Ahimsa Academy
Ahimsa Academy
08:30 - 19:00
08:30 - 19:00
08:30 - 19:00
08:30 - 19:00
08:30 - 19:00
08:30 - 19:00
08:30 - 19:00
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Av Wolas
Something a little different
5,0 av 5 boblerapr. 2019
Jeg kom for en uke for å gjøre Thomas grunnlagskurs, og likte det så mye jeg bodde for to! Vær oppmerksom på at studioet ikke lenger er i drift, og det er ingen fall i klassene. Nettstedet bør gjenspeile dette som Thomas har jobbet mye på det nylig. Han gir nå opplæring mer på en privat klientstil, selv om det var tre av oss som trente med ham på samme tid, som var nydelig! Kast dine forventninger ut av vinduet før du går på denne reisen. Du vil ikke få en Yoga-klasse, eller en enkel instruksjon i Tai Chi-demonstrasjonsskjemaer. Thomas har stor erfaring på disse områdene, så vel som i Qigong, men han starter med det grunnleggende. I løpet av de to ukene med opplæring var fokus på form, stilling og styrking. Thomas tilpasser sin instruksjon til studentens behov, men i vårt tilfelle jobbet vi i en naturlig setting i et av templene (qigong for holdning / form), og også i treningsstudioet (styrking og form). Vi gjentok et lignende sett med ganske grunnleggende øvelser, med Thomas å gi korreksjon på sentrale områder, samt forklaringer bak formålet med bevegelsene, og da utvidet vi disse øvelsene når han var fornøyd, vi hadde tatt tak i nøkkelbegrepene. Dette er ikke en rask-vinn type kurs som vil tillate deg å begynne å kaste kule figurer etter en uke. Det er mye mer grunnleggende enn det, og gir deg verktøy som du kan søke på mange områder av livet. Oh, og det er * utfordrende *. Ikke bare fysisk, men også mentalt. Du må utvikle mental styrke for å fortsette å trene hver dag, og også å håndtere Thomas 'undervisningstilstand. Det er klart at han har studert under østlige mestere, da han ber om et visst nivå av respekt og oppmerksomhet som vestlige publikum noen ganger sliter med å gi. Bare vær oppmerksom! Han er også sannsynlig å hevde kontroversielle emner i samtale, for å utfordre tanken og å starte deg på den veien til mental motstandsevne / åndelig oppvåkning, avhengig av hvilken båt du flyter. Bare husk, du vil ikke lykkes på dette med mindre du er åpen. Det høres ganske tungt, men det var også mye korthet og latter i våre økter, og vi alle hadde en veldig god tid.

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Sue W
5 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
mar. 2022
Teacher Thomas is the real deal. He has years and years of experience in teaching yoga, tai chi and qigong. I joined one of his week long retreats and could not have been happier. I left feeling stronger and more confident. Thanks Thomas.
Skrevet 21. mars 2022
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Katmandu, Nepal3 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
mai 2019
I've been studying with Thomas for nearly a year, doing Qi Gong, Tai Chi, martial arts and fitness training, and I can say without doubt that this has been one of the most enriching and enlightening experiences of my life. As a result of studying with Thomas, I'm stronger, more agile, and more in touch with my body and energy than ever before. I'm more confident with women (and incidentally more appreciated by them), and less intimidated by other men.

Thomas excels in the role of teacher, adapting his instructions to suit the unique physical and psychological needs of every student and delivering his wisdom in accessible, often hilarious parables. But it's his capacity as a human being that truly makes him stand out head and shoulders amongst every other teacher I've known. Thomas emphasises the importance of altruism, honesty, owning our own minds, and not taking life too seriously, and he embodies these principles, every single day.

Thomas' expert guidance allows us to experience the transcendent and subtler levels of our being, while remaining firmly grounded in the requirements of everyday reality and our obligations to our communities, families and loved ones. If you study with Ahimsa Academy you will undoubtedly learn how to become better at Qigong, Tai Chi, Yoga and/or fitness, but you'll also learn how to become a better person. It's an honour to call Thomas a friend. Cheers man. 147!
Skrevet 17. april 2020
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40 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
apr. 2019 • Alene
I came for a week to do Thomas' foundation course, and liked it so much I stayed for two!

