very informative and interesting. The special underground tour and the visit to Palestine Hill and forum were cool! We learned a lot about history and how the colosseum come to be. Our guide was very knowledgeable and helpful. Thank you for the awesome experience!
Skrevet 29. august 2019
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Dear Quynh T,
First of all congratulations! I truly hope we were able to add an unforgetable experience to this special journey.
Rome is an amazing destination for a honeymoon with so many special (and Romantic!) sights to discover in the land of world renown poets and artists!
Wonderfull to read you enjoyed our Colosseum Underground Tour, we hope (and if having tossed a coin into the Trevi Fountain) to see you return in the future to celebrate one of your many to come anniversaries!
Skrevet 25. september 2019
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.
Glenn B
34 bidrag
aug. 2019
My partner and I booked onto the 9:20pm Colosseum with underground tour, booked through 'get your guide'. We found the booking process and information on meeting, dress code etc very straight forward.
On the evening of the tour, we met our guide (15 minutes prior to the start of the tour) and were provided with headsets. This enabled us to clearly understand the tour guide no matter how busy and loud it became around us. The first part of the tour was a fascinating walking tour of Rome with a local guide. She passionately explained the different histories of Rome and how the various leaders had made their mark on the city. Both my partner and I enjoy walking so the waking aspect of the tour was no issue for us, however it was apparent that some members of the group found the walk more challenging, especially when climbing the steps.
The second part of the tour began at the Colosseum entrance where we were met by another guide. By this point in the evening, it was quite dark and this caused the Colosseum to be lit up only by the moon and a few lights. It was certainly quite a surreal experience to be inside the Colosseum with hardly any other members of the public at all (quite in contrast to the thousands that are crammed inside during the day) and to see how the underground system worked. As I previously mentioned, some members of the group found the walking and steps around the Colosseum difficult to manage so at times we were waiting around for them rather than discovering more- this is the only reason we gave the tour 4 stars instead of 5.
On the evening of the tour, we met our guide (15 minutes prior to the start of the tour) and were provided with headsets. This enabled us to clearly understand the tour guide no matter how busy and loud it became around us. The first part of the tour was a fascinating walking tour of Rome with a local guide. She passionately explained the different histories of Rome and how the various leaders had made their mark on the city. Both my partner and I enjoy walking so the waking aspect of the tour was no issue for us, however it was apparent that some members of the group found the walk more challenging, especially when climbing the steps.
The second part of the tour began at the Colosseum entrance where we were met by another guide. By this point in the evening, it was quite dark and this caused the Colosseum to be lit up only by the moon and a few lights. It was certainly quite a surreal experience to be inside the Colosseum with hardly any other members of the public at all (quite in contrast to the thousands that are crammed inside during the day) and to see how the underground system worked. As I previously mentioned, some members of the group found the walking and steps around the Colosseum difficult to manage so at times we were waiting around for them rather than discovering more- this is the only reason we gave the tour 4 stars instead of 5.
Skrevet 19. august 2019
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Dear GlennB,
Thank you very much for taking the time to write such a honest and detailed review.
We are glad to hear you found the booking process and information provided through GetYourGuide straight forward and located the meetingpoint for the tour with ease.
This tour combines a walk past Venice Square with the Capitol Hill (second hill on which the Roman started building) and passes over the Forum Imperialum constructed by Mussolini before entering into the Colosseum itself.
The walk upto the capitol hill does require a moderate level of fitness which can require a bit of time as we try to keep our group tour without age/fitness restrictions. We do however try to inform people about these things before participating and are sorry to hear you felt at times to tour was slowed down. People with limited mobility or in need of specialized assistance are strongly recommended to book a private tour as we can then adjust to tour to their abilities and preferences.
Entering the Colosseum at night without the day time crowds does really leave a lasting impression, which reading your review you experienced as well.
We are very thankful for your detailed feedback and will do our our best to put it to good use and improve our services on our own as well as partner sites.
Skrevet 25. september 2019
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.
Melissa Koger
1 bidrag
apr. 2019 • Familie
This is a must do experience for all. All on the trip enjoyed the tour (ages 10-70). Elisa used her knowledge as an archaeologist who has conducted digs at the coliseum and forum to bring these locations to life! Guests with mobility issues should use caution as there is often uneven ground and changes in elevation (I.e., stairs). I’m doubtful that there would be a better tour available!
Skrevet 26. april 2019
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Great to read Elisa was able to involve everyone in your family during the tour regardless of the different age categories.
She is one of our precious guides, and reviews like these make us even more proud to have her be part of the Roma Experience Family!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience.
Skrevet 28. juni 2019
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.
