Huaqing Palace
Huaqing Palace
07:30 - 18:30
07:30 - 18:30
07:30 - 18:30
07:30 - 18:30
07:30 - 18:30
07:30 - 18:30
07:30 - 18:30
kr 664,14
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Vellmar36 bidrag
apr. 2024 • Venner
The palace shows life at "court" very well, with the original baths for the men and women as well as the prince.
Living rooms are also shown. Real old China can be seen there in a beauty that the eye can hardly grasp.
You can round off the day with the musical that is offered there. A dream.
Buy tickets in good time.
Living rooms are also shown. Real old China can be seen there in a beauty that the eye can hardly grasp.
You can round off the day with the musical that is offered there. A dream.
Buy tickets in good time.
Skrevet 6. mai 2024
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Vellmar36 bidrag
apr. 2024 • Venner
The most beautiful musical in the world! Even if you don't understand Chinese, you can still follow this wonderful story. It consists of 95% music and dance.
The most beautiful effects are used there, no other musical can compare.
You should take the time to visit the palace complex beforehand, then you'll get the right feeling for it. I'll never forget it!!
The most beautiful effects are used there, no other musical can compare.
You should take the time to visit the palace complex beforehand, then you'll get the right feeling for it. I'll never forget it!!
Skrevet 6. mai 2024
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Jorrin M
8 bidrag
apr. 2024 • Familie
We visited this place after visiting the Terracotta Army and then returned in the evening for a show. The show was really fantastic. So many special effects! A real must see!!!! Beautiful
Skrevet 24. april 2024
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Tina P
55 bidrag
apr. 2023 • Alene
A must see Litong is only ten mins from Terra Cotta soldiers,slice performance it is amazing. Best live performance I’ve seen was this one a love story about the King and his love!!! Xian in April had another amazing live performance in city centre park a definite must see the whole town is there and it is AMAZING entire town is gorgeous and full of fresh flowers everywhere!!! Gorgeous!!!Vehing and palace is amazing. Stay at Howard Johnston get the suite with king bed I don’t think I paid more than 275$ call king sunk in tub private with tv shower. 15 chef stations for complimentary breakfast breathtaking chandeliers in foyer coffered ceiling in my bedroom huge living room separate living space approx 1000sq ft. A must. Close to train station palace and tinamaan square. Across from police station manger and concierge great. I travelled alone. Felt safe entire time.
Skrevet 26. februar 2024
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South Australia, Australia302 bidrag
jun. 2023 • Familie
It uis on the way to the Terracotta Warriors so worth combining the two sites and making a day of it.
It is very popular with Chinese tour groups, so mentally prepare yourself for crowds. Having said that, the crowds ebb and flow. So if you have patience and wait a few minutes the crowds disperse and you get get great photos before the next horde descend.
I enjoyed it but remember, like most sites in Xian, it costs to enter, so if on a budget you can skip without missing a "must see".
It is very popular with Chinese tour groups, so mentally prepare yourself for crowds. Having said that, the crowds ebb and flow. So if you have patience and wait a few minutes the crowds disperse and you get get great photos before the next horde descend.
I enjoyed it but remember, like most sites in Xian, it costs to enter, so if on a budget you can skip without missing a "must see".
Skrevet 1. juli 2023
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Xinxing, Kaohsiung1 019 bidrag
It was a Summer Palace during Dynasty Tang. It also famous as Imperial Royal Hot Springs. Still can see one of the bathtub for 1st Lady Concubine Yang. This
Skrevet 5. april 2023
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carolinafzs d
Rio de Janeiro, RJ486 bidrag
jan. 2023 • Alene
The palace is beautiful and well preserved. This is an area of hot springs and you can have a bath (RMB295/person) or a feet bath (RMB50/person) while enjoying a cup of tea.
Please be sure to watch The Everlasting Sorrow show. It worths reading a bit about the Concubine Yang Guifei before the show, then you can understand it better. The show is amazing!!
Please be sure to watch The Everlasting Sorrow show. It worths reading a bit about the Concubine Yang Guifei before the show, then you can understand it better. The show is amazing!!
