Sapa Hard Trekking med buss i 2 dager
Sapa Hard Trekking med buss i 2 dager
Av Wati Travel
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Laveste pris garantertGratis avbestilling
Alder: 0–60 maks. 20 per gruppe
Varighet: 2 dager
Starttidspunkt: Sjekk tilgjengelighet
Direkte veiledning: Engelsk
- 1-overnatting på homestay
- Alle skatter, avgifter og håndteringskostnader
- Måltid i henhold til reiserute (B = frokost, L = lunsj, D = middag)
- Lokal engelsktalende guide
- Hotel pickup (kun i det gamle kvartalet)
- Rundturstransport med luftkondisjonerte buss
- Frokost
- Lunsj
- Middag
- Vann på flaske
Det som ikke er inkludert- drikkevarer
- Tips
- Hotel drop-off
- Alt unmentioned fra programmet
- Eventuell transport under trekking
- Startpunkt:
- Hanoi, Hanoi
Informasjon om hentested- Navn på sted Hanoi Old Quarter. Hvis hotellet ligger utenfor gamlebyen, vil det være et møtepunkt i Old Quarter. Retursted En busstasjon i Hanoi
Sluttpunkt:Denne aktiviteten avsluttes på møtestedet. - Ingen rullestoltilgang
- Nær offentlig transport
- Spedbarn må sitte på fanget
Hvis du har spørsmål om tilgjengelighet, hjelper vi deg gjerne. Ring nummeret nedenfor, og oppgi produktkode: 52161P15- Bekreftelse mottas ved bestillingstidspunktet
- Barn må være ledsaget av en voksen
- Minimumsalder er 14 år
- Vennligst informer om eventuelle spesielle kostbehov ved bestilling
- Minst 02 personer per booking kreves
- Sporty klær, gode walking sko, lue, solbriller anbefales
- De fleste reisende kan delta
- Denne turen/aktiviteten har maksimum 20 reisende
- For full refusjon avbestiller du minst 24 timer før startdatoen for opplevelsen.
- Hvis du har spørsmål om denne omvisningen eller trenger hjelp med å bestille, hjelper vi deg gjerne. Ring nummeret nedenfor, og oppgi produktkode: 52161P15
kr 1 133,87
per voksen
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- JOS14150 bidragFin tur, men elendig bussturBle hentet kl. 08:20, og var da den siste som ble hentet. Bussen var full, så jeg måtte sette meg bakerst, hvor jeg hadde under 30 cm. benplass. Når bussen begynte å kjøre oppdaget jeg raskt at denne plassen var helt forferdelig. I hver dump spratt jeg opp, og det stakk i ryggen. Resten av bussen så ikke ut til å merke disse dumpene. Hadde jeg vist dette når jeg kom inn i bussen, hadde jeg snudd og avlyst turen. Mitt råd til turoperatøren er å enten skifte ut denne type busser, eller sette de yngre bak, som hadde syntes dette var morro. Jeg følte meg helt ødelagt i bena etter denne turen, jeg vil påstå at å kjøre en gammel militærjeep hadde vært bedre. Nok klaging🙏 Husn (Guiden) var fantastisk, morsom, informativ og hadde veldig godt humør. Jeg har vel aldri sett en guide som smiler så mye som hun gjorde, og det var et pent smil😊 Tempel turen var litt stressende på tid, men jeg fikk med meg det meste😊 Båt turen gjennom kalksteinsgrottene var fantastisk Turen anbefales, men sitt ikke bakerst i busse😬 Stjernene jeg gir her, er ikke bussturen medberegnetSkrevet 2. august 2019
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3 anmeldelser
Svært bra
107 bidrag
We had a few tweaks to the standard trip, as we went on the overnight sleeper train from Hanoi to Lao Cai (and from there the onward bus transfer to Sapa). The "deluxe" ticket option offered a 4 person compartment that wasn't overly deluxe, but which was adequate. Small beds for western sizes - with our two teens on the overhead bunks, and us just managing to stretch our legs out in the bunks below.
We woke up at 6am in Lao Cai to torrential rain - not a good sign for a trek. We hastily bought ponchos from the local sellers for d10k each and were taken by bus to Sapa, to "The Sheraton Hotel" (we're guessing no relation to the upmarket US chain!). There you got a very basic breakfast and a chance to change clothes and pack your bags for the trek, amidst many other trekkers. You can leave non-essentials in their storeroom, but we recommend not leaving any valuables as its a constant thoroughfare of bodies.