5 bidrag
apr. 2019 • Familie
Unfortunately I left it a little late when booking my Rome tours & this was the only tour company who had availability for the Colosseum underground tour on the dates we were in Rome. I definitely give Roma Experience 5* rating. Right from the moment I made the online booking their service has been outstanding. I received courtesy email reminders of our tour and due to a series of mishaps on our way there, we arrived at the meeting point later than we should have. As we arrived at the meeting point we received a call from the office to check on our whereabouts which I didn't expect & this was a very nice touch, they needn't have bothered to do this as I had already paid for the tour & had gone past the free cancellation deadline. Everyone was issued with a radio & unlike most tour companies, we were given an earpiece which sat over the ear rather than needing to be placed in the ear, this was much more comfortable. I can't remember the name of our guide, I think it was Valeria but I've probably got that completely wrong. She was very knowledgeable & had a (well used) book with pictures to help explain various elements of the Colosseum & how it would have looked. One area was reserved for the group & we had plenty of space to take pictures, ones that didn't include the back of other people's heads or mobile phones! After doing the underground section we went up to the higher parts & fortunately for me there is a lift for those with a genuine need. After the Colosseum we walked up Palatine Hill & whilst it is a bit of a trek I managed it without too much difficulty despite having mobility issues, ( I'm sure it is much tougher in the summer heat). The views from the top are spectacular & well worth the effort. We then proceeded down to the Roman Forum & whilst it was very busy we still managed to get good views & pictures & still be able to hear our tour guide. I expected the tour to be over once we left this area but we continued on down to the Trajan market area. Some people left the tour before the end & I do understand why, it is a very long tour & one which younger children may struggle to complete. My son & I thoroughly enjoyed the tour & I wouldn't hesitate to book a tour with Roma Experience if we're ever lucky enough to visit Italy again. Thank you so much.
Skrevet 22. april 2019
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a detailed and kindhearted review.
I am glad to hear you had an amazing time with Valeria (you remembered correctly), and found her to be knowledgeable and qualified for the job.
The small groups are set up in this manner to create a personalize experience, and this way for us it is also easier to follow up on the people that attend and assisting them to find our meeting point.
I really hope you will consider our company for future visits, and feel free to get in touch if in need of advise on which places to visit!
Skrevet 11. juli 2019
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.
Michele V
2 bidrag
jan. 2019 • Venner
I have been on many guided tours but this Gladiator's Arena and Colosseum Underground Tour with Ferdinando an Archeaologist that shares his hands on knowledge of the Colosseum, surrounding area and what he has actually discovered there was AWESOME, educational and well worth the money paid.
I highly recommend requesting FERDINANDO as your tour guide he will not disappoint you.
I highly recommend requesting FERDINANDO as your tour guide he will not disappoint you.
Skrevet 17. januar 2019
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Restricted areas of the Colosseum + a phenomenal guide, sounds like you had a great tour! We try to select the best of the best when it comes to our guides and are glad to hear Fernando was informative and shared his passion for the eternal city with you. We will pass on your kind words to him!
Skrevet 21. februar 2019
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.
In the 'Important Information' section it states The Colosseum Administration has the faculty to close the Colosseum and if this occurs, an alternative itinerary and partial refund will be offered. If you are not able to make it to an alternative date, perhaps due to timing and needing to leave Rome, will a full refund be offered? Thank you
Skrevet 28. juli 2019
I would assume that if the Colosseum was closed which resulted in your entry being denied they would be morally bound to provide you with a full refund if the alternative date offered did not fit in with your availability. I would confirm this with your tour provider or the Colosseum directly. Note: we are discussing a country which still predominantly believes in 2,000 year old fairy tales so don't expect an intellectual giant to respond to your query.
Skrevet 28. juli 2019
We will be in Rome February 24-27 and are interested in this tour, but the dates are marked off. Is there another way to book the tour? Thank you.
Skrevet 13. februar 2019
Hello cdziersk,
I would try to contact this group directly and request Ferdinando as your guide. Maybe they can work something out with him. Let me know if this works out. Good Luck.
Skrevet 13. februar 2019
I have a few questions. First, please verify the stops in the order visited. Second, in the colosseum, what areas are we allowed to visit, specifically? Third, if only the underground and arena, do you have any upgrades to visit higher floors? I believe the basic tour tickets provide going on some of the lower ones. Thanks
Skrevet 28. september 2018
Under Important Information, it states that the arena will be closed on June 8th. Does that mean the Gladiator's Arena and if so, will there be any substitution? Also, does that affect the underground part of the tour in any way?
Skrevet 25. mai 2018
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