Heldagstur fra Catania til Etna og Taormina
Heldagstur fra Catania til Etna og Taormina
Av Etna Tribe
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Italiensk kjøring kan være nervepirrende for nybegynnere, og Sicilias svingete fjellveier er alvorlig tøffe. La skyttelbussen ta belastningen på denne dør-til-dør guidede turen som pakker en hel haug av Sicilia på bare én dag: Etna-fjellet aktive vulkanen, den historiske feriebyen Taormina og en økologisk gård, komplett med smaksprøver.
Laveste pris garantertBestill nå og betal senereGratis avbestilling
Alder: 0–99 maks. 8 per gruppe
Varighet: 9 t
Starttidspunkt: Sjekk tilgjengelighet
Direkte veiledning: Tysk, Engelsk, Italiensk, Fransk, Spansk
- Oppdag den aktive vulkanen Mount Etna og den historiske byen Taormina
- Oppgrader for en taubane tur og kratertur med fjellguider
- Utforsk en naturlig lavakave, et gammelt gresk teater og et dyrelivsreservat
- Ta det enkelt med dør-til-dør transport fra Catania
- Pendelbuss (retur)
- Flerspråklig guide
- Kit for å besøke grotten
- prøvetaking
- Trekking sko (på forespørsel)
- SPEDbarnspris - Babysete og bæresele inkludert
- Inngang/adgang – Sicilia
Det som ikke er inkludert- taubane + 4x4 buss + alpinistguide til maksimalt tillatte høyder (betales på stedet) valgfritt
- Godkjent turistguide i Taormina (på forespørsel)
- Alt som ikke er spesifisert under "kostnaden inkluderer"
- Ekstra aktiviteter tilgjengelig på Etna, som firehjuling og sykkel, alternativ til fotturer.
- Guiden din henter deg fra Catania og kjører deg opp til Rifugio Sapienza, 6300 fot (1920 meter) høyt på skråningene av Etna. Her kan du velge å vandre i naturparken eller betale ekstra for å ta taubanen. Hvis du velger taubanen og en 4WD-minibuss, nå krateret: fjellguidene dine kan vise deg stedene der Etna er mest aktive. Etter å ha utforsket en lavahule, stopp ved en økologisk gård for å smake på honning, olivenolje, vin og andre typiske sicilianske produkter. Stopp ved et panoramapunkt for å beundre Isola Bella, et dyrereservat kjent som "perlen i Det joniske hav. Til slutt, oppdag vakre Taormina, med sitt antikke greske teater, et vell av middelalderske monumenter og eksklusive butikker. På slutten av dagen slipper bussen deg tilbake til hotellet, havnen eller tog- eller busstasjonen.
- Startpunkt:Flere hentesteder tilbys.Informasjon om hentested
- Hoteller, B & B, havner, buss- og togstasjoner i Catania
Henting ved hotellet tilbysVed betaling kan du velge fra listen over inkluderte hoteller.Sluttpunkt:Denne aktiviteten avsluttes på møtestedet. - Ingen rullestoltilgang
- Tilrettelagt for barnevogn
- Nær offentlig transport
- Seter for spedbarn tilgjengelig
Hvis du har spørsmål om tilgjengelighet, hjelper vi deg gjerne. Ring nummeret nedenfor, og oppgi produktkode: 19933P2- Bekreftelse mottas ved bestillingstidspunktet
- Kan drives av en flerspråklig guide
- Ikke passende for reisende med hjerteproblemer eller andre seriøse medisinske problemer
- De fleste reisende kan delta
- Denne opplevelsen krever godt vær. Hvis den avbestilles på grunn av dårlig vær, blir du tilbudt en annen dato eller full refusjon
- Denne turen/aktiviteten har maksimum 8 reisende
- For full refusjon avbestiller du minst 24 timer før startdatoen for opplevelsen.
- Hvordan kan jeg fortelle deg hvor du skal plukke meg opp?
