Empty Quarter
Empty Quarter
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45 anmeldelser
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Jane R
Aberdeen, UK2 bidrag
jan. 2024 • Venner
I went to Oman and we contacted Empty Quarter Tours via email on the recommendation of a good friend: Yousuf8601@yahoo.com. We had a great tour to the desert, swam in wadis and sinkholes and camped overnight seeing one of the most beautiful night skies I have ever seen. The jeep driving was exciting with extremely experienced drivers and Yousuf couldn't have put together a better programme, he listened to what everyone wanted and totally delivered, also he was very reasonable. I would definitely go again. We felt safe throughout, great food and amazing scenery.
Skrevet 7. februar 2024
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Stefana T
1 bidrag
sep. 2023 • Par
One of the main reasons for coming to Oman and Saudi Arabia was to visit the desert, especially the Rub’ al Khali. So we were 4 people (I, my husband and 2 friends). I found the “Arabian Sand Tour Services” in the internet. In total we changed I think 20 Emails but they were always prompt and offered all the information we asked for.
At the beginning we wanted 3 days (and 2 nights) of wild camping (tents) but a few days before our journey we changed it to 1 night in order to be able to see other places around Salalah. They were very flexible and offered us 1 night in the desert and other beautiful places to see in the 3rd day which I fully recommend.
In the first day on our way to the dunes we went to the Frankincense plantation and the Al Hashmann village. On our way back we went to Ubar and the rocky desert. On the 3rd day we went in the Qara mountains, the city of Mirbat and the amazing Wadi Darbat. On our way we visited some Baobab trees, ate in local restaurants and met local people.
My wife and I have traveled the whole world but we have never met a guide like Mohammed. The whole time we spent with him he explained us everything not only from an objective point of view (which one can find in the books) but also from his point of view and how it is pereceived by the locals. We talked about arabian culture, religion, how the tribe laws work and he told us stories from his vast experience in the desert (more than 10-15 years). And above all he was a funny person and we made jokes. At the end we felt like he is more like a bigger brother than a guide.
One more thing. We had to change also our accomodation and they promptly offered us 2 rooms with sea view in their villas on the beach.
All in all we had a great experience with them because we didn’t feel like guests, but more like new members of their community who are willing to discover their past, culture and way of life. In our opinion this is the essence of a trip like this, to discover things that could never be discovered in a book or a vlog. We will definitely return for a longer stay in Rub’ al Khali.
At the beginning we wanted 3 days (and 2 nights) of wild camping (tents) but a few days before our journey we changed it to 1 night in order to be able to see other places around Salalah. They were very flexible and offered us 1 night in the desert and other beautiful places to see in the 3rd day which I fully recommend.
In the first day on our way to the dunes we went to the Frankincense plantation and the Al Hashmann village. On our way back we went to Ubar and the rocky desert. On the 3rd day we went in the Qara mountains, the city of Mirbat and the amazing Wadi Darbat. On our way we visited some Baobab trees, ate in local restaurants and met local people.
My wife and I have traveled the whole world but we have never met a guide like Mohammed. The whole time we spent with him he explained us everything not only from an objective point of view (which one can find in the books) but also from his point of view and how it is pereceived by the locals. We talked about arabian culture, religion, how the tribe laws work and he told us stories from his vast experience in the desert (more than 10-15 years). And above all he was a funny person and we made jokes. At the end we felt like he is more like a bigger brother than a guide.
One more thing. We had to change also our accomodation and they promptly offered us 2 rooms with sea view in their villas on the beach.
All in all we had a great experience with them because we didn’t feel like guests, but more like new members of their community who are willing to discover their past, culture and way of life. In our opinion this is the essence of a trip like this, to discover things that could never be discovered in a book or a vlog. We will definitely return for a longer stay in Rub’ al Khali.
Skrevet 26. september 2023
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Mizzi Julia T
14 bidrag
mar. 2022 • Alene
Die extrem hohen Sanddünen, die einzigartige Atmosphäre, der Blick… wer nach Salalah kommt sollte auf jeden Fall eine Tour in die Wüste unternehmen. Es ist unglaublich schön und einzigartig. Ich würde mindestens eine Übernachttour buchen, 2-3 Nächte sind aber bestimmt noch schöner, weil man dann tiefer in die Wüste gelangt. Ich hatte leider nur Zeit für eine Nacht aber auch das war schon ganz toll. Es ist nicht sehr einfach vor Ort zu buchen, so wie man es eigentlich aus anderen Ländern gewohnt ist. Ich hatte daher an der Rezeption meines Hotels gefragt, ob man mir einen Guide besorgen könne. So kam ich dann zu Ali von der Salalah Safari Tourism Organisation +968 9974 4666/
Ali hat mir wirklich einen traumhaften Trip in die Wüste ermöglicht. Vielen Dank auch noch mal.
