Arco Etrusco

Arco Etrusco

Arco Etrusco
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Murmansk, Russland35 013 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
jun. 2023 • Alene
Ancient Perusia is probably not older than Rome, but also not much younger, because it was first mentioned in connection with Rome's war with the Etruscan cities, one of which was Perusia. It was in 310-309 BC. The construction of this gate dates back to the same time. One of the seven gates of the almost impregnable Perusia. Rome eventually subdued Perusia, and in the war with Hannibal she was on his side, although many cities like Capua sided with the Punic commander. The arch has the inscription Augusta Perusia. This was the name of the city after the siege by Octavian Augustus during the civil war with Mark Anthony, whose family ruled the city at that time. The city could not be stormed, and it surrendered only after a months-long siege. The appearance of the arch is not quite the same as it was in ancient times. A loggia was built on the left tower during the Renaissance. In antiquity, such arches were not built...
Skrevet 6. mai 2024
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Marina and Co. Ltd
St. Petersburg, Russland84 694 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
jul. 2023 • Par
On Via Ulisse you can see one of the main historical and architectural structures of the city. Arco Etrusco is one of the seven gates in the massive walls of Perugia, and is an architectural masterpiece built by the Etruscans sometime in the 3rd century BC. History says that the gate changed its name several times - Porta Terzia, Porta Borca, Arco Trionfale, Porta Vecchia and Porta Pulchra. It is also called “Arco Augusto” in honor of Emperor Augustus, who conquered the city in 40 BC, about which you can see the inscription “Augusta Perusia” above the arch. Arco Etrusco gives an idea of the excellent engineering and architectural skills that the Etruscans possessed. If you are interested in exploring such prehistoric places, then the attraction is definitely worth a visit.☝️
Skrevet 21. oktober 2023
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Storbritannia11 978 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
jun. 2023 • Par
In an age of built-in obsolescence, it was incredible to see this arch still here today, still standing after more than 2000 years.
Built by the Etruscans in the 3rd century BC, it was restored by the Emperor Augustus in 40 BC. Apart from this one renovation job, it is otherwise intact and looks pretty much like it did when the Etruscans first chiselled away at massive blocks of stone and hauled them into place to build the gateway. That realisation alone gave me reason to stand in front of it and spend several minutes marvelling at it.
It’s obvious straight away that this would have been a formidable barrier to anyone who was even thinking about attacking Perugia.
Over 9 metres tall, it has a single archway, with a large tower on the left (although the tower wasn’t added until the 16th century and the loggia was added some time after that).
A small bricked-in arch directly above the main arch caught our eye and we wondered what it was for. Later we learnt that defensive weapons were probably positioned here.
The Latin words ‘AUGUSTA PERUSIA’ can be clearly seen, stamped across the front of the arch. They loosely translate as ‘Perugia, owned and protected by Augustus’ and refer to Augustus’ conquest of Perugia in 40 BC.
Those with keener eyes than mine can apparently still see traces of a red pigment that was used as a filler to make the inscription stand out.
DIY WALKING TOUR - To get to the arch, we walked from Piazza IV Novembre, down Via Ulisse Rocchi (about 5 min). Coming from this direction, the arch doesn’t look particularly impressive so make sure to walk through the arch and look at it from the other side. Next, we followed the ancient walls around to the right (take the street alongside of the Church of San Fortunato) and climbed the stairs to the Fortress of Porta a Sole lookout point. From here, it’s easy to circle back around to the main square and the Cathedral where you can check out the Cathedral, the Palazzo dei Priori, the Fontana Maggiore and the ancient Etruscan well.
Skrevet 10. juli 2023
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Savoie, Frankrike2 448 bidrag
3,0 av 5 bobler
mai 2023
ne pas faire le détour mais si vous passez devant cette porte - arche date du 3ème siècle avant J.C.
Skrevet 11. juni 2023
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Roma21 803 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
mar. 2023
Si chiama tuttora "arco etrusco" la porta che nell'antichità permetteva l'accesso a Perugia da nord; in effetti la costruzione è dell'epoca etrusca, benché quando Augusto sottrasse la città al popolo nemico abbia voluto lasciare il segno anche su questa porta, facendo aggiungere la scritta - tuttora visibile - Augusta Perusia come segnale della romanizzazione del luogo.

Numerose, e non poteva essere altrimenti, sono anche le aggiunte di epoche posteriori, in particolare una loggia di epoca rinascimentale. Tuttavia le dimensioni della porta e la sua imponenza, accentuata dall'essere tuttora stretta fra le mura, sono a mio avviso di notevole effetto, testimoniando con particolare evidenza la lunghissima e complessa vicenda storica di Perugia.
Skrevet 5. april 2023
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Luis P
Valencia, Spania2 012 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2022
Arco que forma parte de una puerta de la muralla. El arco es etrusco, reaprovechado por romanos y descendientes medievales.
Skrevet 7. oktober 2022
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638 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2022 • Par
The gateway is very impressive and you get a really good view as you walk up to it. One of the most impressive pieces of architecture and well worth a visit
Skrevet 26. september 2022
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Arluno, Italia2 049 bidrag
3,0 av 5 bobler
jul. 2022
Seppur rinomato fra le attrazioni turistiche della città, questo arco, che costituisce una delle sette porte dalle quali si accede all'antico perimetro della città fortificata, ha conservato soltanto la volta e la parte interna che sono senz'altro riconducibili all'epoca precristiana.
Per il resto la facciata esterna dell'arco è stata realizzata certamente in un periodo successivo (impero romano, a giudicare dalle scritte) per non parlare della fontana e della loggia, rispettivamente alla base e sulla cima della torre laterale, di stile rinascimentale.
Ci siamo andati soltanto perché risultava di strada per il giro che avevamo programmato, ma non è certo una delle motivazioni per visitare questa splendida città.
Skrevet 14. august 2022
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Napoli, Italia488 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
aug. 2022 • Par
Passare sotto questo Arco riporta indietro nel tempo. La struttura è imponente e rappresenta una delle antiche entrare che consentivano l'accesso alla città.
Skrevet 10. august 2022
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Morgantown, WV19 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
jun. 2022
It is just a short walk from the old town of Perugia. It is a massive ancient gate. Another piece of history you have to witness in Perugia.
Skrevet 16. juli 2022
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