Parque Nacional Conguillio
Parque Nacional Conguillio
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Monica L
Montes Claros, MG91 bidrag
aug. 2024 • Venner
Beautiful and magical park!! Close to the city, easy access (does not need a Guide), wonderful views of the mountains, beautiful lakes, great trails. Good signaling. Unforgettable tour.
Skrevet 21. august 2024
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Sofia Larrondo
Monteverde, Costa Rica49 bidrag
aug. 2024 • Familie
It is a beautiful park with multiple trails suitable for the whole family, the rainbow lagoon is wonderful and with the Llaima volcano of incredible scenery. It would be good if the entrance was cheaper for Chileans and if you go by car 4x2 they charge cheaper if the road is in bad condition since you can not reach the whole park given the neighborhood after passing the rainbow lagoon. With ticket money you should worry about keeping the roads well to make it accessible to all!!!!
Skrevet 15. august 2024
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Maria lilian S
3 bidrag
aug. 2024 • Familie
A very picturesque place with several places to visit.Full nature..its hills,volcano llaima, lagoons,fields and gulches, also there are jumps .are beautiful..its park conguillido a place to do walks with the flia or friends, a place to return
Skrevet 8. august 2024
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Michael B
Santiago, Chile259 bidrag
mai 2024 • Familie
This opinion refers exclusively to a very bad experience with CONAF at the Melipeuco daycare. Conguillío National Park is wonderful and undoubtedly deserves 5 points for the natural and scenic beauty it presents. Nor will I refer to Sendas Conguillío, whose service is well below par in relation to the price they charge for their cabins and services.
We arrived at the daycare center in Melipeuco on a Monday and after insisting on visiting the park a lot, we had to return since the park was closed. Our mistake since we did not find out this situation in advance. We returned the following Wednesday and they didn't let us pass either (3 older adults who don't pay admission due to age) because we hadn't purchased our passes online. There was no case. I wanted to do the procedure on the spot, trying to enter with my cell phone the place that the guard indicated to me, but it was not possible, despite having a signal, although quite weak. We returned to Melipeuco, but it was impossible to access the page indicated by the guard. Finally we got the passes to the park with the owners of the Ruta al Conguillío restaurant (it is halfway from Melipeuco to Congullio; very good and deserves a separate mention) who were extraordinarily cordial and kind, since they did all the entry pass procedures for us. I must clarify that they did it through another page and not through the one indicated by the guard, since it was not active. Furthermore, they told us that this problem is recurring and that they help someone with the same problem almost daily. Upon arriving at the daycare again and telling the guard everything we had to do to obtain the passes and that the page was not working, the verbatim response was: “then change your phone.” I found your response very inappropriate and insolent. I had never received such treatment from any CONAF guard, quite the opposite. They had always been very kind and cordial. Is something happening at CONAF?
We arrived at the daycare center in Melipeuco on a Monday and after insisting on visiting the park a lot, we had to return since the park was closed. Our mistake since we did not find out this situation in advance. We returned the following Wednesday and they didn't let us pass either (3 older adults who don't pay admission due to age) because we hadn't purchased our passes online. There was no case. I wanted to do the procedure on the spot, trying to enter with my cell phone the place that the guard indicated to me, but it was not possible, despite having a signal, although quite weak. We returned to Melipeuco, but it was impossible to access the page indicated by the guard. Finally we got the passes to the park with the owners of the Ruta al Conguillío restaurant (it is halfway from Melipeuco to Congullio; very good and deserves a separate mention) who were extraordinarily cordial and kind, since they did all the entry pass procedures for us. I must clarify that they did it through another page and not through the one indicated by the guard, since it was not active. Furthermore, they told us that this problem is recurring and that they help someone with the same problem almost daily. Upon arriving at the daycare again and telling the guard everything we had to do to obtain the passes and that the page was not working, the verbatim response was: “then change your phone.” I found your response very inappropriate and insolent. I had never received such treatment from any CONAF guard, quite the opposite. They had always been very kind and cordial. Is something happening at CONAF?
Skrevet 20. mai 2024
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Santiago, Chile16 bidrag
des. 2023 • Par
Skrevet 23. april 2024
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Gestión C
Puerto Varas, Chile23 bidrag
mar. 2024 • Familie
We visited the park on Easter Sunday in March and the landscape is amazing. What surprised me most is seeing the ancient araucarias and the hectares of the LLaima volcano. The narrow and rugged road for small vehicles. There are various lagoons within the park. The conaf is always present and its officials are willing to advise and help you.
Skrevet 2. april 2024
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Santiago, Chile4 bidrag
aug. 2023 • Par
A magical place, with a very welcoming town below, loving and kind people. The town is small (Melipeuco) and all the people are very good-willed to guide you. It has a supermarket at affordable prices and hostels of all kinds. Upstairs the park is beautiful. It has cabins for rent below and above, ideal campsites for total disconnection. The night sky is wonderful and the treks range from family to multi-day treks. Totally recommended.
Skrevet 12. mars 2024
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Concepcion, Chile116 bidrag
jan. 2024 • Par
Unique landscape, mix of large expanses of lava converted into rock from ancient eruptions and native forests, excellent access, well maintained, many activities to do, highly recommended
Skrevet 18. februar 2024
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Antonia G
Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile48 bidrag
feb. 2024 • Venner
It was a nice panorama for the day. We were able to swim in Lake Conguillio on a hot day, take one of the trails and visit the lakes along the way to take beautiful photos.
I give it 4 stars because we had to buy the tickets a week in advance through the Conaf website. It was impossible to buy them overnight.
Regarding the Araucarias trail, I found that the best thing it had was the "bride's veil" waterfall. It caught my attention that several trail information signs had been blown up. They should be replaced as soon as possible.
I give it 4 stars because we had to buy the tickets a week in advance through the Conaf website. It was impossible to buy them overnight.
Regarding the Araucarias trail, I found that the best thing it had was the "bride's veil" waterfall. It caught my attention that several trail information signs had been blown up. They should be replaced as soon as possible.
Skrevet 7. februar 2024
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Javiera O
2 bidrag
des. 2023 • Familie
The maximum
I love this park
It's paradise on earth it would come a thousand times
I came last year and came back
I love this park
It's paradise on earth it would come a thousand times
I came last year and came back
Skrevet 29. desember 2023
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We we're considering visiting the park for a few days in September and doing some hikes. Does the weather allow this? Will there be snow in September?
Skrevet 8. mai 2022
Necesito datos de algún Camping que se encuentre cerca del Parque!!
Skrevet 9. februar 2020
El camino de Melipeuco s Conguillio es asfaltado o ripio ???
Skrevet 5. januar 2020
Hola, necesito datos de alojamiento económico cerca del parque
Skrevet 3. november 2019
Daga Lodge, esta en el mismo parque, es de un particular. Conversa con los dueños, te pueden hacer un precio
Skrevet 14. november 2019
Debemos ir con guía en esta fecha? si no es así como lo podemos hacer, es autoguiado?
Skrevet 28. juli 2019
Hola, ¿qué tal el estado de los caminos? ¿se puede ir en auto sin tracción?
gracias por el dato!
Skrevet 10. juli 2019
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