- Vi tilbyr henting fra hotell i Catania, så gi oss beskjed om hvor du bor i boksen 'Spesielle krav' i delen Reiseinformasjon, under kassen. Eller du kan fortelle oss etter bestilling ved å besøke "Administrer min bestilling" og email oss der.Besvart juli 2019
Turoperatøren har gitt følgende svar på kundenes spørsmål.- Hvis du har spørsmål om denne omvisningen eller trenger hjelp med å bestille, hjelper vi deg gjerne. Ring nummeret nedenfor, og oppgi produktkode: 19933P2
kr 1 118,29
per voksen
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Lignende opplevelser
- Passerer forbiEtna Tribe
- 1
- 2
- 3Passerer forbiFunivia dell'Etna
- 4
- 5
- 6Passerer forbiPiazza IX AprileVilla Comunale di TaorminaAncient Theatre of TaorminaTorre dell'OrologioIsola BellaPalazzo Duchi di Santo StefanoPalazzo CorvajaPiazza DuomoChiesa Madonna della RoccaNaumachia - Antico Gymnasium romano
Om operatøren
Ikke ta det fra oss – her er hva andre har å si om denne operatøren:
- 492annikad0 bidragInnholdsrik dag som overgikk forventningene våreVi ble henter til avtalt tid på avtalt sted. Guiden vår, Simone, var ypperlig! Han hadde masse kunnskap om vulkanen og dens geologi og historie, og om Catania, andre byer og serverdigheter på Sicilia- og ikke minst- masse god humor! Vi ble positivt overrasket over opplevelsen vår. Den var godt organisert og vi følte oss trygge hele tiden. Både i lavahule og på ATV som vi valgte å kjøre da vi ankom Etna. Vi var heldige med været og utsikten var nydelig! Det store høydepunktet var kanskje vingården hvor servitøren fortalte historien bak hver vin og forklare lagring og smak på en profesjonell måte. I tillegg fikk vi smake masse god mat! Vi ble skikkelig mette og alt smakte fantastisk. I tillegg fikk vi smake 4 forskjellige lokale sprit varianter, og honning. Jeg shoppet en del på vingården og koser meg med produktene. En fantastisk dag som anbefales på det varmeste ❤️Skrevet 12. september 2024
- hannegekerhovd0 bidragPerfekt båturNydelig, avslappende tur med denne båten. Veldig hyggelig besetning. Vi fikk badet og snorklet. Mange fine fisker å se ser di stoppet. Anbefales på det sterkeste!Skrevet 13. juli 2024
- Linn S0 bidragFin tur til EtnaDet var en fin tur. Vi ble hentet til avtalt tid og guiden var hyggelig og snakket godt engelsk. Når vi kom opp til Etna, var det flere alternativer vi kunne velge for å komme nærmere he høyeste kraterene. Vi valgte taubane. Smaking på de lokale produktene på vei tilbake, var hyggelig og mye man kunne kjøpe!Skrevet 28. september 2022
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Milano, Italia62 bidrag
A truly exciting and rich experience, well above my expectations.
Certainly also thanks to our guide Simone who exudes passion for the craft and for his land in every word.
Etna beautiful. Even with a natural thermal shock compared to Catania, rental equipment is available to deal with the snow. Cable car and snowcat to get to the top, also feasible with children (I one of 4 years and one of 16 months), if well covered and well accustomed to this type of excursions.
Level tasting with the possibility to order local products and have them shipped comfortably to your home.
Finally trip to Taormina, a real pearl in the heart of Sicily. It is definitely worth a visit, then over the Christmas period it was even more special.
Tour to be booked with your eyes closed. Bellissimo. And congratulations again to Simone
Certainly also thanks to our guide Simone who exudes passion for the craft and for his land in every word.
Etna beautiful. Even with a natural thermal shock compared to Catania, rental equipment is available to deal with the snow. Cable car and snowcat to get to the top, also feasible with children (I one of 4 years and one of 16 months), if well covered and well accustomed to this type of excursions.
Level tasting with the possibility to order local products and have them shipped comfortably to your home.
Finally trip to Taormina, a real pearl in the heart of Sicily. It is definitely worth a visit, then over the Christmas period it was even more special.
Tour to be booked with your eyes closed. Bellissimo. And congratulations again to Simone
Skrevet 29. desember 2024
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13 bidrag
des. 2024 • Familie
Excellent experience. Daria, our guide, was fantastic in everything: as a driver, as a bilingual guide, a kind of "wikipedia" of Etna and Sicily. The tour starts from Catania, along the way the guide prepares the group for the experience by telling the story and characteristics of Etna. You arrive at the refuge and go trekking (easy but equipped with appropriate clothing and footwear) around the Silvestri craters and then move on to a small hut where you are guided in a series of tastings of local products. The guide gets back in the car and introduces to the next visit, a lava cave into which you enter equipped with helmets and batteries and go for a more than 200 meters: a suggestive experience and, once again, well told and accompanied. The second part of the day takes place in Taormina: the guide will leave you free for a couple of hours and then return to Catania. Very good Etnatribe, fantastic Daria, we will try other excursions as soon as we return to this part of Sicily.
