Koulen National Park
Koulen National Park
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12 anmeldelser
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Heike S
Würzburg, Tyskland837 bidrag
mar. 2020
Von Siem Reap aus, kann man einen tollen Ausflug zum Schlafenden Buddha, dem Fluss, dem Wasserfall und einem wunderschönen Aussichtspunkt am Steinbruch machen. Der Wasserfall ist in der Trockenzeit natürlich sehr klein. Der schlafende Buddha ist auf einer Erhöhung mit einer tollen Aussicht mit Anmut zu betrachten. Ansonsten gibt es aber auch weitere schöne kleinere Tempel dort. Alle in allem ein Ausflug der sich lohnt.
Skrevet 23. juli 2020
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Monica Cottone
Bergamo, Italia5 764 bidrag
aug. 2019
Nel nostro tour organizzato era prevista un giornata nella natura. La strada per arrivare al parco è lunga, tortuosa e a senso unico (si sale la mattina e si scende la sera). Arrivati ad un primo parcheggio abbiamo ammirato il fiume dalle mille Linghe: un torrente con il fondale scolpito con mille Linghe, il simbolo di Shiva. Noi non ci siamo trattenuti molto, ma so che da lì partono dei tour a piedi. Siamo arrivati al tempio Preaf Ang alla cui sommità si trova il Buddha sdraiato, scolpito nella roccia. Per entrare occorre essere vestiti in maniera decorosa e togliersi le scarpe (come in tutti i templi).Dopo aver attraversato un villaggio, ci siamo addentrati in una parte boschiva per arrivare alle fantomatiche cascate. Onestamente sono state una delusione: acqua marrone fangosa (me le aspettavo limpide e cristalline, ma sono sempre così, a prescindere dal tempo e dal mese), tantissima gente ammassata visto che lo spazio è poco, sia locali che turisti. Musica alta (non sono una bacchettona, ma neppure un'incivile), pattumiera abbandonata ovunque. Eravamo andati con tanto di costume, asciugamano ecc, ma dopo aver visto lo spettacolo e aver fatto qualche fotografia siamo tornati indietro.
Diciamo che se fossimo andati fin lì solo per le cascate sarebbe stata una grandissima delusione. Fortuna che c'era il Buddha sdraiato.
Ovviamente questo è il mio pensiero: ho letto di persone che trovano questo posto un'oasi, un paradiso in terra.....contenti loro!
Diciamo che se fossimo andati fin lì solo per le cascate sarebbe stata una grandissima delusione. Fortuna che c'era il Buddha sdraiato.
Ovviamente questo è il mio pensiero: ho letto di persone che trovano questo posto un'oasi, un paradiso in terra.....contenti loro!
Skrevet 21. april 2020
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Vijay P
Singapore, Singapore121 bidrag
jun. 2019 • Familie
We visited the Kulen national park in June as part of our 4 day Angkor tour plan. This is a welcome break after couple of days of temple hopping and allows a different experience. The drive to Kulen national park is pleasant and take an hour plus from city center. We visited the Buddha temple and also the river of thousand lingas. We enjoyed the two waterfalls. The second and bigger water falls has stalls offering swim wear and more usefully; lockers and change rooms (well steel boxes for lockers and thatched huts as change rooms). This allowed us to enjoy getting into the waterfall and enjoy ourselves. There are also nature walks and many more sights so one can convert this into a full day tour as well.
Skrevet 2. juli 2019
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Bangkok, Thailand5 bidrag
jun. 2019 • Familie
I and my mum visited here Kulen Mountain on 11 June 2019, and we have to come with tour guide that we could know the history of this area. We visited the big sleeping Buddha on top, but we saw over there they keep the Hindo statues and Buddha stutues together. We went back to see the thousand lingas in the river bed, and the waterfall. Our guide Long told us all the history. Highly recommend visiting in this month because the waterfall is so beautiful!
Skrevet 12. juni 2019
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Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia2 864 bidrag
des. 2018 • Alene
The Koulen Waterfall actually has two waterfalls one above the other. The upper waterfall is an easy walk from the parking while the lower one requires you to climb down a steep flight of stairs. The upper waterfall is relatively flat and shallow and has a lower vertical drop while the lower one has a bigger vertical drop, a deeper pool and is more rocky and spectacular. Nearby is a riverbed carved with a thousand lingas and other religious motifs.
As with most tourist attractions, the way from the parking to the waterfall is line with restaurants and souvenir shops.
It is a great outing and the waterfall is a great way to cool down even in the hot Cambodian weather. Make sure to bring your bathing suit and sunscreen.
As with most tourist attractions, the way from the parking to the waterfall is line with restaurants and souvenir shops.
It is a great outing and the waterfall is a great way to cool down even in the hot Cambodian weather. Make sure to bring your bathing suit and sunscreen.
Skrevet 22. desember 2018
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Haytham Abu Firas
Qatar21 302 bidrag
nov. 2018 • Venner
A beautiful group tour to the waterfall. National park has many food stalls selling everything and ends in a stairs leading to the waterfall. Such a beautiful view and visit. A 1 hour time for swimming is fair enough. You can rent a safe box for 1 dollar. Care from the rocks.
Skrevet 23. november 2018
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Miami, FL104 bidrag
nov. 2017 • Venner
Visited July 2015. Loved coming here before visiting the waterfall! The reclining Buddha is spectacular as well as the surrounding sights and sounds.
Skrevet 22. oktober 2018
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Melbourne, Australia60 bidrag
mai 2018 • Par
The Koulen (Kulen) National park is spectacular. You can enjoy the natural surroundings and the gorgeous waterfall where locals and tourists can have a swim and cool off. We went on a public holiday, so it was extremely busy, but it was nice to observe local Cambodian families enjoying the day off. The walk up to the temple that houses the Reclining Buddha is steep but beautiful. We had a guide, so we were able to see the best parts of the park.
Skrevet 20. mai 2018
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30 bidrag
okt. 2017 • Familie
This is a great place to be. Start your trip as early in the morning as possible since the drive from Siem Reap is 1-1.5h.
Downside 20! USD admission fee. But it is cheaper with a multi day Angkor pass.
There is an interesting temple to visit on top of a mountain plus the river. On the upper part of the river you can swim, rent a cot at ca. 5-6 USD to sit, relax sleep and picnic. Plenty food vendors and souvenirs around. Very touristic but also frequently visited by the locals.
Below that river you will find one of the most impressive waterfalls in Cambodia. You can also swim there... Great, even inspite of all the tourists.
Downside 20! USD admission fee. But it is cheaper with a multi day Angkor pass.
There is an interesting temple to visit on top of a mountain plus the river. On the upper part of the river you can swim, rent a cot at ca. 5-6 USD to sit, relax sleep and picnic. Plenty food vendors and souvenirs around. Very touristic but also frequently visited by the locals.
Below that river you will find one of the most impressive waterfalls in Cambodia. You can also swim there... Great, even inspite of all the tourists.
Skrevet 31. oktober 2017
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
Australia569 bidrag
aug. 2015 • Venner
See Kulen National Park as this listing is a duplication of that one as the park is referred to as either Kulen or Koulen :)
Skrevet 30. august 2015
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