Plantação de Ananás dos Açores

Plantação de Ananás dos Açores

Plantação de Ananás dos Açores
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
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Alice P
Firenze, Italia12 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
aug. 2024 • Par
There were several pineapple plantations in Ponta Delgada but we chose this one driven by positive reviews and given its proximity to the village center. Admission is free and you can take a self-tour of the plantation using the various QR codes present. At the end of the tour I recommend trying pina colada with fresh pineapple and pineapple sweets!
Skrevet 4. januar 2025
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Newry, UK3 252 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2024 • Par
I suppose there’s really not much to see or do here. But I guess that misses the point of going here. It is really worth supporting and free to enter.

We went by car and it wasn’t very far out of the main town from the port.

The staff are real friendly too. It’s five green stars all the way. What is different is you get organically grown sweet pineapples thriving on a small island 885 miles from anywhere with no bugs to attack the shrubs and not a pesticide in sight.

We visited two long tunnel glass greenhouses on site but I guess there was a dozen or more there. Most of the glass was painted white as sunlight burns the plants.

We saw the growth cycle from a side shoot through to mature fruit that takes about a year from birth. It is much prized here and sells for €8 a kilo locally.

They have a tasting cafe where we had pineapple liquor, pineapple jam and a pineapple tart similar to pastel de nata.

There was a great variety of goodies and we bought the liquor (20 proof) pineapple jam generously full of fruit and pineapple beer over 5%.

What’s most important is that this place is the anthesis of going to supermarkets for fruit that’s grown with pesticides and mass production or buying over sugared jam in a supermarket. No thanks. I’ll pay a few euro more and be grateful places like this still exist.

We had a private tour and our driver got a coffee and pie in the cafe. I offered to pay for his in our order but I was told it was complimentary to him.

I just loved the honesty when they simply could have taken the money. How refreshing and genuine. Pity we can’t bottle it. If you get a chance don’t miss it especially for the cafe goodies and for the spirit and enthusiasm behind it.
Skrevet 15. november 2024
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4,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Par
Space well cared for and with good guidance for those who visit.
Free entrance, with the right to visit the entire space and some greenhouses.
At the bar, you can enjoy some delicacies, where the pineapple is King. We tasted the pineapple juice and pineapple pastel, both very tasty.
Skrevet 25. oktober 2024
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Zeeland Province, Nederland175 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Familie
You can park there, you can roam freely in two greenhouses where you can see pineapples in 1
For the rest a tent with drinks and snacks of pineapple
Not much of how and what the company really works can be seen as a small piece of video
Skrevet 23. oktober 2024
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London, UK384 bidrag
3,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Par
Mixed feelings about this place.

- It is free to enter
- They have free parking inside

- There is not that much to see or experience - when we visited, there was a shed or two open, with a small assortment of items on display but with very little description going alongside them. There was also a greenhouse that you could step into to see the pineapples being grown but that was about it.
- The food/drink sold here felt overpriced and did not taste too special. We had the fresh pineapple (we bought sweeter pineapple on the road side of Ribeiro Grande), pineapple juice (was ok), pineapple tarts (not much pineapple inside) and the pineapple toastie (seriously better off going to buy some pineapple jam with bits from Continente and getting your own toast).
- If you are visiting via public transport, it is a bit of a journey to catch the bus to and fro.

All in all, would not really recommend visiting unless you are literally driving nearby.
Skrevet 15. oktober 2024
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Raffael Gravert
Stuttgart, Tyskland21 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
mai 2024 • Venner
A real insider tip in Ponta Delgada

During our stay in the Azores in May 2024, we came across the Ananás Plantação Bar, which was only a two-minute walk from our accommodation. We had already discovered the plantation in advance via Google Maps and decided to visit it. Since we had a lot of time on our early arrival on Sao Miguel, we decided to go straight there – and it was absolutely worth it!

The plantation and the cafe: As soon as we entered the facility through the gate, we noticed the charming atmosphere. Several white tents stood close together. In one we found an impressive photo exhibition on the history of pineapple planting in the Azores, which was very interesting. In another tent there was a small café with an adjoining shop where there was a variety of products to buy, all made with the pineapple – from pineapple beer to pineapple liqueur! We were amazed at how diverse the pineapple is processed here, and learned a lot about the production in the Azores.

The taste: Since we were quite exhausted after our arrival, but still had the curiosity and desire to try something new, we decided to snack on a freshly cut pineapple. And what can I say? I've never eaten such a sweet, fruity pineapple in my life! The fresh fruit, ripened under the unique climate of the Atlantic Ocean, was truly an experience. If you ever want to know what a pineapple should really taste like, this is the place for you.

Conclusion: The Ananás Plantação Bar is an absolutely recommended stop if you are on Sao Miguel. Not only do you learn a lot about local pineapple production, you can also taste the fruitiest pineapples you can imagine right on the spot. And yes, we also tried the pineapple beer on another day – it was a real taste explosion!

Those in the Azores should not miss this plantation. A unique experience!
Skrevet 7. oktober 2024
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Eugênio Gomringer
Flums, Sveits22 bidrag
3,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Par
The entire tour is free of charge. At the beginning you can watch the production steps with the help of a video in English or Portuguese, after which you can walk past the greenhouses and enter one. In a tent on the premises there are various pineapple products to consume and a gift shop. It is worth a visit to taste the delicacies from pineapple.
Skrevet 4. oktober 2024
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Birgitte L
Gilleleje, Danmark7 934 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Venner
We had a guided tour and heard about this strange plant that is only in the Azores.
Something as weird as a capital fund was in saving production five years ago.
Old beautiful greenhouses are located side by side. A very fun café in a barak
Skrevet 4. oktober 2024
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Sintra, Portugal5 507 bidrag
3,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2024 • Par
São Miguel is the only place in the world where pineapples are grown under greenhouses, and only a few of the 6,000 plantations are visited.
We learned here that a pineapple takes roughly two years to grow.
Other than that, nothing attractive about this visit. However we went for a walk in the property across the street, which is beautiful.
Skrevet 12. september 2024
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Var, Frankrike241 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2024 • Par
Easy access on foot, unnecessary tour operator.The greenhouses are interesting.
We went there twice to taste the pineapple juice and especially to feast on a cup of rum-flamed pineapple with vanilla ice cream, caramelized almonds and lime chips.
The only valid place to eat an artisan ice cream in Ponta Delgada..the central Gelateria not offering much on Saturday afternoon we went there.
Skrevet 11. september 2024
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