Djerba Explore

Djerba Explore

Djerba Explore
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
Varighet: 1-2 timer
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4,5 av 5 bobler1 107 anmeldelser
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patrick lomé
64 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2024 • Par
Particularly clean and interesting site thanks to the crocodile farm and the museum which is clear with well detailed explanations.
Skrevet 28. november 2024
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Paris, Frankrike145 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2024 • Venner
Nice little walk to discover turtles and crocodiles. Nicely arranged. We were able to witness the feeding of the baby crocodiles. We did not visit the adjoining museum.
Skrevet 12. november 2024
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Liana P
4 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2024 • Par
I reached out to SAHARANSKY to ask a few questions about the experience. When I did the price was listed as $699 per person. After taking a few days to answer my questions and confirming availability SAHARANSKY then quoted me $1,395 per person - $600 more than what it had been originally advertised for. I tried booking on TripAdvisor where the price was $799 but they promptly cancelled my reservation. I called them on the price discrepancy and their response was that there was "an issue with the pricing engine" and they then offered me a price of $825 per person but with a shared buggy instead of one each. I am super disappointed with the bait and switch. If they'll try to gouge you on price are these really the people you want to trust for a two-day Saharan adventure? My answer to that question was a resounding no. Consider yourself warned.
Skrevet 8. november 2024
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Hello, We want to clarify a few points to provide a comprehensive understanding of the situation: Quick Response and Availability Check: We promptly responded to your live chat inquiry, acknowledging the high season demand for December 27th bookings. We then provided the accurate pricing information, explaining the discrepancy between the outdated TripAdvisor listing and our current rates. No Obligation to Book: It's important to note that at no point were you obligated to book the tour. We offered you the option to consider the accurate pricing and proceed with the booking if it aligned with your budget and preferences. Alternative Options: We also presented alternative options, such as a shared buggy adventure or a quad adventure, which might have been more suitable for your budget. Best Price Guarantee: We are committed to offering the best possible prices for our services. Our Best Price Guarantee ensures that if you find a lower price for the same services elsewhere, we will refund the difference. Sincerely,
Skrevet 9. november 2024
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

Lausanne, Sveits67 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Familie
A beautiful visit of about 2 hours, with in the first part a visit of small typical houses and crafts. Then make way for the reptiles with a little show in the morning at 11am and then the photos with the baby crocodile. Huge park of several hundred crocs. Also turtles, iguana, etc... modest price about 30 adult dinars
Skrevet 26. oktober 2024
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Manuel S
1 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Par
PLEASE DO NOT BOOK - this is a total rip off.
First the guide spoke no English and really broken French (this is being generous). Because of this, we had no information throughout the entire tour, being about the places we were visiting or the activities planned. There was no explanation whatsoever of what was going to happen or where we were passing by. The guide didn’t even understand when asked simple questions like: what time are we arriving to the camp or how long is the drive!

We were only offered 1x bottle of 1.5L water for the two of us for the two days (on the way to the camp only). We were expected to pay for these anywhere else, and we had to pay for the water and drinks at the lunch we knew was included in the tour! At this price all water should be included!

The driver got lost in the desert and started to stress out. He had to turn around and try to find the path several times, and once he even stopped the car in one place and didn’t move or speak for 10min.

Once he finally figured out where to go he managed to get stuck in a dune, off road. If it weren’t for another guide and a German couple who were also there to help don’t know if we had gotten out of it…

Once at the camp - all was well - the camp is amazing and the owners super friendly. Staff is nice and friendly too. The tent is comfortable and the meal was delicious. This was the only part of the trip that wasn’t managed by SAHARANSKY!! So no surprise this was the best part…

The following day we were told we had to leave at 8am and the driver got annoyed when we were hopping on the car at 8am and the driver who helped him the day before started to leave. We understood he wanted to keep close to the other experienced driver as ours was afraid to get stuck again! And he almost did! The journey back was almost non-stop (we didn’t even had water!) back to Tozeur. Once we asked how we could get to Gafsa and if there was any taxi or bus he said he would take us to the terminal. Instead he took us to a bus parked a block away from the terminal and told us to hop on - who’s driver was also extortioner and charged us for the whole vehicle, including a 6month baby as if he was an adult!!

Would recommend to AVOID SAHARANSKY and book directly with the camp or another agency! Definitely not booking again or recommending to any friends and family!…
Skrevet 20. oktober 2024
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amine c
Saint-Tropez, Frankrike46 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Venner
Super large park crocodiles close to finish baby crocodiles are cute it is super beautiful well maintained and the museum is worth the visit
Skrevet 17. oktober 2024
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.

5,0 av 5 bobler
Very nice route
Friendly hosts
Price Performance absolutely top
Can only recommend
The quads flawless
Many greetings
Skrevet 21. august 2024
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.

catamaran Hammamet tunisie
Hammamet, Tunisia4 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
mai 2024 • Par
nice outing and good atmosphere. professional staff. two downsides: music too commercial and swimming short. We didn't see the dolphins
Skrevet 20. juni 2024
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Josefina c
3 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
jun. 2024 • Familie
Your answer is a lie. The Douz markets are closed for siesta time!! In the itinerary it says that we would visit the markets and the troglodyte caves in Matmata and that DID NOT HAPPEN. The first thing is because they are closed for siesta, Mourie and the man who gave us the transfer told us. They keep lying!!! Nowhere in the itinerary does it say "we will take you three hours to 4x4 or ride a camel if you wish or you can wait that time in a plastic chair in a horrible place" The itinerary does NOT match what they offer on their page.
Skrevet 16. juni 2024
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
It seems there might be a mix-up, as we don’t have any record of you having taken a tour with us. This sometimes happens because our tours are often copied by other non-professional operators in this destination. Could you please check and, if needed, delete this review or move it to the correct operator? Thank you for your understanding.
Skrevet 12. oktober 2024
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

Las Casitas D
22 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
jun. 2024 • Familie
THEY DO NOT MEET WHAT THEY OFFER!!! a disaster... we hired the excursion from Djerba to the desert. The itinerary said that we would visit the cheerful markets of Douz, and everything was closed because it was siesta time. We had 3 hours waiting in a plastic chair. They told us that in those 3 hours we could have rented extra camels or quads. We precisely took the 4x4 excursion because we were not interested in the others since we were going with children and my 70-year-old father. Then, the itinerary we hired said that the return trip would take us to Matmata to see the Toglodyte caves. We were excited about that visit. That never happened... when I made the claim on the trip we already had. They told us that we could tell the driver to come back... we were more than an hour away from the place and we couldn't waste all that time going there and back because we had to take a later plane. Everything would have been fine if they took us to the place we hired in the itinerary. They sold us tours through cheerful markets and it was closed. They took us to a place to wait 3 hours in a waiting chair, where if you don't want to consume quads and camels you are just sitting there with the wind and heat of the desert. The 2nd day of the itinerary promised a stop in Matmata which we were eagerly waiting to do and they did not deliver.
Skrevet 15. juni 2024
Denne anmeldelsen er den subjektive meningen til et Tripadvisor-medlem og kommer ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor sjekker anmeldelser.
It seems there might be a mix-up, as we don’t have any record of you having taken a tour with us. This sometimes happens because our tours are often copied by other non-professional operators in this destination. Could you please check and, if needed, delete this review or move it to the correct operator? Thank you for your understanding.
Skrevet 12. oktober 2024
Dette svaret er den subjektive meningen fra en representant for foretaket og ikke fra Tripadvisor LLC.

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