Oratorio di San Lorenzo
Oratorio di San Lorenzo
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Milano, Italia3 678 bidrag
okt. 2024 • Par
Splendid oratory rich in stucco by the Serpotta. Years ago there was a 'work by Caravaggio, unfortunately stolen and never found.
Skrevet 18. oktober 2024
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Milano, Italia4 847 bidrag
okt. 2024 • Alene
The "Oratorio di San Lorenzo" (Oratory of Saint Lawrence) is a Baroque oratory that was built in 1569. In 1699-1706 Giacomo Serpotta realized the stucco decorations depicting the life of St Francis.
This oratory is famous because of the masterpiece altarpiece Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence (1600 or 1609) by Caravaggio. This painting was stolen in 1969, and it has never been recovered. In 2015 a hi-tech replica of the altarpiece was placed inside the oratory.
The counter-façade and its decorations were seriously damaged in 1943 during the bombings of WW II, and they were restored in 1945.
This oratory is famous because of the masterpiece altarpiece Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence (1600 or 1609) by Caravaggio. This painting was stolen in 1969, and it has never been recovered. In 2015 a hi-tech replica of the altarpiece was placed inside the oratory.
The counter-façade and its decorations were seriously damaged in 1943 during the bombings of WW II, and they were restored in 1945.
Skrevet 7. oktober 2024
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Italy117 bidrag
mai 2024 • Par
Fascinating tour. This one of those little gems that are brought to life by a highly informed guide. The Caravaggio replica is quite a story, a tragedy in Palermo’s history. However, the location is more than that. The guide’s explanation of the various stucco sculptures was super-interesting and would have been completely lost if we had just casually walked through. A half hour well spent.
Skrevet 10. mai 2024
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claudio d
Viterbo, Italia43 990 bidrag
mar. 2024 • Par
Yet another oratory, among the many built in Palermo between the 16th and 17th centuries, decorated between the end of the 1600s and the early 1700s with valuable stuccos by Giacomo Serpotta, both as classic decorative elements and above all as real sculptural groups, which cover all the walls: exceptional, just to mention one composition among many, the martyrdom of San Lorenzo, on the counter-façade. It is clear that once inside it is this sculptural richness that captures the attention, and rightly so, given that here Giacomo Serpotta probably reached the pinnacle of his art; but the oratory reserves other surprises, such as the beautiful polychrome marble floor and the ebony side benches with the seats inlaid with mother of pearl and the supports sculpted to reproduce various anthropomorphic compositions. Unfortunately, the canvas of the Nativity by Caravaggio that adorned the altar of the oratory is no longer there, as it was stolen in 1969 and never found: in its place there is a copy. The courtyard in front of the oratory is also pleasant, with in the center what appears to have been a baroque fountain, today more of a basin with papyrus. The oratory is located in Kalsa, a stone's throw from the church of San Francesco. To enter you must pay a ticket of 3 euros, which is reduced to 2 if you have a ticket already paid for another visit to the sacred circuit.
Skrevet 29. mars 2024
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Alberto Caleca
Sicilia, Italia497 bidrag
mar. 2024 • Venner
Negative review not for the Oratory but for its management. The oratory is wonderful and the stucchibdibMastro Giacomo Serpotta moving, but the management...
In summary, as an operator going with 78 people I am entitled to a reduced ticket but the receipt is a generic receipt (similar to that of parish draws) without a stamp and without tax value... Obviously only cash payment... After insistence and calling a manager we were able to get reduced tickets with a matrix... So.. Visit the site but watch out for bad management...
In summary, as an operator going with 78 people I am entitled to a reduced ticket but the receipt is a generic receipt (similar to that of parish draws) without a stamp and without tax value... Obviously only cash payment... After insistence and calling a manager we were able to get reduced tickets with a matrix... So.. Visit the site but watch out for bad management...
Skrevet 18. mars 2024
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Io viaggio low cost 365
Italia14 521 bidrag
jan. 2024 • Par
Despite being located in the historic center, the oratory remains outside the classic circuit of Palermo's main attractions.
A riot of stucco which, however, did not excite me. It happens.
A riot of stucco which, however, did not excite me. It happens.
Skrevet 25. februar 2024
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alain m
2 bidrag
des. 2023 • Par
Skrevet 19. februar 2024
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Stefano De Filippo
Caserta, Italia43 bidrag
des. 2023 • Alene
Very interesting visit. There is only one room to visit but the guide was carried out impeccably by the delightful Alba who provided accurate descriptions and many curiosities. Absolutely worth seeing.
Skrevet 12. desember 2023
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Newcastle, Australia372 bidrag
jul. 2023 • Alene
Worth seeing to wonder at the money this must have cost at the time. And the puzzle of what they do with the income from the entrance fees because it doesn’t go to upkeep.
Skrevet 16. juli 2023
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Jaime Guajardo
Valparaiso, Chile5 707 bidrag
feb. 2023
Los relieves en tono blanco en el interior del oratorio son fantásticos, los que fueron realizados por el escultor Giacomo Serpotta. Acudí a este lugar debido principalmente a mi gran afición por el notable pintor Caravaggio, cuya obra "La Natividad" fue lamentablemente robada en el año 1969, y actualmente se exhibe una copia prácticamente idéntica y del mismo tamaño que la original.
Skrevet 14. mars 2023
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Si può risolvere definitivamente per questo sito il problema del veto per gli scatti fotografici da parte dei visitatori i quali null'altro desiderano tranne che portare a casa il ricordo della loro visita? La richiesta dell'autorizzazione per un turista momentaneo è solo una perdita di tempo.
Skrevet 18. juli 2018
Temo che il veto sia insuperabile, finché la gestione sarà la stessa.
Skrevet 22. juli 2018
DOVE: Oratorio San Lorenzo
INDIRIZZO: Via dell'Immacolatella 5
TELEFONO: +39 091 6118168
APERTURA: tutti i giorni festivi compresi 10-18
COSTO: Cumulativo con l’oratorio di san Mercurio di Palermo intero € 3, ridotto € 2 (Circuito de “Le vie del Sacro” e gruppi di minimo 10 persone)
DURATA VISITA: 1 ora e 30 minuti circa
L'Oratorio fu costruito intorno al 1570 dalla Compagnia di San Francesco sui resti di un’antica chiesetta dedicata a San Lorenzo. Fu presto affidato ai frati del vicino convento di San Francesco che avevano il compito di seppellire i poveri del quartiere Kalsa. Solo successivamente fu impreziosito dagli stucchi di Giacomo Serpotta che qui lavorò tra il 1699 e il 1706. Sull'altare era conservato il capolavoro di Caravaggio La Natività, opera del 1609, che fu trafugata nel 1969 e mai più ritrovata.
Skrevet 26. desember 2017
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