In terms of trekking gear, make sure you bring plenty of plastic bags for inside your rucksack to keep your clothes dry. You can hire wellies for d200k per day which are a decent option for footwear, and I went with Merrell hiking sandals (less of a strong recommendation). Hiking boots would be good, as would hiking-style (waterproof) trainers. Avoid normal trainers or flip flops as they will get wrecked and you'll definitely struggle. Hardcore European goretex raincoats aren't necessary, but we realised there are differences in the plastic ponchos on sale locally. Avoid the coloured plastic ones, and stick with the clear plastic ones - bigger and stronger (not prone to splitting on their first use) at about d15k with a bit of bartering. Plenty of mosquito spray (deet if you can) is the final strong recommendation. Optional are the long trekking trousers which I found also helped with the mozzies.
We started our trek with a local guide and a group of 4 Spanish tourists, so 9 in total, and were soon joined by a mass group of local villagers with mysterious cane baskets on their backs. The villagers proved helpful in navigating some of the trickier parts of the trek, and were happy to give you a hand on ascents and decents on the slippy parts of the trail. The scenery, once some of the rain had slackened off, and the mist lifted, was amazing. It was all you imagine of far eastern mountain vistas - terraced rice fields with little houses dotted around, and majestic mountains soaring into the clouds. The camera doesn't do it justice - but check out our pics where we tried our best. We agreed that the views at one of the cafe stops along the way were the best we've seen in 30 odd years of travelling the World.
Lunch was at a local village, and was basic but quite nice. The main hazard is the local people badgering you to buy "handicrafts", which we understand amecdotally may be mass produced in China. We instead gave out small denomination notes to the villager kids rather than buy their bracelets for d10k each. The mysterious wicker baskets carried by the villagers turned out to provide an almost limitless supply of such bounty, and again we found the tactic of distributing smallish amounts of cash was preferable to buying stuff you'd rather swerve.
The afternoon's trek offered more fantastic picture opportunities, and we eventually arrived at our homestay around 3pm. Our expectations were low, so we were pleasantly surprised at the standard. It was well worth getting a private bathroom so you can at least make an attempt at removing the mud, and we enjoyed a great view over the local rice fields. The homestay family was super-friendly, and we loved making (+eating) the crispy spring rolls, even if it meant less room for the excellent evening meal. Our 15 year old said it was one of the best meals he'd had in Vietnam.
The next morning saw us up at 830 for breakfast of Ban Mi and coffee, and we started our trek at 915. Another physically challenging morning, fortunately without the rain. More waterfalls, cascading rivers, and a walk directly through the rice fields. You see all sorts of wildlife - mostly chickens, but also water buffalo and of course cats + dogs. The most difficult part of the trek was the "bamboo forest" section, which required 100% concentration, and in my case becoming an expert with one of the local's walking staffs. The mud oozed and our feet squelched our way for a good hour. The waterfall at the end was an appropriate reward.
You then get lunch and are taken back to the Sheraton by around 1.30 in time to make your transfer back to Hanoi (3.30 in our case by sleeper bus - recommended over the standard bus and a good option to see the return scenery in daylight). The timings gives you a chance to enjoy a much needed massage at one of the many spas in Sapa town, which otherwise doesnt warrant that much of your time.
We've been on a lot of trips in our 3 weeks in Vietnam, and so far this was the top of the "must-do" list. Even with some/ plenty of rain, and a lot of tourists along the routes, the scenery around Sapa is just stunning - 10/10. The fact the homestay was welcoming & fun, the tour well-organised , and the rest of our party were great company was the icing on the cake. Book it!
We woke up at 6am in Lao Cai to torrential rain - not a good sign for a trek. We hastily bought ponchos from the local sellers for d10k each and were taken by bus to Sapa, to "The Sheraton Hotel" (we're guessing no relation to the upmarket US chain!). There you got a very basic breakfast and a chance to change clothes and pack your bags for the trek, amidst many other trekkers. You can leave non-essentials in their storeroom, but we recommend not leaving any valuables as its a constant thoroughfare of bodies.
