Alishan National Forest Recreation Area

Alishan National Forest Recreation Area

Alishan National Forest Recreation Area
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
00:00 - 23:59
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Ciampino, Italia46 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
jan. 2025 • Familie
Lovely place, worth a stop of two days. Taking the train that goes up or down from 30m to 2500m is spectacular. Mandatory view of the sunrise above the clouds. We went as a family with two boys aged 11 and 15.
Skrevet 15. januar 2025
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Sydney, Australia70 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
des. 2024 • Alene
This is an incredibly beautiful forest reserve, with easy self guided hiking trails. You can also see the famous "Sea of Clouds" on your way up here and at the reseve itself. I recommend staying overnight at one of the hotels inside the reserve to experience sunrise the following morning. You can take the train from Alishan station inside the reserve to the sunrise point. You can then hop back on the train to your hotel for breakfast. In the late morning, I recommend hiking along the self guided trail. My favourite spots on the trail were the Sister Ponds, Magnolia Gardens, and the board walks showcasing the reserve's giant trees, some of which are over 1000 years old. You can also see beautiful cypress trees that are unique to the region.

The logistics of getting to the reserve are a bit complex. If you decide to stay overnight at the reserve, you can take the High Speed Rail (HSR) from Taipei to Chaiyi. There is a bus service from Chiaiyi to the reserve (NT$240). Note that some buses start from Chiayi station and others from the Chiayi HSR station. I recommend checking the schedule on google/ reliable website to get to the bus stop on time. The ride up to Alishan is scenic but takes up to 2.5 hours. The last bus from Chiayi HSR is at 1pm (or 2pm from Chiayi station). On the way back to Chiayi, I believe the last bus from the reserve is at around 4.20pm to Chiayi HSR and 4.50pm to Chiayi station. Chiaiyi HSR is about 45 minutes by train from Chaiyi station, so I suggest targeting the bus to Chiayi HSR if you wish to return to Taipei the same day. Or if you can stay overnight at Chaiyi on your trip back down, it could be less cumbersome. Alternatively, you can book a taxi. This would cost around NT$ 2,000 to NT$2,500 per way between Chaiyi HSR and Alishan Reserve.

There is also a bus service to Sun Moon Lake from Alishan Reserve at 1.30pm if you are planning to go there after Alishan.

Overall, complex logistics, but well worth it if you like mountains, greenery, and nature.
Skrevet 1. januar 2025
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Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia7 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
des. 2024 • Par
Well worth a visit. It can be done on a one day visit from Taipei.
- Take Taipei HSR to Chiayi.
- At Chiayi HSR station catch the 7329 bus to Alishan. Same bus to return to Chiayi HSR. Tickets can be purchased on the bus.
- Take the HSR from Chiayi back to Taipei.
Skrevet 17. desember 2024
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Ottawa, Canada11 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2024 • Familie
This is a great place to go for a walk and connect with Nature.
The train was fun and the views are amazing.
If travelling with small children, bring a carrier/harness or some way to make it easier to carry them, they will get tired and strollers are not an option in this area
Skrevet 16. november 2024
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5,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Par
Taking the little trains and walking around the Forest Recreation area is so pleasant. The main trails are easy to follow. Food stalls are available near the train station for snacks and drinks.

I highly recommend the sea of clouds sunset view from the Alishan Shangxin. It is really stunning! The show did not end when the sun went down, the sky turned red after!

You may hop on one of the tour van for TWD100 or a 30 minutes walk. I was told it may be visible every day. Ask the van driver, they will advise.
Skrevet 29. oktober 2024
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Richmond, VA230 bidrag
3,0 av 5 bobler
jun. 2024 • Familie
This is a review for just the recreation area. The day we went the Rec Area was not opened until 11am. So after hiking elsewhere then we came back. Due to the fact that there were older people in my group and we had already hiked, we did not explore as much. We did the obligatory short Alishan Train ride. I guess for my kids it was cool but I think my husband could have done without. We hiked/walked the pond trails and the Magnolia garden one. But then the seniors were tired so they shuttled back down while my family and I walked down. I would have loved to seen the other side - where the giant trees were. I wished it had opened on time that day. Due to my limited and somewhat disappointing visit, I would give my experience a 3.
Skrevet 19. juli 2024
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Christian M
København, Danmark6 232 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
jul. 2024 • Par
Take a cheap bus up to Alishan at 2200 meters and buy some water and snacks at the 7-Eleven by the bus stop for the next few hours.

After paying the entrance fee to the national park, you can easily hike the various trails without spending the whole day. There are 2 Giant Tree Trails, a couple of beautifully scenic ponds, and a few temples—all well-signposted along the way.

If you want, you can take an old train partway up the hill, but it doesn't save you many steps, and the train is relatively expensive for the short ride.

The paths are well-maintained, with many wooden boardwalks and good stone steps.

Most importantly, Alishan is definitely worth a visit. It's rare to hike in such lovely surroundings with low-hanging clouds at eye level.
Skrevet 10. juli 2024
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2 590 bidrag
3,0 av 5 bobler
mai 2024 • Alene
After strolling around Fenqihu Old Street, I took a bus to Alishan. I waited at the bus stop that a local told me about, but the bus never came even after the scheduled departure time. I found out that the bus stop is different on weekends. I was originally planning to take the 12:50 bus, but I missed it, so I took the 14:00 bus. It was about an hour's journey. It wasn't raining near Fenqihu Old Street, but it was pouring rain in Alishan. The temperature was more than 10 degrees lower than Fenqihu, and it was very cold. I gave up on trekking and returned to Chiayi immediately. There was a long queue for the bus back to Chiayi.
Skrevet 20. juni 2024
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Half Moon Bay, CA365 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
apr. 2024 • Familie
We will start with the bad, the drive up is rough. We went with a tour bus and it was two hours of sharp turns, windiness and very slow driving. We thought the driver was joking when he handed our barf bags to everyone, but the joke was on us, as half the bus started barfing on the way up.

But once you made it up the mountain. Explicit beauty! One of the most beautiful places I've been, and I've been to places. The cypress forest was great and the artistic arrangement told the story of the place. Very magical. Also appreciated that the displays were in English as well as Chinese.

We took a train ride and then hiked the trails. I think the train ride is kind of a waste of money, just hike up the path where the train goes (it's adjacent) and you get better views and the hike is not to bad. Make sure you bring a jacket cause it can get kind of chilly in the higher elevation.

For food, there are tons of places to eat up there, from expensive restaurants to convenient store food to Seven. Up to you.

We only stayed one day, but I wish we stayed for two. That was my only regret.
Skrevet 5. april 2024
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5,0 av 5 bobler
feb. 2024 • Familie
Watching the sunrise in Alishan
There are so many layers of green mountains, but the floating clouds are no longer in love with the peaks.
The morning sun slowly rises from the east, and thousands of golden lights spread out.

I got up at around 4 o'clock in the morning and took the hotel car to the train station. There were already many tourists waiting for the train there. I took the bus to Zhushan to watch the sunrise. In fact, it is already dawn, but we have not yet climbed up the mountain. At around 6:40, the sun rose over the ridge.
Skrevet 31. mars 2024
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