Turer i Ronda
Sykling - Via Verde de la Sierra - 36km - Lett nivå

Sykling - Via Verde de la Sierra - 36km - Lett nivå

Av Hike + Bike The Sierras
Anbefalt av 96 % av reisende
96 % av anmelderne ga dette produktet en boblevurdering på fire bobler eller høyere.
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Alder: 3–75 maks. 8 per gruppe
Varighet: 5 t
Starttidspunkt: Sjekk tilgjengelighet
Direkte veiledning: Engelsk

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  • Transport fra Ronda og retur

  • Estacíon de Ronda Adif, Av. Victoria, 31, 29400 Ronda, Málaga, Spain
    Det er gratis gateparkering i området ved stasjonen, eller du kan bruke betalingsparkering ved stasjonsparkeringen. Fra Ronda kjører vi til Olvera (45 minutters kjøring).
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    kr 1 616,87
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    • Hike + Bike The Sierras
      Ble medlem i februar 2013
    • BerntA
      0 bidrag
      5,0 av 5 bobler
      Flott tur på Via Verde fra Olvera
      Vi, besteforeldre og barnebarn på 16, hadde en flott tur på den gamle jernbanestrekningen (der det visstnok aldri ble lagt skinner, for byggingen ble avbrutt av borgerkrig og dårlige tider). Enkel sykling bortover og nedover i ca 37 km, med kafestopp etter ca 22km. Et utrolig flott terreng! Arrangøren var lett å kommunisere med via hjemmeside og epost, og alt, absolutt alt, fungerte utmerket: Informasjon om fremmøtested, betaling, punktlig fremmøte, ok sykler og briefing og da vi kom frem sto bilen og ventet på oss og tok oss tilbake til Ronda. Anbefales!
      Skrevet 29. mars 2016
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    5,0 av 5 bobler25 anmeldelser
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    5,0 av 5 bobler
    okt. 2024 • Familie
    The day started out problematically because there was an epic rainstorm. Heather adjusted her plans and picked us up at our hotel. Because of the rain, she gave us options to how we would like to proceed. We decided that once we got wet, we would be soaked and it wouldn’t matter anymore. So glad we chose this option! The Via Verde was scenic, fun, and the added rain etc made it more exciting! On the way to and from our ride, Heather was able to give us a lot of interesting information about the area and the history. She is very personable and we shared a lot of laughs. Highly recommend this company! Oh, btw- the bikes and helmet were in great condition!
    Skrevet 14. oktober 2024
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    Wendy R
    7 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    Beautiful scenery. We saw vultures flying. Easy bike ride. Very peaceful. Heather drove us to the start and collected us at the end. The bikes were well maintained and the lights were useful in the tunnels.
    Skrevet 14. september 2024
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    Nic B
    16 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    Due to the weather Wayne contacted us to delay the ride by 1 hour, which worked well as we missed the rain. The ride was easy and it was great to be out in the countryside away from the crowds. The Via el Verde was picturesque with views of the countryside. The bikes were well equipped and the bike lights helped with the longer tunnels.
    Skrevet 6. mai 2024
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    Thomas T
    1 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    mar. 2024 • Par
    Fabulous cycle with brilliant views. It was great to cycle along the Via Verde and not have to worry about vehicles. It was fun to cycle over all the bridges and through the tunnels along the route! It was particularly helpful that the hire bikes had lights fitted for going through the longer tunnels. The hire bikes were first class - brakes and gears all worked perfectly as they should and Wayne was very helpful with the set up. He even provided us with panniers for my backpack which was welcome in the heat! Overall excellent service from Heather and Wayne from booking to end of trip.
    Skrevet 18. mars 2024
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    Nancy p
    2 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    nov. 2023 • Venner
    Great cycle through the picturesque rural landscape and tunnels. Much appreciated the great service from Heather, Wayne and Lee.
    Skrevet 21. november 2023
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    Kronberg im Taunus, Tyskland24 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    nov. 2023 • Par
    Great bike tour with breathtaking views, mostly downhill, great restaurant at the end, very safe and well-maintained bikes, overwhelming service (to and from the hotel) and nice company from Wayne.
    Skrevet 20. november 2023
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    Scott D
    4 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    okt. 2023 • Par
    This is worth doing - views were awesome and the ride was easy and pleasant. Lee was great as well, 5 stars for all the communication and logistics.
    Skrevet 28. oktober 2023
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    Far North Coast, NSW419 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    apr. 2023
    We took the tour as a small group mostly aged 60+ (and none of us are “everyday riders”), but we found it very enjoyable and comfortably achievable to meet our informative guide and the designated meeting point in the given time (3.5hrs).
    Lee explained everything we needed to know about the route and the bikes. Pickup was punctual and the bikes /helmets were in excellent condition.
    The many tunnels could be a challenge until your eyes adjust, but the automatic lighting helped. The tunnels were exciting!
    The scenery was wonderful, just as we imagined. (Would love to have had a chance for a photo of the pretty white village we passed just before the ride started.)
    Toilet stop and cafe open at roughly halfway point.
    It is definitely mostly downhill (gently), with only one sharp and short rise at the end, (which was explained to us by Lee).
    NOTE: 5ft1” rider was provided with a perfectly suitable bike.
    We can recommend Via Verde de La Sierra with Lee and Heather.
    Skrevet 17. mai 2023
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    Fort Myers, FL60 bidrag
    2,0 av 5 bobler
    apr. 2023
    We had a group of 6 with one senior under 5'3" and another under 5'2" and the tour operator was only able to provide one bike sufficiently small enough for them to ride safely. This meant one member of our group had to sit out the activity with the guide at the end of the trail. No replacement bike was available and no refund or apology were offered.