Ali hat mir wirklich einen traumhaften Trip in die Wüste ermöglicht. Vielen Dank auch noch mal.
Skrevet 17. april 2022
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Dubai Fam
Dubai, De forente arabiske emirater889 bidrag
sep. 2020
This review is about Empty Quarter, what a majestic place to visit and see away from all the distractions and city noise. It’s a place where the heart and mind get connected and start to think and feel of all the positive energy inside you. you defiantly need a super good car, I cant recommend less, get your food and water supplies depending on your agenda, don’t forget your car emergency tools, extra petrol tank preferred metal and graded and first aid kit. I do not recommend this place for kids or families and if they do, then not more than a day. It’s a place where you can see where it all begun, snakes, scorpions, lizards, amazing night animals and birds, just make sure you have the right camera to capture it right. if you are couples, this place will bond you more and make you work as a team. meditation is your best when you don’t hear anything except the wind. No money can buy this, that is why its free. Make sure you carry your ID’s, passports just in case. Please clean your mess as you leave cause no one going to clean it there.
Skrevet 6. september 2020
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Linda T
Ipsach, Sveits51 bidrag
des. 2019
es war jede franke wert.... einfach super
das absolute highlight unsere Oman reise.
es war ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.
das absolute highlight unsere Oman reise.
es war ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.
Skrevet 24. januar 2020
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Roma, Italia3 bidrag
jan. 2020
Il Dhofar non è una meta semplice se non piacciono i soliti grandi resort e se non si vuole spendere una fortuna.
Fidandoci dell'intuito e di alcune testimonianze online ci siamo affidati a Salim (WhatsApp +96896377772; e-mail:musalimsalim80@gmail.com).
Salim ama il suo territorio e il suo lavoro, è una guida esperta e attenta alle tradizioni locali, ma allo stesso tempo un interlocutore rapido e dinamico, con un ottimo inglese (e un debole per gli italiani).
Il primo giorno, partendo introno a ora di pranzo, abbiamo visto la via dell'incenso, la città "fantasma" di Ubar (qui la sosta è breve) e, soprattutto, l'Empty Quarter, nel quale ci siamo addentrati fino all'ottimo Al hshman camp, in cui abbiamo trascorso una notte da sogno (eravamo da soli!) dopo aver visto il sole tramontare dalla cima di una duna.
Si tratta di un camp sobrio e in linea con lo spirito del deserto, ma fornito di generatore per corrente (attivato in alcune fasce orarie), tende confortevoli e bagni con acqua corrente: il mix perfetto. Soprattutto, non si tratta dei campi tendati dove portano le agenzie meno serie, situati al principio del deserto, alla terza duna utile e talvolta raggiungibili anche con 2 ruote motrici.
Il secondo giorno ci siamo invece fatti portare in 4 spiagge bellissime e poco accessibili al turismo di massa, sia perché non perfettamente indicate, sia perché raggiungibili con strade in parte impervie e sterrate: Oasis, aftlaqoot, al mughsail e soprattutto al fazieha, con le sue decine di spiaggette di sabbia bianca incastonate tra monti e dromedari a piede libero.
Il pomeriggio, dopo un salto al Wadi Darbat (dà il meglio con i monsoni), Salim ci ha lasciati in albergo per un pò di riposo, venendoci poi a riprendere verso sera per farci da ambasciatore della Salalah notturna.
Non parliamo, ovviamente, di ristoranti quotati o locali alla moda (per quelli non serve una guida), ma della possibilità di sorseggiare un ottimo tè a casa di alcuni suoi amici, di farsi portare a fare compere in negozietti di fidata qualità (su nostra richiesta), di cenare in ristorantini fuori dai circuiti principali ma di ottimo livello.
Insomma, l'Oman merita una sosta a Salalah.
Fidandoci dell'intuito e di alcune testimonianze online ci siamo affidati a Salim (WhatsApp +96896377772; e-mail:musalimsalim80@gmail.com).
Salim ama il suo territorio e il suo lavoro, è una guida esperta e attenta alle tradizioni locali, ma allo stesso tempo un interlocutore rapido e dinamico, con un ottimo inglese (e un debole per gli italiani).
Il primo giorno, partendo introno a ora di pranzo, abbiamo visto la via dell'incenso, la città "fantasma" di Ubar (qui la sosta è breve) e, soprattutto, l'Empty Quarter, nel quale ci siamo addentrati fino all'ottimo Al hshman camp, in cui abbiamo trascorso una notte da sogno (eravamo da soli!) dopo aver visto il sole tramontare dalla cima di una duna.