In terms of trekking gear, make sure you bring plenty of plastic bags for inside your rucksack to keep your clothes dry. You can hire wellies for d200k per day which are a decent option for footwear, and I went with Merrell hiking sandals (less of a strong recommendation). Hiking boots would be good, as would hiking-style (waterproof) trainers. Avoid normal trainers or flip flops as they will get wrecked and you'll definitely struggle. Hardcore European goretex raincoats aren't necessary, but we realised there are differences in the plastic ponchos on sale locally. Avoid the coloured plastic ones, and stick with the clear plastic ones - bigger and stronger (not prone to splitting on their first use) at about d15k with a bit of bartering. Plenty of mosquito spray (deet if you can) is the final strong recommendation. Optional are the long trekking trousers which I found also helped with the mozzies.
We started our trek with a local guide and a group of 4 Spanish tourists, so 9 in total, and were soon joined by a mass group of local villagers with mysterious cane baskets on their backs. The villagers proved helpful in navigating some of the trickier parts of the trek, and were happy to give you a hand on ascents and decents on the slippy parts of the trail. The scenery, once some of the rain had slackened off, and the mist lifted, was amazing. It was all you imagine of far eastern mountain vistas - terraced rice fields with little houses dotted around, and majestic mountains soaring into the clouds. The camera doesn't do it justice - but check out our pics where we tried our best. We agreed that the views at one of the cafe stops along the way were the best we've seen in 30 odd years of travelling the World.
Lunch was at a local village, and was basic but quite nice. The main hazard is the local people badgering you to buy "handicrafts", which we understand amecdotally may be mass produced in China. We instead gave out small denomination notes to the villager kids rather than buy their bracelets for d10k each. The mysterious wicker baskets carried by the villagers turned out to provide an almost limitless supply of such bounty, and again we found the tactic of distributing smallish amounts of cash was preferable to buying stuff you'd rather swerve.
The afternoon's trek offered more fantastic picture opportunities, and we eventually arrived at our homestay around 3pm. Our expectations were low, so we were pleasantly surprised at the standard. It was well worth getting a private bathroom so you can at least make an attempt at removing the mud, and we enjoyed a great view over the local rice fields. The homestay family was super-friendly, and we loved making (+eating) the crispy spring rolls, even if it meant less room for the excellent evening meal. Our 15 year old said it was one of the best meals he'd had in Vietnam.
The next morning saw us up at 830 for breakfast of Ban Mi and coffee, and we started our trek at 915. Another physically challenging morning, fortunately without the rain. More waterfalls, cascading rivers, and a walk directly through the rice fields. You see all sorts of wildlife - mostly chickens, but also water buffalo and of course cats + dogs. The most difficult part of the trek was the "bamboo forest" section, which required 100% concentration, and in my case becoming an expert with one of the local's walking staffs. The mud oozed and our feet squelched our way for a good hour. The waterfall at the end was an appropriate reward.
You then get lunch and are taken back to the Sheraton by around 1.30 in time to make your transfer back to Hanoi (3.30 in our case by sleeper bus - recommended over the standard bus and a good option to see the return scenery in daylight). The timings gives you a chance to enjoy a much needed massage at one of the many spas in Sapa town, which otherwise doesnt warrant that much of your time.
We've been on a lot of trips in our 3 weeks in Vietnam, and so far this was the top of the "must-do" list. Even with some/ plenty of rain, and a lot of tourists along the routes, the scenery around Sapa is just stunning - 10/10. The fact the homestay was welcoming & fun, the tour well-organised , and the rest of our party were great company was the icing on the cake. Book it!
Skrevet 14. august 2024
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Gary Karthik
Singapore, Singapore29 bidrag
We are a group 5 from Singapore, Philippines and Sabah.We booked 2D1N Fansipan Hike thru Klook and Wati Travel handle most of the land coordinating as local operators. Hats off to Kathy Vu for extreme professionalism in ensuring we get what is required.The mountain guides are amazing,lead by Sing and 2 other boys are very helpful and yet they speak English( at least can communicate 😉).
Will definitely recommend them.
Will definitely recommend them.
Skrevet 22. mai 2023
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Michael S
Spring Lake, NC58 bidrag
The trek was awesome!!! There was a small hicuup at the beginning but the LiL Charm staff facilitated my transport to the bus. The bus ride sucked but was fun at the same time. lol The hotel was clean the staff attentive. My tour guide for the 1st Day and Days 2-3 were very knowledgeable, friendly, and engaging. Yes you have to deal with locals trying to sell you stuff so bring some DON. I would advise bringing good climbing shoes, sandals, and trainers. I wore the same Jean's for 2 days before having to switch to my cargo pants.
Skrevet 20. desember 2018
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
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