    The path itself is unpaved, littered with potholes and stones protruding out of the ground. This is especially dangerous in the numerous unlit and partially lit tunnels where it is impossible to see the trail obstacles. Avoiding oncoming cyclists means going towards the edges where the path dissolves into treacherous gutters. One member nearly wiped out this way. It could have been avoided had the bikes been equipped with lights like the other cyclists on the trail had.

    Most importantly, the description given says the riding is easy and mostly downhill, which is simply not true. I was stunned that a trail with multiple uphill sections so high I had to get off and walk the bike was listed as easy. I only counted about 3 substantial downhills lasting several seconds out of a 3.5 hour ride. It was all my group could talk about for days as we continued to experience pain from the seats over a week later. Despite their padded covers, they were very hard. I even had cramping and bleeding due to the roughness of the ride, a first for me despite having done cycling tours before in Paris, Munich, and Turku.

    All of us noticed that the other cyclists on the trail were wearing technical gear and were not wearing jeans like us tourists, another indicator of who this trail is actually for. We had spoken with a different bike rental place at the beginning to see if they could get us a smaller bike - they couldn't as they did not do one way rides, and our tour guide was understandably not going to assist with that either. I spoke with another guide who was not from Hike + Bike the Sierras as we set off, and now I know why he sounded so surprised we were going to attempt the full 36 km/22 miles. He kindly provided us with a paper map marking waypoints, bathrooms, road crossings, and restaurant locations since our own guide did not.

    This tour operator also has some issues with the TripAdvisor form as none of the information I sent about group heights or hotel pickup made it through. Heather did get it cleared up though, and I appreciated her letting us know when they were running late. Hopefully they will change their form to ask for age instead of the entirely unnecessary birthdate. Several members of our group balked at giving out such personally identifiable information for a simple bike tour.

    The good:

    The scenery is worth 5 stars, as the trail is in a beautiful country area with wildflowers, farms, and spectacular views of the mountains. Even the 45 minute drives from Ronda to Olvera (the trail starting point) and Puerto Serrano (the ending point) back to Ronda were scenic and enjoyable. FYI the van does not have air conditioning despite what the listing says, so you will be uncomfortable temperature wise.

    The entire trail is supposed to take 3.5 hours but it took us 3 hours to get to the halfway point where there was cell service. We realized there was no way we were going to make it to the end of the trail so I called our guide Lee to request a closer pickup about a half hour away. Lee mercifully was able to do this and delivered us back to our hotel in Ronda, partially making up for his previous snarkiness.

    Overall, if you are used to cycling uphill on a daily basis you will love this ride. But if you are from a flat area like us Floridians, forget this tour and do a hike in Ronda instead. Your bottom will thank you for it.
    Skrevet 1. mai 2023
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    We appreciate you taking the time to make a review for our day tour to the Via Verde de la Sierra. We are sorry to hear you did not enjoy the experience. After running this tour for over 10 years for customers ranging from the age of 10 through to adults in their seventies and also parents carrying younger children in child seats, we believe this tour is an easy ride suitable for all abilities. Admittedly there is a short hill near the end, some people have walked up it, we prepare everyone for it when setting up at the beggining of the ride. I would say nobody has had a problem with it. My understanding from Lee (your guide) was that the lady who struggled with her bike was in fact very nervous, had not ridden for over 30 years and found it difficult to ride at all. Despite Lee spending over an hour trying to help the lady get some confidence, it was decided she would stay with Lee and not ride, it would of been unsafe for her to embark on a 36km ride. The bike was the correct size. We allow 3-4 hours for this tour, the timings work very well and, it is very rare for anyone to go over this time allowance. Because your ride time was extending beyong the normal 3-4 hours Lee arranged to pick you up along the route because you were finding it very difficult and you had taken a long break at a cafe part way along the route. Regarding bike comfort we do provide gel covers as you mentioned and yes people get saddle sore due to not riding regularly, the trail is generally unsurfaced but by no means stoney as you have described. Some riders, particulary locals, do wear lycra cycling clothes, others wear their normal clothes, it all depends what you have brought with you on your holiday I guess. Before the ride all our customers are shown a map of the route and we highlight points of interest and give advice on what to expect along the way. When booking we request customers ages because this helps us with bike sizing for children. TripAdvisors system only allows us to ask for Dates of Birth to get this information, unfortunatly this is something we cannot change.
    Skrevet 31. mai 2023
    Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

    Debbie S
    4 bidrag
    5,0 av 5 bobler
    Beautiful countryside and interesting ride through many tunnels. Lee was very helpful and the bikes where well cared for and easy to ride. Would definitely recommend it. By the way. It’s mostly down hill.
    Skrevet 22. april 2023
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    Sykling - Via Verde de la Sierra - 36km - Lett nivå levert av Hike + Bike The Sierras

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