Be aware that the studio is no longer in operation and there are no drop in classes. The website should reflect this as Thomas has been working on it a lot recently. He now provides tuition more on a private client-style basis, although there were three of us practising with him at the same time, which was lovely!

Throw your expectations out the window before you embark on this journey. You won't be getting a run-of-the-mill Yoga class, nor simple instruction in Tai Chi demonstration forms. Thomas has extensive experience in these areas, as well as in Qigong, but he starts with the basics.

During the two weeks of training our focus was on form, posture, and strengthening. Thomas adapts his instruction to the needs of the student, but in our case we worked in a natural setting in one of the temples (qigong for posture/form), and also in the gym (strengthening as well as form). We repeated a similar set of fairly basic exercises, with Thomas providing correction in key areas as well as explanations behind the purpose of the movements, and then we expanded those exercises once he was satisfied we had grasped the key concepts.

This isn't a quick-win type of course that will allow you to start throwing cool shapes after a week. It is much more fundamental than that, providing you with tools that you can apply in many areas of life.

Oh, and it is *challenging*. Not just physically, but mentally as well. You will need to develop the mental fortitude to keep coming back to practise everyday, and also to deal with Thomas' style of teaching. It's clear he has studied under Eastern masters, as he asks for a certain level of respect and attention that Western audiences sometimes struggle to provide. Just pay attention! He is also likely to raise controversial topics in conversation, to challenge your thinking and to start you on that path to mental resilience/spiritual awakening, whichever floats your boat. Just remember, you won't succeed at this unless you are open.

That sounds quite heavy, but there was also a lot of brevity and laughter in our sessions, and we all had a really good time.
Skrevet 29. april 2019
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Chicago, IL5 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
jan. 2018 • Alene
After landing in Siem Reap on my 3rd week of travel i felt the body needed some attention. After a few years of Ironman training i've acquired several annoying injuries. My plan was to hop into a yoga class. What i got was much more. After a few minutes of conversation with Thomas i elected to spend 90 minutes a day for 4 days at his studio learning how to 'flow' again. His teaching of Qigong starts at the beginning, general flow from walking to sitting to standing up. Getting back to basics. By the final day I noticed increased flexibility, less residual pain when waking and hopping out of bed, and a general sense of more connection to my inner skeleton. Looking forward to continuing with his training via the internet until i can return for a longer period for deeper training.

Definitely NOT just another yoga class. So much more.
Skrevet 18. januar 2018
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Michael J
2 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
jul. 2017 • Alene
I have gone to be trained by Thomas for the last five years now for a total of four times. Initially for Tai Chi but then I got hooked on his yoga. I don't even bother with a yoga teacher where I live even though every man and his dog seem to teach yoga these days. No teacher compares.

I also say he is the real deal because he is perhaps the most kind man I have met. Often times I have seen him give his last dollar to the homeless kids on the streets . This to me is what yoga us all about.

I still consider myself a beginner but I feel great, coming from very poor health. What Thomas taught me is what got me where I am today.
Skrevet 17. januar 2018
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Jenny T
London, UK4 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2017 • Alene
If you're in Siem Reap and thinking about taking a yoga course/ class - definitely try Thomas'. I've been practicing yoga for a couple of years and have learned a lot from Thomas. He's an awesome teacher, staying true to the roots of yoga, and seriously knows his stuff. With a background in martial arts which he infuses this into classes - allowing students to go away with a deeper understanding of these ancient arts.

His beginner 5 day courses are suitable for beginners and advanced alike - taking yoga back to it's foundations but which many 'western vinyasa-style flows' have lost. You'll be amazed after learning with Thomas, how it will change your practice (and perhaps perspective!) and leave you feeling light and energized.

A really great, down to earth guy who can chat for hours on yoga, philosophy and much more.. - who anyone could learn a lot from! Feel very grateful to have come across him. Thanks Thomas!