Skrevet 7. januar 2023
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Hongkong, Kina1 651 bidrag
如果你是一位浪漫主義者[糖果]歷史愛好者[糖果]有幻想有內涵的華人一定要來的地方,只為那句“天長地久有時盡 此很狠綿綿無絕期”就值得[惊叹][惊叹][惊叹]
春寒賜浴華清池 溫泉水滑洗凝脂。
侍兒扶起嬌無力 始是新承恩澤時。
回眸一笑百媚生 六宮粉黛無顏色。
在天願作比翼鳥 在地願為連理枝。
天長地久有時盡 此恨綿綿無絕期。
長安回望綉成堆 山頂千門次地開
一騎紅塵妃子笑 無人知是荔枝來
雲想衣裳花想容 春風拂檻露華濃
若非羣玉山頭見 會向瑤臺月下逢
在日寇入侵軍閥割據的30年代,蔣中正委員長曾長期坐鎮華清池行宮策劃高級軍事會議`剿匪`[调皮]留下了五間廳 兵諫廳 虎斑石 等特色景點。12月12日張楊兩將軍在此發動兵變,蔣介石倉皇往山上逃跑,在如今兵諫廳旁狹小的山縫陡坡上被活捉,從此震驚中外的“西安事變”改變了中國近代的歷史。
如今遊客還可以在狹小的山縫陡坡中拉著鐵索拍照,在仿羅馬建築的兵諫廳下已成為遊客爬山途中避暑休息拍照的好地方[笑哭] 在當年五間廳的牆壁和玻璃窗上還保留著當年激戰時候的彈痕,當年辦公室的桌椅陳設等均按原貌複製擺放,可以讓遊客親手觸摸牆壁看到活的歷史。
五間廳旁還有一座蔣介石沐浴室建於清代,仿製唐貴妃池而建[调皮]清康熙帝 慈禧太后 光緒帝 均在此沐浴,梅蘭芳先生也在此遊覽沐浴,並為該池題名“楊妃池”
所以比較推薦兩日遊,一張門票可以遊覽如此多歷史經典故事的發生地,包括一個5A景區一個4A景區 首批國家重點風景名勝 第四批國家重點文物保護單位 聯合國教科文組織秦嶺世界地質公園華清宮景區∴是不是超級划算又難得呢。
徜徉於亭台樓榭綠樹掩映中[嘴唇]一幕幕如眼前幻影,半部中國史,一池華清宮,可早晨遊覽華清宮遺址 下午爬驪山看關中八景了→驪山晚照 還可以看到山包上的天文台哦[调皮] 晚上欣賞絕絕子→長恨歌演出 下榻華清宮酒店 第二天在驪山腳下 泡湯放鬆 真人生一大樂事[吐]
1982年發掘出了唐代禦湯遺址→唐玄宗與楊貴妃的蓮花湯 海棠湯 唐太宗的 星辰湯 太子湯 尚食湯 以及唯一一個唐代水井遺址,才還原了華清宮真歷史原貌,別看從上面看有的湯池比較小,那可是視覺騙了你,如果人真的在下面沐浴,還是蠻大的,而且別忘了這湯池只是皇帝或者貴妃一人使用,周邊都是服侍的丫鬟,所以肯定不是如今那種公共大池子哦。
除此之外→華清宮還有碑林書海 毛澤東親筆手書 長恨歌 的書牆等,有幸在環圓大樹下高台石階旁的石頭桌子上和家人休息飲食,看著台下絡繹不絕的遊客,遠處長廊層林,大樹掩映下匆忙爬樹的螞蟻,不知不覺時間就凝固一般。
交通:自駕比較適合兩日遊順帶遊玩臨潼附近環山路農家樂等 不過作為旅遊開發程度較早的區域 從西安市區到華清池也是非常方便,地鐵🚇9號線→華清池站就到了[胜利]出站就在景區入口門前廣場哦,此處還有直通兵馬俑博物館和秦始皇陵的直通巴士,可在地鐵站內專門乘車處諮詢購票。所以即使一家人出遊來臨潼幾個主要景區,完全可以用地鐵+專巴解決。
春寒賜浴華清池 溫泉水滑洗凝脂。
侍兒扶起嬌無力 始是新承恩澤時。
回眸一笑百媚生 六宮粉黛無顏色。
在天願作比翼鳥 在地願為連理枝。
天長地久有時盡 此恨綿綿無絕期。
長安回望綉成堆 山頂千門次地開
一騎紅塵妃子笑 無人知是荔枝來
雲想衣裳花想容 春風拂檻露華濃
若非羣玉山頭見 會向瑤臺月下逢
在日寇入侵軍閥割據的30年代,蔣中正委員長曾長期坐鎮華清池行宮策劃高級軍事會議`剿匪`[调皮]留下了五間廳 兵諫廳 虎斑石 等特色景點。12月12日張楊兩將軍在此發動兵變,蔣介石倉皇往山上逃跑,在如今兵諫廳旁狹小的山縫陡坡上被活捉,從此震驚中外的“西安事變”改變了中國近代的歷史。
如今遊客還可以在狹小的山縫陡坡中拉著鐵索拍照,在仿羅馬建築的兵諫廳下已成為遊客爬山途中避暑休息拍照的好地方[笑哭] 在當年五間廳的牆壁和玻璃窗上還保留著當年激戰時候的彈痕,當年辦公室的桌椅陳設等均按原貌複製擺放,可以讓遊客親手觸摸牆壁看到活的歷史。
五間廳旁還有一座蔣介石沐浴室建於清代,仿製唐貴妃池而建[调皮]清康熙帝 慈禧太后 光緒帝 均在此沐浴,梅蘭芳先生也在此遊覽沐浴,並為該池題名“楊妃池”
所以比較推薦兩日遊,一張門票可以遊覽如此多歷史經典故事的發生地,包括一個5A景區一個4A景區 首批國家重點風景名勝 第四批國家重點文物保護單位 聯合國教科文組織秦嶺世界地質公園華清宮景區∴是不是超級划算又難得呢。
徜徉於亭台樓榭綠樹掩映中[嘴唇]一幕幕如眼前幻影,半部中國史,一池華清宮,可早晨遊覽華清宮遺址 下午爬驪山看關中八景了→驪山晚照 還可以看到山包上的天文台哦[调皮] 晚上欣賞絕絕子→長恨歌演出 下榻華清宮酒店 第二天在驪山腳下 泡湯放鬆 真人生一大樂事[吐]
1982年發掘出了唐代禦湯遺址→唐玄宗與楊貴妃的蓮花湯 海棠湯 唐太宗的 星辰湯 太子湯 尚食湯 以及唯一一個唐代水井遺址,才還原了華清宮真歷史原貌,別看從上面看有的湯池比較小,那可是視覺騙了你,如果人真的在下面沐浴,還是蠻大的,而且別忘了這湯池只是皇帝或者貴妃一人使用,周邊都是服侍的丫鬟,所以肯定不是如今那種公共大池子哦。
除此之外→華清宮還有碑林書海 毛澤東親筆手書 長恨歌 的書牆等,有幸在環圓大樹下高台石階旁的石頭桌子上和家人休息飲食,看著台下絡繹不絕的遊客,遠處長廊層林,大樹掩映下匆忙爬樹的螞蟻,不知不覺時間就凝固一般。
交通:自駕比較適合兩日遊順帶遊玩臨潼附近環山路農家樂等 不過作為旅遊開發程度較早的區域 從西安市區到華清池也是非常方便,地鐵🚇9號線→華清池站就到了[胜利]出站就在景區入口門前廣場哦,此處還有直通兵馬俑博物館和秦始皇陵的直通巴士,可在地鐵站內專門乘車處諮詢購票。所以即使一家人出遊來臨潼幾個主要景區,完全可以用地鐵+專巴解決。
Skrevet 21. mai 2021
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Kanagawa (prefektur) , Japan407 bidrag
mai 2021 • Venner
Skrevet 4. mai 2021
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okt. 2020
开放时间: 07:00-19:00 (3月1-11月30)
07:30-18:00 (12月1日-2月28)
开放时间: 07:00-19:00 (3月1-11月30)
07:30-18:00 (12月1日-2月28)
Skrevet 14. oktober 2020