Skrevet 29. desember 2024
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Prevost C
8 bidrag
des. 2024 • Par
Everything is perfect we pick you up at the place of your accommodation, and after all the visit to the top with a superb person who speaks French and is very nice and very good experience named Angelo
Skrevet 15. desember 2024
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Tessa S
6 bidrag
I solo traveled for the weekend and was looking to find a way to go to Etna and Taormina. Not only did this tour get me to these locations, but I felt like I got a truly personal experience out of going with this specific tour. Our tour guide, Eduardo, was fantastic. He was super knowledgeable and funny, and made the day incredible. The tour included everything from seeing lava tube cavas, a guided hike up Mt. Etna, a tasting of Sicilian food and wine, and free time in Taormina. To top it off, the tour provided pick-up from my hotel and was even able to drop me off at the airport at the end, free of charge. I cannot imagine how any other tour would even be comparable to the day I had.
I solo traveled for the weekend and was looking to find a way to go to Etna and Taormina. Not only did this tour get me to these locations, but I felt like I got a truly personal experience out of going with this specific tour. Our tour guide, Eduardo, was fantastic. He was super knowledgeable and funny, and made the day incredible. The tour included everything from seeing lava tube cavas, a guided hike up Mt. Etna, a tasting of Sicilian food and wine, and free time in Taormina. To top it off, the tour provided pick-up from my hotel and was even able to drop me off at the airport at the end, free of charge. I cannot imagine how any other tour would even be comparable to the day I had.
Skrevet 16. november 2024
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London, UK2 bidrag
nov. 2024 • Par
Our guide Alessandro was very informative and organised. It was a good, seamless experience, although I would live it if they budgeted for more time in Taormina and less time doing the tasting and cave exploration.
Skrevet 6. november 2024
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5 bidrag
nov. 2024 • Venner
A day trip with full of unforgettable experience! Etna is a must-see attraction in Sicily, while Taormina is a typical small Italian town with amazing vibes! Florence was our supernice guide, she was sharing really interesting insights during the trip.
She picked us up right in front of our accommodation in Catania and during the whole day, we were perfectly keeping the timing of the itinerary.
She picked us up right in front of our accommodation in Catania and during the whole day, we were perfectly keeping the timing of the itinerary.
Skrevet 5. november 2024
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Atlanta43 bidrag
nov. 2024 • Alene
One of my interests in visiting Sicily was to visit Mt. Etna close up. This tour provided the opportunity to see Mt. Etna with the bonus of going to Taormina. The day began with a prompt pickup at the designated location. I was greeted warmly by the tour guide and driver, Alessandro. After all passengers in our group of eight were on board, we were on our way.
Alessandro gave information on what to expect on the tour and decisions to make once we reached Etna. I was disappointed in not being able to hear since I was seated in the back of the van. A suggestion I have to the company is to discover a way that everyone can hear the guide when the van is moving over the streets. Maybe a portable microphone pack like walking tour guides use can help.
Once at Etna, we stopped to buy tickets for the gondola and bus ride up to the higher elevation of the mountain. This is one of the decisions you can make about how to spend your time at Etna. You can go up the mountain or remain at the level we entered and explore the lower elevation. There are activities there you can do such as mild hikes, snacks, picnic, rent four wheelers, and so on.
The gondola ride and bus connection was efficient and seamless. Once there, you trek a bit higher. I would advise sturdy soled shoes because at places, the volcanic soil is soft and you can slip. Also, a hiking stick can help you maintain your balance. The views were incredible. We took photos and once that was done, there seemed to be limited activity since our particular tour did not allow additional trekking.
Afterwards, we returned to the entry point and loaded in the van. We stopped for a tasting of local products which, to be honest, was something nice to do but not overly impressive. However, if you are looking for honey and olive oil you can taste and purchase there. Before heading to Taormina we stopped to see a volcanic cave. Entering the cave required wearing a helmet to protect your head from the low entry points. I enjoyed seeing the accumulation of lava over centuries of time and how they formed the cave structure.
Finally we made the lovely drive to Taormina. I wish we could have stopped to take photos at some of the scenic stops but most in the group were eager to get to our destination. We were dropped off at a convenient spot at the bottom of an mild incline in Taormina. After a short walk we were in the center of shopping and restaurants. The town was crowded, but lovely. In truth, you can spend several hours there to really experience the vibe. We had roughly two hours to explore. I spent my time eating gelato and browsing in and out of shops.
My overall assessment of the trip is very good, and I would recommend it with some adjustments to make it Perfect. Alessandro is extremely patient and kind natured. He dealt with tardy members of our group with grace. He listened to complaining members without becoming emotional or angry. Although I do not enjoy waiting on late people, sometimes when you travel in a group that happens and you have to plan on being flexible. Alessandro kept the mood positive. You can tell he cares to make sure each member has the best experience possible on his tour.
