Vestbredden tur fra Jerusalem
Vestbredden tur fra Jerusalem
Av Abraham Tours
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Utforsk Vestbredden, Ramallah og Betlehem på en dagstur fra Jerusalem som går utover turiststeder for et glimt av det palestinske livet. Å besøke Vestbredden på en guidet tur betyr at du vil se og forstå mer enn du ville på egenhånd, med all transport og en lunsj med palestinsk mat inkludert.
Laveste pris garantertBestill nå og betal senereGratis avbestilling
Alder: 0–99 maks. 34 per gruppe
Varighet: 10 t
Starttidspunkt: Sjekk tilgjengelighet
Direkte veiledning: Engelsk
- På en Jerusalem-tur lærer du om livet på Vestbredden
- Inkluderer lunsj i palestinsk stil i en restaurant i Betlehem
- Reise med klimakontrollert kjøretøy for å holde kjølig og komfortabel
- Se sider av bibelsk og historisk betydning
- Transport med aircondition minivan
- Lokal guide
- Lunsj
Det som ikke er inkludert- Tips
- Mat og drikke, med mindre det er spesifisert
- På en sentral beliggenhet i Jerusalem, styrer du en klimastyrt minivan for turen til Vestbredden. Ved ankomst i det palestinske samfunnet Ramallah, gå gjennom byen for å se graven til Yasser Arafat, som en gang leder den palestinske befrielsesorganisasjonen. Du besøker de gamle ruinene i Jeriko, en av verdens eldste byer, og deretter pause ved Qasr al-Yahud, Jordan-elven, der Jesus antas å ha blitt døpt. Deretter går du til Betlehem for en palestinsk lunsj i en lokal restaurant. Du vil også besøke Kirkens fødselskirke og Melkgrotten, og deretter se "separasjonsveggen" som deler byen fra Israel før du kommer tilbake til Jerusalem.
- Startpunkt:
- Abraham Jerusalem, Ha-Nevi'im St 67, Jerusalem, 9470211, IsraelVed ankomst, vennligst gå inn i lobbyen til Abraham Jerusalem (Abraham Hostel).
Sluttpunkt:Denne aktiviteten avsluttes på møtestedet. - Ingen rullestoltilgang
- Nær offentlig transport
- Seter for spedbarn tilgjengelig
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- Israelske statsborgere: Vær oppmerksom på at denne turen ikke er tilgjengelig for israelske passholdere (selv om du har et ekstra pass).
- Gyldige pass (original, ikke en kopi), hatter, solkrem, komfortable sko, skjerf/sjal og drikkevann kreves.
- Inkludert i denne turen er besøk til hellige steder. Unngå å bruke ermeløse skjorter, shorts og korte skjørt.
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- Denne opplevelsen krever et minimum antall reisende. Hvis den avbestilles fordi minimumsantallet ikke oppfylles, blir du tilbudt en annen dato/opplevelse eller full refusjon
- Denne turen/aktiviteten har maksimum 34 reisende
- For full refusjon avbestiller du minst 24 timer før startdatoen for opplevelsen.
- Hvis du har spørsmål om denne omvisningen eller trenger hjelp med å bestille, hjelper vi deg gjerne. Ring nummeret nedenfor, og oppgi produktkode: 6540BESTWEST
kr 1 363,17
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- Ha-Nevi'im St 67, Jerusalem, 9470211, IsraelVed ankomst, vennligst gå inn i lobbyen til Abraham Jerusalem (Abraham Hostel).
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Om operatøren
Ikke ta det fra oss – her er hva andre har å si om denne operatøren:
- trinef050 bidragFantastisk!!Denne turoperatøren er helt utrolig bra!! en atsmosfære og et innhold som er superbra! En internasjonal og fredelig stemning gjennom alle turene. Opplevelser og overnattingssteder utenom det vanlige. hilsen Trine, NorgeSkrevet 14. januar 2017
- Anne H0 bidragBetlehemDagstur til Betlehem fra Jerusalem. Flink guide i Betlehem med mye historiekunnskap. Vi lærte mye om kirkene og livet 2000 år tilbake og om hendelser opp til vår tid. Anbefales.Skrevet 14. juli 2016
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Filippo D
2 bidrag
aug. 2023 • Venner
We met Danilo as the guide of our pilgrimage to the Holy Land (10 days). Danilo stood out for his professional preparation, courtesy and ability to resolve the various problems that inevitably arise on a pilgrimage that ranged from Galilee to Jerusalem: a relationship of authentic friendship was established with him!
