Lychee Bay Scenic Area
Lychee Bay Scenic Area
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
Hva folk sier
Douglas M
Av Douglas M
A Canal Boat Trip
4,0 av 5 boblerjun. 2024
Vi hadde førti minutter eller så å vente før et kontor åpnet. Jeg var ganske fornøyd med å sitte på en benk ved siden av kanalen og se på lokalbefolkningen gå om sin virksomhet, men min kone hadde andre ideer. Det var en kiosk og ved siden av den var en elektrisk kanal båt, så ikke før sagt enn gjort, hun var waving billetter. Billettene var ¥ 60 for meg, men ¥ 80 for henne som hun ennå ikke er dekrepet nok. Merk: Alle kjøper med en telefonapp. Alipay eller WeChat betale. Kontanter har nesten forsvunnet. Ingen kreditt-eller debetkort heller. Hennes entusiasme var smittsom, og tre andre sluttet seg til oss, og i løpet av et par minutter gikk vi stille langs kanalen. Vi passerte drage-båten som ble brukt i sinne for noen uker siden. Det er først når du kommer deg nær du innser hvor lange og smale de er. Deretter var det under broen og passerte paviljongen hvor lokalbefolkningen utfører kantonesisk opera, under en annen bro og så var vi ved en T-kryssning, men i stedet for å vende høyre mot innsjøen som vi forventet, vendte vi til venstre. Min kone var bekymret, sikkert vår kaptein / navigator var tapt. Han svarte at innsjøen nå var av - grenser som ugress så tykke de tilstopper båtens propeller. Så vi bosatte oss tilbake for å nyte turen forbi steder vi var kjent med, men bare fra veien. Det er først når du er på kanalen at du innser hvor smale de er og at racing i en dragebåt må være ganske spennende å si minst, heldigvis vår båt gikk ikke mye mer enn gåhastighet. Av og til vi bremset til en kryp som vi passerte chaps båter rydde kanalen av hovedsakelig blader fra trærne, tomme vannflasker, og sigarettpakker. Noen fiskere prøvde lykken. Jeg er sikker på at de fortsatt var der neste dag da vi gikk langs veien tilbake til kontoret. Alt her ser ut til å ta minst tre besøk for å få ting løst. Vi passerte Cantonese Opera Art Museum (TA gjennomgått) , og så var vi ved kanalbassenget hvor den utadgående delen av båtturen endte etter ca 20 minutter, med en shopping gate. Billettene er brukbare på alle båter returnerer etter å ha utforsket området, men som vi måtte være tilbake for åpningen av kontoret vi satt tett, og vi var de eneste kundene for retur. Dette gjorde det mulig for min kone å ha en lang prat med sjåføren om alt Lychee Bay. Neste gang, vel utforske handlegaten, og igjen besøke Cantonese Opera Art Museum.

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Douglas M
Guangzhou, Kina2 873 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
jun. 2024 • Par
We had forty-minutes or so to wait before an office opened. I was quite content to sit on a bench by the side of the canal and watch the locals go about their business, but my wife had other ideas. There was a kiosk and next to it was an electric canal boat, so no sooner said than done, she was waving tickets. The tickets were ¥60 for me, but ¥80 for her as she’s not yet decrepit enough.

Note: Everybody buys with a phone app. Alipay or WeChat pay. Cash has virtually disappeared. No credit or debit cards either.

Her enthusiasm was infectious, and three others joined us, and within a couple of minutes we were gliding silently along the canal. We passed the dragon boat that had been used in anger a couple of weeks ago. It’s only when you get up close you realize how long and narrow, they are. Then it was under the bridge and passed the pavilion where locals perform Cantonese opera, under another bridge and then we were at a T junction, but instead of turning right to the lake as we expected, we turned left.

My wife was concerned, surely our captain/navigator was lost. He replied that the lake was now off-limits as the weeds as so thick they clog the boat’s propeller. So, we settled back to enjoy the trip past places we were familiar with but only from the road.

It’s only when you are on the canal that you realize how narrow they are and that racing in a dragon boat must be rather exciting to say the least, luckily our boat wasn’t going much more than walking speed. Occasionally we slowed to a crawl as we passed chaps boats clearing the canal of mainly leaves from the trees, empty water bottles, and cigarette packets.

A few anglers were trying their luck. I’m sure they were still there the next day as we walked along the road back to the office. Everything here seems to take at least three visits to get things sorted.

We passed the Cantonese Opera Art Museum (TA reviewed), and then we were at the canal basin where the outward part of boat trip ended after 20 minutes or so, with a shopping street. The tickets are useable on any boat returning after exploring the area, but as we had to be back for the opening of the office we sat tight, and we were the only customers for the return. This enabled my wife to have a long chat with the driver about all things Lychee Bay.