After the tour, he sent videos on Mt. Etna, to continue learning about this incredible volcano!
Alessandro gave information on what to expect on the tour and decisions to make once we reached Etna. I was disappointed in not being able to hear since I was seated in the back of the van. A suggestion I have to the company is to discover a way that everyone can hear the guide when the van is moving over the streets. Maybe a portable microphone pack like walking tour guides use can help.
Once at Etna, we stopped to buy tickets for the gondola and bus ride up to the higher elevation of the mountain. This is one of the decisions you can make about how to spend your time at Etna. You can go up the mountain or remain at the level we entered and explore the lower elevation. There are activities there you can do such as mild hikes, snacks, picnic, rent four wheelers, and so on.
The gondola ride and bus connection was efficient and seamless. Once there, you trek a bit higher. I would advise sturdy soled shoes because at places, the volcanic soil is soft and you can slip. Also, a hiking stick can help you maintain your balance. The views were incredible. We took photos and once that was done, there seemed to be limited activity since our particular tour did not allow additional trekking.
Afterwards, we returned to the entry point and loaded in the van. We stopped for a tasting of local products which, to be honest, was something nice to do but not overly impressive. However, if you are looking for honey and olive oil you can taste and purchase there. Before heading to Taormina we stopped to see a volcanic cave. Entering the cave required wearing a helmet to protect your head from the low entry points. I enjoyed seeing the accumulation of lava over centuries of time and how they formed the cave structure.
Finally we made the lovely drive to Taormina. I wish we could have stopped to take photos at some of the scenic stops but most in the group were eager to get to our destination. We were dropped off at a convenient spot at the bottom of an mild incline in Taormina. After a short walk we were in the center of shopping and restaurants. The town was crowded, but lovely. In truth, you can spend several hours there to really experience the vibe. We had roughly two hours to explore. I spent my time eating gelato and browsing in and out of shops.
My overall assessment of the trip is very good, and I would recommend it with some adjustments to make it Perfect. Alessandro is extremely patient and kind natured. He dealt with tardy members of our group with grace. He listened to complaining members without becoming emotional or angry. Although I do not enjoy waiting on late people, sometimes when you travel in a group that happens and you have to plan on being flexible. Alessandro kept the mood positive. You can tell he cares to make sure each member has the best experience possible on his tour.
After the tour, he sent videos on Mt. Etna, to continue learning about this incredible volcano!
Skrevet 3. november 2024
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Nord, Frankrike10 bidrag
We had a great day.
Thanks to our guide Angelo who translated everything into French who gave us a lot of explanations. This day was perfect I advise you. a day to discover the volcano and the city that is beautiful.
Thanks to our guide Angelo who translated everything into French who gave us a lot of explanations. This day was perfect I advise you. a day to discover the volcano and the city that is beautiful.
Skrevet 31. oktober 2024
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia2 bidrag
It was an unforgettable experience! We skipped the long lines, which made everything so much smoother and allowed us more time to enjoy the site. Our tour guide “Simone” was amazing – knowledgeable, engaging, and passionate about the history of the area. He brought the ancient stories to life, making the tour both informative and exciting. I highly recommend this tour to anyone wanting an in-depth look at one of catania’s most iconic landmarks without the hassle of waiting in line!
Skrevet 25. oktober 2024
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Liv P
Cannes, Frankrike5 bidrag
The ascent of Mount Etna was an unforgettable and absolutely magical experience. The time spent at 2900 m was a bit short for 78€ cable car and guide to pay extra. A lot of people. I also enjoyed visiting Taormina and the lava cave. A big thank you to Florence, our companion and guide, for her availability, kindness and great professionalism. The atmosphere with other travelers was also very friendly, and we were lucky enough to enjoy a great time. I highly recommend it.
Skrevet 25. oktober 2024
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
We are interested in this tour. We are not physically able to walk up and down rough terrain or hike for long distances. Is this tour still doable for us?
In Toarmina, we want to ensure we get to see the Roman Theater. How do we get to the theater from the drop off point?
Skrevet 10. september 2024
Hi, we would like to book for tomorrow but are staying just out of Catania. Can we be picked up from Mascalucia?
Skrevet 31. juli 2024
Wha type of footwear is needed? Hiking boots, sturdy shoes or are trainers enough?
Skrevet 6. mars 2024
There was everything on the hill. I was in a pair of good quality pair of sneakers and was fine! Of course, hiking boots would be the best but you can get away with sneakers easily.
Skrevet 7. mars 2024
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