Skrevet 18. september 2023
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Dear traveler,
What a wonderful review to receive about your 10 day tour. We're so glad you enjoyed it, and that your guide was great as well. We look forward to hosting you again soon!
Skrevet 19. september 2023
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.
London2 682 bidrag
aug. 2023 • Alene
Very interesting day with tour guide Ashraf and driver (Najeev)? Of course the commentary was slanted but take the time to do some research and reach your own conclusions.
First stop to Ramallah where we had some background/history in the town centre before going on to one of the resting places of Yasser Arafat.
On to Jericho where we were told that this city was not part of the biblical narrative and sat through a video to hear how this conclusion was reached following excavations. We had time afterwards to look at the excavated area.
Final destination was Bethlehem where we would first have lunch. Due to the checkpoint being closed for a long time, we arrived there about an hour and a half later than scheduled. No-one really knew why the checkpoint was closed but both the guide and driver decided that it was because "they" (the soldiers) like to "have fun".
Credit due, Ashraf said we would not miss anything out and he even arranged for transport to meet us at a certain point on the way back so that those who needed to get back to Tel Aviv could do so. We had a late but lovely and welcome lunch before going to the Church of the Nativity before being taken to see part of the security wall covered in art work.
First stop to Ramallah where we had some background/history in the town centre before going on to one of the resting places of Yasser Arafat.
On to Jericho where we were told that this city was not part of the biblical narrative and sat through a video to hear how this conclusion was reached following excavations. We had time afterwards to look at the excavated area.
Final destination was Bethlehem where we would first have lunch. Due to the checkpoint being closed for a long time, we arrived there about an hour and a half later than scheduled. No-one really knew why the checkpoint was closed but both the guide and driver decided that it was because "they" (the soldiers) like to "have fun".
Credit due, Ashraf said we would not miss anything out and he even arranged for transport to meet us at a certain point on the way back so that those who needed to get back to Tel Aviv could do so. We had a late but lovely and welcome lunch before going to the Church of the Nativity before being taken to see part of the security wall covered in art work.
Skrevet 30. august 2023
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Dear Traveller,
Thank you for sharing your day with us! It sounds like you had an interesting tour with Ashraf and the driver, despite some delays and differing perspectives. Exploring Ramallah, Jericho, and Bethlehem provided a unique experience and allowed you to draw your own conclusions. We appreciate your feedback and hope you enjoyed the overall journey.
Warm regards,
Skrevet 4. september 2023
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.
Kate O
3 bidrag
This tour was made ‘great’ by Kamal, our guide. He is a very Intelligent, insightful man who shows great knowledge and passion for the country, it’s history and its people. I recommend taking this tour.
Skrevet 21. juli 2023
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John G
6 bidrag
jun. 2023 • Alene
No trip to Jerusalem would be complete without venturing to the West Bank. This tour is a fantastic appetizer to all that Palestine has to offer. Our guide, Kamal, was knowledgeable and open about the complicated history of this region. He made a great itinerary into a terrific experience.
Bethlehem was the highlight of this tour - both the Walled Off Hotel and the Church of the Nativity were meaningful sights (for very different reason), and Kamal gave great context for both.
I would highly recommend this tour
Bethlehem was the highlight of this tour - both the Walled Off Hotel and the Church of the Nativity were meaningful sights (for very different reason), and Kamal gave great context for both.
I would highly recommend this tour
Skrevet 24. juni 2023
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
44 bidrag
This was a great trip. Kemel was our guide and I think he only works on Wednesday’s.
We wanted to learn more about life in the west back. The politics behind it. The history. The people. This tour gave us an introduction to this. With some religion thrown in.
Our stop in Jericho was to look at the excavation. And hear some old history. That was it for Jericho.
Ramallah was only time at his friend ice cream shop. This was not needed. It would have been nicer to learn more about Ramallah and Palestine than eat ice cream. Or better yet. Buy ice cream and chat at same time.
Bethlehem was at the end to his house. For lunch and visit of church. Whilst this was interesting to visit Nativity church.
Bethlehem is in complete opposite direction of Ramallah. The route was poorly planned. Which meant in the middle of the day was just driving through checkpoints etc.
was good. Gave it 3.5 from 5.
For us to learn more about the history and politics. The Hebron dial narrative tour would have been better.
We wanted to learn more about life in the west back. The politics behind it. The history. The people. This tour gave us an introduction to this. With some religion thrown in.
Our stop in Jericho was to look at the excavation. And hear some old history. That was it for Jericho.
Ramallah was only time at his friend ice cream shop. This was not needed. It would have been nicer to learn more about Ramallah and Palestine than eat ice cream. Or better yet. Buy ice cream and chat at same time.