- Jenny
Skrevet 26. november 2017
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Siem Reap, Kambodsja2 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2017 • Alene
Hands down the best experience of my trip. Whether you’ve been practicing for a few years or you just want to start, the 5-day foundation course was essential and life-changing. I have been practicing yoga consistently for almost 2 years while switching off between different style and many teachers. I feel I jumped in too quickly and as an athlete, I was very competitive with myself and others, which led to overstretching, wrong form, and injuries. These injuries included tight alignment all on my right side including ankle, IT Band, hip, shoulder, and neck. I was completely out of sync and after 5 days of taking it back to the foundation, I felt stronger than I have in 2 years, loaded with positive potential rather than negativity and pain.

The foundation course's movements are a mix of Qigong and joint openers while including great techniques to focus on the breath through each movement. it builds the process of how to move correctly during any pose and incorporate a learning method for smooth transitions. My realignment and calming of my rapid pace western mind helped heal my injuries and pave the way to boundless opportunities in the realm of my yoga practice. My newfound inspiration and strength/physical health humbles me in knowing how much work I have to go, yet shows me how simple it truly is once I begin to feel and let go. The transformation was incredible and my knowledge overflowing.

It all sounds like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, and I'm from the center of mamba jumbo bs in Los Angeles. Most places I come across are regurgitating spooned fed “yoga” methods without any real knowledge or care for the individuals in the class. This is the real deal. I've been traveling for a few months waiting to find someplace like this. Someone who can be upfront and tell you how your poses are incorrect and why they are causing injuries and then assist you with demonstration and hands-on adjustment if preferred. The setting is lovely and the groups of people are all like minded. Anyone can benefit from this mini Bootcamp, so if you have an extra 5 days go check it out! Their 5:30 sunset classes are phenomenal too for those looking to for a relaxing environment to practice after a long travel week.

Tips for finding
it is off of pub street yet on the rooftop of a building so it escapes the hustle and bustle of Siem Reap. The time of day either sunset or morning is both quiet before any crazy partying goes on.
go down the alley next to the blue pumpkin and although it looks a bit dodgy it is very safe. There is an open restaurant along the alley and you just make a right into the back of the restaurant. you’ll see there are stairs leading to apartment rooms.
Just take the stairs to the top and enjoy the view!
Skrevet 24. november 2017
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graeme g
Victoria, Australia4 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
aug. 2017 • Alene
I stayed in Siem Reap for 2 weeks in august found yoga at Ahimsa yoga just the best experience,at 8.30 am the morning class was great way to start the day.The knowledge of yoga,tai chi and self defense that Thomas the teacher has is amazing.The location in the centre of town is ideal.I would recommend yoga at Ahimsa for any traveller to siem reap,overall for me the experience was profound.Thankyou Thomas will hopefully be back next year
Skrevet 12. november 2017
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Peter F
3 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2017 • Par
Disclaimer: I don't normally contribute to or create online arguments but I was so shocked and upset by the review of Madeline W that I feel it's important to give another review to correct the misinformation in her review.