Next time, well explore the shopping street, and again visit the Cantonese Opera Art Museum.
Skrevet 27. juni 2024
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Kawasaki, Japan9 119 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
des. 2023 • Venner
I'm not sure where the Lychee Bay Scenic Area ends, but it seems to refer to the area around the canal adjacent to Lychee Bay Park. There are some retro stalls along the canal selling drinks and dried food. There's nothing particularly fun about it, but it has a good old, calm atmosphere.
Skrevet 6. januar 2024
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Hongkong, Kina21 046 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
jan. 2024 • Alene
Lychee is representative of the old Canton in popular imagination. A stroll along the riverbank is a historic tour with revamped houses, mansions and museums scattered around the oldest part of Guangzhou. The sections around Yongqing Fang and Liwan Lake Park are more picturesque while the rest is just aged residential area.
Skrevet 6. januar 2024
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Douglas M
Guangzhou, Kina2 873 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
mar. 2023
SWMBO and I venture about one a week to this area of Guangzhou to stroll and then eat dinner in one of the many restaurants. The area is not just the LiWan (荔湾) Lake Park but the Pantang Wuyue Area to the north of the park.

This review isn’t about one visit, but a distillation of many visits and I’ve tried to include photos of areas not on the tourist trail.

We usually get to the area by taxi, the ride across the city cost a little over ¥30. A bus costs ¥2, that’s the flat fare across the city, use it ten times in a month and there’s a 40% discount, pay by card or phone app rather than cash.

The park is free to enter and there are many entrances. There are many places to sit and relax, and clean toilets dotted around the park.

Much of the park is lakes but there are numerous bridges, the Five Arch bridge being the most famous, connected by flat and wide paths winding around the lakes.

In the summer months, at weekends, and on public holidays boats are for hire on a lake, and there are ‘flower boat’ trips in the evening along the canals and lakes but be aware they are rather expensive. The lakes are very clean.

There are a couple of museums in the park on the east side of the park, see Liwan Museum (TA review). Across the canal is a performance stage for the local Cantonese opera performers with their orchestra. Since covid it’s been closed but hopefully they’ll be performing in the near future. In the past, afternoons were their performance time. Don’t expect costumes, it's casual clothes for them.

Talking of Cantonese Opera, about a 20-minute walk away is the Yueju (粤剧) Art Museum or Cantonese Opera Art Museum (TA reviewed) which is must to visit if you’re in the area and musically or theatrically inclined.

The old village in the Pantang Wuyue Area is well worth a stroll along the narrow lanes and alleys especially in the evening when the small trinket and arty shops and coffee shops open. However, be aware of the riders of electric scooters who constantly beep their horns to clear the way. I’m particularly fond of ogling the old Kawasaki motorbike in Seduce Gear’s window.

Just remember, many people still live in the village, so respect their privacy and don’t wander into their house or yard.

There are nice restaurants on Pantang Road which marks the eastern limit of the area. Panxi Restaurant is a very nice one at the southern end and some tables overlook the lake. The area around South Gate has a couple of good restaurants and a coffee shop. Our particular favourite is LuLuXianLian, but if you must have a Chinese speaker with you as you choose not from a menu but from the selection of foods shown at the door.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten things but just go there, stroll around, enjoy the scenery, and absorb the atmosphere.
Skrevet 16. mars 2023
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Erica K
1 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
mai 2022 • Alene
Rascist and discriminatory behaviour. Nasty nasty manager called min, I was beyond appalled with the behaviour displayed.
Skrevet 1. juni 2022
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Yichang, Kina111 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2019
Love going there. Liwan Park is beautiful, with locals practicing tai chi, singing and performing Cantonese opera, and the canalside is very pretty. The shops along it are a bit hit and miss but some offer quite unusual snacks worth trying and there's Pacific Coffee right opposite so once can take a rest (if you don't fancy eating/drinking local stuff). Just down the road from it is an ancestral hall and a lovely tiny ice cream parlour (perhaps the oldest one in GZ?)I would highly recommend.
Skrevet 4. august 2020
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5,0 av 5 bobler
jun. 2019
The scenery along the coast is very beautiful, I saw this scenic spot above WeChat small program Canton Laowai, it is very suitable for a family to come to have a walk ~
Skrevet 21. november 2019
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New Jersey2 056 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2019 • Par
We took the hop on off bus blue line and the bus stop was 100 ft from the entrance of the park. We had a brunch in the courtyard of an authentic dim sum restaurant “Liyan”; very reasonable and nice atmosphere. We enjoyed the stroll in the park; very pleasant and relaxing.
Skrevet 12. november 2019
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Beograd, Serbia86 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2019 • Venner
If you are looking for this place on the map in Google Maps it is Xiguan Antique city in Liean Lake Park. Very nice stroll alongside the lake with bridges and many lanterns. Very close to this park is an area with tiny and narrow streets where you can see the house of Bruce Lee!!!
Skrevet 25. oktober 2019
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Hongkong, Kina201 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
aug. 2019 • Familie
朋友介紹我行呢個地方的確冇介紹錯, 食完飯去散步或者夜晚行都幾好, 沿途景色都幾好係個休閒區。 沿途又少量嘅舖頭賣精品,賣嘢食。 因為我係中午去,所以咁啱遇到有人唱戲曲添。
Skrevet 24. august 2019
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