Bethlehem was at the end to his house. For lunch and visit of church. Whilst this was interesting to visit Nativity church.
Bethlehem is in complete opposite direction of Ramallah. The route was poorly planned. Which meant in the middle of the day was just driving through checkpoints etc.
was good. Gave it 3.5 from 5.
For us to learn more about the history and politics. The Hebron dial narrative tour would have been better.
Skrevet 22. juni 2023
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Caroline H
22 bidrag
jun. 2023
Rocky start at the beginning leaving a little bit late, but our guide Kamal made up for it. He was incredibly knowledgeable and had a great way of telling the story of what is going on politically, historically, and religiously. We even had lunch in his home and were treated to wonderful stories from his mother who was visiting. I think we definitely got lucky with our guide, but it was also an incredible experience overall and would recommend. A few tips - don't forget your passport (just in case, we didn't actually need it but you never know), and wear pants/skirts below the knees (men & women) as well as cover your shoulders!
Skrevet 15. juni 2023
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Vicenza, Italia1 767 bidrag
mai 2023 • Alene
Ero partito carico di aspettative per quanto riguarda questo tour della Cisgiordania, purtroppo sono rimasto abbastanza deluso per diversi motivi: l'organizzazione è stata valida, così come l'itinerario, tuttavia la guida non mi è piaciuta particolarmente....l'ho trovata molto sottotono, quasi "stanca"....inoltre nel nostro tour era presente un signore disabile, nulla contro, però sicuramente ha influenzato negativamente lo svolgimento dell'itinerario. Abraham tours doveva avvisare questa persona che forse non era proprio per lui.
La giornata è iniziata con una breve visita al fiume giordano, per poi procedere a Ramallah...pensavo di visitare qualcosa o fare due passi, invece siamo rimasti un'ora dentro una gelateria consigliata dalla guida....sinceramente io non pago 100 euro di tour per stare un'ora dentro un bar e prendermi un gelato dal gusto opinabile.
La seconda parte del tour si è svolto con una toccata e fuga a Betlemme, nella chiesa della natività...per poi rimanere un'altra buona mezzora dentro un insulso negozio di souvenir (sempre consigliato dalla guida)...
Carino invece il pranzo nella casa della guida, tutto molto buono e di qualità.
I ritmi per la visita dei monumenti e delle città erano serrati e frenetici, mentre per i bar ed i negozi di souvenir molto rilassati....
Il tour è iniziato alle 7.30 e doveva concludersi alle 17.30....alle 16 eravamo già di ritorno in ostello.....allora mi chiedo tutta questa fretta per cosa era dovuta?
In conclusione: itinerario interessante, guida bocciata.
La giornata è iniziata con una breve visita al fiume giordano, per poi procedere a Ramallah...pensavo di visitare qualcosa o fare due passi, invece siamo rimasti un'ora dentro una gelateria consigliata dalla guida....sinceramente io non pago 100 euro di tour per stare un'ora dentro un bar e prendermi un gelato dal gusto opinabile.
La seconda parte del tour si è svolto con una toccata e fuga a Betlemme, nella chiesa della natività...per poi rimanere un'altra buona mezzora dentro un insulso negozio di souvenir (sempre consigliato dalla guida)...
Carino invece il pranzo nella casa della guida, tutto molto buono e di qualità.
I ritmi per la visita dei monumenti e delle città erano serrati e frenetici, mentre per i bar ed i negozi di souvenir molto rilassati....
Il tour è iniziato alle 7.30 e doveva concludersi alle 17.30....alle 16 eravamo già di ritorno in ostello.....allora mi chiedo tutta questa fretta per cosa era dovuta?
In conclusione: itinerario interessante, guida bocciata.
Skrevet 7. juni 2023
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Chicago, IL3 881 bidrag
jun. 2023
This was one of the 3 tours we took with Abraham, I was impressed with all three, I was a little nervous going into the West Bank but we had no trouble at any of the checkpoints that we went through. Our guide, Tamer, gave us a whole new perspective on life in Palestine. At first what struck me was how ordinary it was, people walking around, buying food, shopping. Tamer seemed to know everyone, he showed us some of the typical foods-bread, shawarma, and bought us some delicious croissants to try, We visited where Yasser Arafat was buried, then stopped at Jericho which itself was not that interesting but what was interesting was the Israeli military protecting a group of Jews from Israel. There might have been a grenade blown up nearby. But no one flinches. Just life in Palestine. He shows us some video of a gunfight. Says everyone is shooting in the air.
