We had an exceptional experience thanks to Mada Diary Tour, who carved us a tailor-made itinerary of 3 weeks. Several agencies contacted but only Tita offered us this itinerary complete and really adapted to all our desires, at an Award more than correct compared to the other offers received.
Thank you Tita, our first Guide who also defined all the steps of our journey, for the impeccable organization and shared knowledge to make us discover his country. Thanks also to Baggio, unparalleled driver on the slopes and DJ at the top, and Miary, our adorable Guide exuding good humor and ungluable on his region, with whom we shared the second part of the stay. And thank you to the Malagasy people, warm, generous, courageous, and much more... who welcomed us with kindness.
It was an incredible experience, both because of human encounters and because of the discovery of unique landscapes, fauna and flora.
I recommend 2000%!