The Ahmisa studio is run by Thomas, who has 40 years experience in practising yoga and martial arts. The 8.30 am and 5.30 pm classes are slow, foundational movements. It includes a classical series of postures, designed to give beginners a clear and simple set of core postures to help people to strengthen their muscles and get the basics of some asanas in the correct form and alignment right from the start one their practice. This can be very challenging even for longer-term practitioners of yoga and Thomas is always sure to ask people what experience they have and how hard they would like the class to be based on their skill and they way their body is at the time.
The 4 o'clock class is a hard core workout designed for intermediate practitioners or people who are physically fit and would like to push themselves through a routine which is physically very demanding. It is set at that time of day so that the heat creates an extra dimension of difficulty and forces students to use a lot of mental willpower to persevere and push themselves, followed by a long meditation.
This class is always the same, though it can be altered to get even more demanding. The class is based on a set of asanas taken from a Tibetan traditional school. It has much more "yoga credibility" than a "heavy flow class", that Madeline W. was expecting, which is actually a barstardised type of Vinyasa, suited to today's gym culture for people who want a kind of aerobics class. Nothing wrong with that, but to say that you are expecting that, and then received a yoga class of a much older tradition and then slamming it as "offensive to yoga tradition", is ridiculous and just shows the lack of knowledge by the reviewer. It is very irresponsible of her to tout her views when even she says she is "not a Yogi or a Hindu", as though saying this gives her opinion credibility. The class she took was from a Buddhist tradition and she assumes that it is offensive to Hindus and uses condescending language to drive emotions into her biased and shallow opinion. So sad.
Calling it "commercialised cultural theft" and all the rest of the unnecessary personal attacks she made just reinforce the fact that Madeline W. herself has a particular view of what yoga should be, and when this class deliberately tries to break those narrow minded perceptions of yoga (we never Omed or said Namaste to each other either), she becomes offended on behalf of the people she assumes think like this, but probably don't. Especially when they come from a completely different religion to the one she is worried for. That sounds to me like cultural appropriation...
I hope she writes the same vitriolic review about every other yoga studio she attends in the west, especially "heavy flow" classes!
My partner and I were at the same class as Madeline W, in fact we went there for the first time a few days earlier, and quickly decided to stay in Siem Reap for two weeks longer than we had planned, just to go to as many classes at Ahimsa as we can and learn as much as we can from Thomas and train with him.
If you remove all the personal attacks and ill-informed prejudices from Madeline W.s review, you will see that she actually valued the workout, the studio and facilities!
I can't imagine why she felt that she needed to say it was unethical, and implied that it causes harm. Who to? Hindus? Yogis? The studio is not a commercial money machine, the bike that Thomas was "bragging" about is his only valuable possession, and he was talking to us, his older students (also bike enthusiasts) about a conversation we had developed over a couple of days. It's ok to be excited about getting a new bike.
By the way the studio is well-known around Siem Reap for constantly giving money to the underprivileged kids in the area, and supporting local businesses and families.
Skrevet 23. september 2017
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Madeline W
14 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2017 • Alene
Disclaimer: I only went to one class, entitled "afternoon hard core," as that was what fit with my schedule. I expected some sort of heavy flow class.

This was really different than I was expecting, and not in a good way.

It was a prime example of a bastardized, culturally appropriated, way decontextualized Western version of "yoga" that took the ONE limb of yoga (out of 8) that is about physical practice (asana) and stripped the rest away so it was a glorified boot camp workout. True yoga isn't supposed to be a "workout" - that's not the point. It's offensive to the rich history of yoga to call it that because it's so far from the historical tradition. We basically did core work the whole time and a few squats, with a long savasana at the end at least, but he told us with longer term students he adds in plyometrics like jump squats. Into a YOGA class. If you want to offer a class that's more Pilates/boot camp, fine; just call it something else, not yoga.

Thomas seems like a nice enough guy, but I was quite turned off by his ego. He started class by bragging to the students he knew there about his brand new bike that has $1000 wheels, and talking about himself a lot in general. He made a lot of casual chit chat during class and provided very few form cues. After class, as new students arrived, I heard him bragging once more about his new bike. I still gather that he has lots of experience with physical yoga and martial arts, but that's not enough to earn a good rating. It was clear that the point of this class was to "get a good workout" and boost our egos about how long we held a plank pose. What a bastardized version of "yoga." So sad.

I'm not a Yogi or Hindu by any stretch, but I think those who are would find it offensive that this class was called "yoga" for it was one of the least yogic "yoga" spaces I've been in. It was commercialized cultural theft and at $8/class he appears to be doing quite well for himself despite perpetuating harm against people whose tradition is being stolen, stripped, and bastardized. Despite the name....If you're looking to practice yoga and meditation in an ethical, harm-free way, look elsewhere.

To be fair, the pros: It's in a beautiful rooftop, open air space with plenty of fans and showers available. It was a bit noisy as it's in a busy area but that didn't bother me. The location is extremely central and close to lots of restaurants/shops. It was a moderately challenging, sweaty workout with plenty of core work. It felt good to move my body in this way, even if it wasn't what I expected.

But, bottom line: If I wanted a glorified boot camp/core workout served with a hefty side of cultural appropriation and ego, I could have saved $8 and gone on YouTube.
Skrevet 18. september 2017
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