Colonial Church

Colonial Church

Colonial Church
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4,5 av 5 bobler120 anmeldelser
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Den dominikanske republikk2 410 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
apr. 2022 • Par
Llegamos a Santiago Atitlan en un tour al Lago, este fue el ultimo pueblo que visitamos, luego de recorrer el colorido mercado y la plaza con el mapa del lago y sus poblaciones, llegamos a esta iglesia con un gran atrio en frente, donde vimos muchos lugareños con su ropa típica maya, estaba con las decoraciones y lista para las celebraciones de semana santa, es una iglesia sencilla pero muy característica de los pueblos mayas, con la mezcla de la colonización pero afortunadamente no dejan de tener sus toques indígenas, ademas que aquí aun hay una población maya típica, me encanto.
Skrevet 25. mars 2023
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Jeff K
Pittsburgh, PA2 419 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
jan. 2023 • Par
The prior review does a great job of providing a detailed description of the church. The most interesting part of the church to me was the memorial for the Oklahoma priest who had served the community. He was killed in the civil war and was honored as a martyr. Our tour guide told us that his heart was at the base of the memorial. Kind of creepy but interesting, nonetheless.
Skrevet 21. januar 2023
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Nova Scotia, Canada4 219 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
feb. 2020
As most people know, Santiago is the Spanish equivalent of St. James and this rather unprepossessing looking church is, in English, Saint James the Apostle Church. It dates all the way back to the 1540's and lies in the shadow of the mighty Atitlan volcano which rises to 11,598 feet (3,535 metres) which in the Rockies would be a good sized mountain. The steps you see are actually over a thousand years old and once led to a Mayan temple which the Christians of course destroyed to build the church atop in an act of religious oneupmanship. But it didn't actually work as I entered what is one of the most fascinating churches I've ever visited anywhere.

Tony our guide took us on a tour of the interior which has more than a few things of passing interest starting with the various saints decorated by groups that are unique to Guatemala, the cofradias. These are religious brotherhoods that date back to the Spanish conquest and were originally intended to help spread Catholicism and stamp out native beliefs. Instead they have morphed into something similar to the krewes of Louisiana who each have their own distinct colours and symbols. The entire church is lined with these brightly coloured figures.

Sometimes things are not as they first seem to appear. I've included a photo of the pink cofradia. But take a closer look at the Virgin Mary. She's got two babies, not just the usual one. Here's where things get tricky and try as I might, I can find no one coherent explanation for the two babies. Here is Tony's version. The second baby is actually Judas. Yes, you read that right. For Mayans, the death of their religion at the hands of the Spanish priests was not cause for celebration or a great awakening, but rather an execration. The one figure from Christianity that many of them could embrace was Judas who was responsible for getting Christ killed and thus in their eyes, more powerful than Jesus. There are umpteen versions of the story and they are all bizarre.

The altar of the church is fairly standard, but what's behind it is not. The apse has some beautiful woods carvings and a very nice trinity which at first glance looks like an old guy on a motorized scooter.

One a more serious note, there is an important monument near the church entrance that is worth examining and learning the story of Father Stanley Rother. He was an American priest who came to Santiago Atitlan and during the civil war, defied the authorities and stood up for the Mayan people that were frequently the target of massacres during this time. For that, he paid with his life and has been recognized as a genuine martyr in every sense of the that word.

Although his body is buried in his native state of Oklahoma, Stanley Rother's heart is buried here and that seems appropriate because he gave his heart and his life to the Tz'ujutil people. While I might not agree with religious proselytizing, no one can dispute the goodness of this man's intentions to help the poor and downtrodden. In this world where Catholic priests are just as often seen as predators rather than protectors, it is comforting to know that that some truly follow the true teachings and example of Jesus, even if it costs them their lives.
Beside the church is the rectory and Tony points out the very spot where Rother was murdered by a government backed death squad in 1981. Sadly that was not the end of the violence. In 1990, eleven more people were killed in Santiago Atitlan by the army which had a base nearby. That event caused such an international uproar that the base was closed and since then life in this small place has returned to a semblance of normalcy.
Skrevet 10. mai 2020
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Mirna B
San Salvador, El Salvador871 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
jan. 2020
Santiago Atitlán, es un pueblo al que he querido desde hace años, su gente siempre me ha parecido sencilla pero encantadora, su iglesia es una belleza, sencilla pero una cuna de fe; ahora Santiago ha crecido mucho, ya no es un pueblo tan pequeño como antes, pero su gente sigue siendo cálida, cuando camine por la plaza principal, a un costado me tomé un café y me comí un plátano asado, toda una delicia. Todo mi amor para Santiago Atitlán.
Skrevet 24. april 2020
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Cesare M
Carpi, Italia667 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
apr. 2019
La chiesa abbastanza spoglia tipicamente come quella di queste zone si trova sulla piazza principale. Particolare è anche la confraternite del Santo locale di Maximon che ogni anno viene ospitato da una famiglia che riceve le visite di tutti i confratelli durante questo periodo tenendo aperta la loro casa ad ogni ora.
Skrevet 7. mars 2020
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Tassomundo - Anastasios C.
Stuttgart, Tyskland2 597 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2019
Im Zentrum von Santiago Atitlan auf dem grossen Platz steht diese weisse Kirche,die aus der Kolonialzeit stammt.Wenn man durch den Markt bummelt und eine kleine Treppe hinaufgeht kommt man direkt auf den Platz.Während meines Besuchs unter konstruktion,aber das Betreten von innen war möglich und hat sich gelohnt.
Skrevet 6. mars 2020
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Denver, CO248 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
jan. 2020
The church goes back many centuries, and the history seems to seep throughout the building. But the story of the priest who was murdered during the genocide of the indigenous Mayans was a moving tribute, and made the visit even more meaningful. Well work a visit.
Skrevet 9. februar 2020
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1 322 bidrag
3,0 av 5 bobler
des. 2019 • Alene
Bizarre mix of catholic and Mayan religious traditions. Interesting to see and learn about. Not what you would traditionally expect in church! Take a look!
Skrevet 12. januar 2020
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Le Mee-sur-Seine, Frankrike5 606 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2019
Sur le chemin de visite des villages typiques du lac Atitlan, au village de Santiago cette église sera vous ravir, en effet avec un fronton très typique époque coloniale espagnole, le jardin tranche avec la blancheur des façades de l'église, c'est du plus bel effet. ne manquez pas de visiter l'intérieur de l'église avec tous ces autels mayas, c'est curieux et très photogénique.
Skrevet 11. desember 2019
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Rancagua, Chile36 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
aug. 2019
Realice la ruta Maya y las iglesias que pude ver impresionante el fervor, igualmente en Santiago de Atlitlan, los pueblos que circundan el lago vale la pena recorrer los sus bordados asociados s la naturaleza maravillosos
Skrevet 28. august 2019
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