Si tratta di un camp sobrio e in linea con lo spirito del deserto, ma fornito di generatore per corrente (attivato in alcune fasce orarie), tende confortevoli e bagni con acqua corrente: il mix perfetto. Soprattutto, non si tratta dei campi tendati dove portano le agenzie meno serie, situati al principio del deserto, alla terza duna utile e talvolta raggiungibili anche con 2 ruote motrici.
Il secondo giorno ci siamo invece fatti portare in 4 spiagge bellissime e poco accessibili al turismo di massa, sia perché non perfettamente indicate, sia perché raggiungibili con strade in parte impervie e sterrate: Oasis, aftlaqoot, al mughsail e soprattutto al fazieha, con le sue decine di spiaggette di sabbia bianca incastonate tra monti e dromedari a piede libero.
Il pomeriggio, dopo un salto al Wadi Darbat (dà il meglio con i monsoni), Salim ci ha lasciati in albergo per un pò di riposo, venendoci poi a riprendere verso sera per farci da ambasciatore della Salalah notturna.
Non parliamo, ovviamente, di ristoranti quotati o locali alla moda (per quelli non serve una guida), ma della possibilità di sorseggiare un ottimo tè a casa di alcuni suoi amici, di farsi portare a fare compere in negozietti di fidata qualità (su nostra richiesta), di cenare in ristorantini fuori dai circuiti principali ma di ottimo livello.
Insomma, l'Oman merita una sosta a Salalah.
Skrevet 12. januar 2020
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Marek P
Gdansk, Polen1 907 bidrag
nov. 2019
On the way from Salalah to Muscat, driving through the interior we got a night's sleep at the Empty Quarter border. The Empty Quarter is nothing more than a huge, sandy desert covering part of Oman and a much larger part of Saudi Arabia. After a fascinating accommodation, we went deep into the desert where we drove through magnificent dunes. Our cars with 4-wheel drive buried and it was difficult to get out of the sand, but ... we managed. That was great!
Skrevet 2. januar 2020
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Barry P
1 bidrag
sep. 2019
Fantastic Trip Intro by Kathy from Dhofar Adventures:
Issa was the guide,driver, interpreter, host,cook and best travel buddy.
Highly recommended Issa, Contact -Whats-app +968 99679933. Personalised trips overnight in the Empty Quarter.
Issa was the guide,driver, interpreter, host,cook and best travel buddy.
Highly recommended Issa, Contact -Whats-app +968 99679933. Personalised trips overnight in the Empty Quarter.
Skrevet 26. desember 2019
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Paola T
4 bidrag
apr. 2019
Divertente e adrenalinica la corsa con i fuoristrada . Cena e notte sotto le stelle ,un esperienza unica ! la guida e gli autisti professionali e non privi di simpatia . Un'esperienza da non perdere
Skrevet 5. september 2019
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Radek Z
Grudziadz, Polen731 bidrag
mar. 2019 • Par
Zdecydowanie warto odbyć ok. 2 godzinną podróż z Salali by zobaczyć prawdziwą pustynię. Polecam wybrać się tam w formie safari jeepami, a właściwie Land Cruiserami. To co potrafią z nimi zrobić na wydmach miejscowi kierowcy zapiera dech w piersi. Skoki, szalone wjazdu na sam szczyt wydm i jeszcze bardziej zaskakujące zjazdy. Piasek miałki jak talk.
Skrevet 10. april 2019
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Hallo, wir haben für Anfang Februar 2020 eine Urlaubsreise in den Oman / Salalah / gebucht.
Wir möchten gerne eine Wüstensafari mit Übernachtung buchen.
Dein Bericht hat uns sehr gut gefallen !
Kannst du uns den Anbieter nennen, mit wem ihr eure Tour gemacht habt.
Danke + Grüße
Skrevet 4. november 2019
Hi. I will be in the Empty Quarter from December 27th to the 30th. How cold does it get at night? What about the daytime temperature? Thank you.
Skrevet 23. desember 2018
Mobile, Alabama
Does it move like a river and can you go in it or on it??
Skrevet 7. mars 2018
Kann mir jemand einen guten Touroperator ab Salalah empfehlen? Danke, Claudia
Skrevet 11. desember 2017
I will be in the Empty Quarter from December 27th to the 30th. How cold does it get at night? How about the temperature during the day? Thank you.
Skrevet 23. desember 2018
Can you suggest any tour operators for Empty Quarters ?
Skrevet 7. september 2016
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