In Bethlehem we stop at the Church of the Nativity. There's a huge line for the grotto, the local guide says go to the exit, maybe a few of you can sneak past the guards. I don't know what happens if I'm caught but I walk on by and go down into the grotto, careful not to get in the way of people who hav waited for hours. I'm the only one that makes it down.
Lunch, included in the tour, is served in a lovely spot, a chicken and rice dish.
Our final stop is the separation wall. We see the Banksy art and art from local artists. A young boy tries to hand me a card, I saw I have no money but he persists. More uncomfortable than the grenade going off.
In Bethlehem we stop at the Church of the Nativity. There's a huge line for the grotto, the local guide says go to the exit, maybe a few of you can sneak past the guards. I don't know what happens if I'm caught but I walk on by and go down into the grotto, careful not to get in the way of people who hav waited for hours. I'm the only one that makes it down.
Lunch, included in the tour, is served in a lovely spot, a chicken and rice dish.
Our final stop is the separation wall. We see the Banksy art and art from local artists. A young boy tries to hand me a card, I saw I have no money but he persists. More uncomfortable than the grenade going off.
Skrevet 5. juni 2023
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
London, UK8 bidrag
mai 2023 • Venner
Fantastic tour and hugely enjoyable and informative. Our guide, Kamal, was brilliant. We learnt so much is such a short time and got to visit places effortlessly - and this would not have been easy as an independent traveller.
Highly recommended
Highly recommended
Skrevet 18. mai 2023
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
108 bidrag
apr. 2023 • Par
Se vi approcciate per la prima volta alla Palestina questo viaggio è ideale perché permette di capire come muoversi sul territorio e quali sono le difficoltà. La nostra guida (Ashraf?) ci è piaciuta moltissimo perché ha raccontato in modo oggettivo le problematiche del popolo palestinese sempre in modo educato. La visita alle città forse è troppo veloce (nonostante le 10 ore di tour) e non permette probabilmente di cogliere la vera essenza del posto, forse andrebbero riviste le tappe. Ottimo anche il cibo previsto nel "pacchetto".
Skrevet 2. mai 2023
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What towns in Palestine does this tour visit?
Skrevet 14. oktober 2022
Hi, is this tour available on Saturday and does it change in any way the experience of all the highlights?
Skrevet 14. november 2019
Not sure about the Saturday, but we went on this tour and thoroughly enjoyed it - luxury coach, excellent lunch and a lovely tour of Bethlehem
Skrevet 15. november 2019
Abraham Tours offers a trip to Hebron. They also have a multi day trip option. I found the Ramallah visit quite rushed however
Skrevet 18. september 2019
Lionel R
Santiago, Chile
El tour es sólo en inglés???
Puede ser también en español???
Skrevet 14. september 2019
Hola, es posible realizar el tour u otro similar en español?
Skrevet 2. september 2019
Yo busque mucho, y no encontré un tour en español a Cisjordania, y como quería conocer Ramallah, lo hice en ingles. Entiendo que a Belén si es posible en español . El tour que hice fue Jerico, rio Jordan, Ramallah y Belén.
Skrevet 3. september 2019
Hola, buen dia, he marcado varias veces al numero que viene aqui pero siempre dice que el departamento de espanol esta cerrado, tendran algun otro numero telefonico para comunicarse desde mexico? gracias
Skrevet 8. august 2019
Yo quiero saber si estoy en jerusalem la hora de la recogida es 7:30 am y la hora de regreso cual es? quisiera organizar mi dia
Skrevet 4. august 2019
La hora de regreso a Jerusalem es aproximadamente tipo 18:00 hrs, dependerá de donde van a dejar a cada pasajero
Skrevet 5. august 2019
Nesse passeio a parada no Rio Jordão, há tempo de me batizar? Por que fazíamos o passeio com esse intuito...
Skrevet 31. juli 2019
we are couple my husband can not walk a long way , but we want to see Bethlehem and interesting places in Jerusalem we can only stay in Jerusalem for 5 days my husband would like to see it even with wheel chair. can you give me a good not tiring itineraries for five days thanks
Skrevet 17. juli 2019
Hello. My wife and I went to Jerusalem only a month ago for 4 days - marvellous. The West Bank Tour with Abraham Tours was a highlight. There was nowhere we went where you had to walk a long way, though the archaeology at Jericho was a bit challenging. The company were accommodating and if you contact them I am sure would help with a wheelchair. Jerusalem old city would certainly need a wheelchair but if you can get dropped off at one of the gates, the city centre is not huge so you should manage.
Skrevet 17. juli 2019
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