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Hi there. Is the giftshop expensive here? I am travelling to China on Saturday and this is one of the places we are visiting. I like to be able to get a little something just to say I have been.
Skrevet 1. september 2019
Hi, you can find lots of cultural and creative products, which are not expensive but worthed, in our cultural and creative center.
Skrevet 2. desember 2019
Is it open on Sunday, and Monday, April 2 and 3?
Is the show playing on Sunday and Monday?
Skrevet 1. april 2017
Yes, the show is played every day from April to October.
Skrevet 2. april 2017
Hi- was there an opportunity to soak more than just your feet? Also did you see any overnight accomodation? I've read reviews where people actually stayed here over night but I can't seem to book it online. Was the cost to soak your feet the total for all of you or price for each? Do you know what day in October the night shows end because we will be there late October. Thank you for your detailed information.
Skrevet 9. oktober 2016
go to Angsana Xian, very close to huaqing. they run a great hotspring facility for a reasonable fee. foot soaking? not sure because we didn't try. when you go there, get yourself a ticket for the performance "song of the everlasting sorrow", beautifully choreographed.
Skrevet 10. oktober 2016
How much time do you think we need at Hua Qing hot spring in Xi'an?
Skrevet 30. oktober 2015
If you are also planning to visit Museum of Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses which is quite near to Huaging Hot Springs, then I would suggest you visit Terracotta Warriors Museum in the morning and after lunch to climb the Mt Lishan(3 hrs) which at its foot is Huaging Hot Springs(2 hrs) to tour. By then would be evening and just in time to see the Song of Everlasting Sorrow at night. This performance only can be seen between month of April to October.
Skrevet 31. oktober 2015
We will be visiting Xi'an in mid December. Will it be very crowded?
Thinking of visiting Terracotta Warriors museum first in the morning, have lunch before going to Hua Qing chi. Do you think that is a good idea? I have read from some reviews that the return bus from Hua Qing chi to Xi'an city centre are going to overcrowded - will that be so since we are going during non-peak season.
Also, are there cafes or restaurants for a quick lunch at the Terracotta warriors?
Thanks so much!
Skrevet 8. oktober 2015
Hi, December will be cold. No it will not be crowded. Most of the people do the double trip, Terracotta and Hua Qing. As you say start early or around 9-10. It will take you one hour to reach the warriors, You need 2-3 hours there at least. On your way out there are many restaurants. MAKE SURE you buy souvenirs from the last place in the road. There is a box of 5 warriors and a horse they all sell, same box. In the museum, wad 250 RMB, outside on the first tourist shop after a lot of arguying I got it 130 RMB, down the road my colleague got it for 40, and at the last shop for 10!!!! Oh yes indeed!! From there you go to the springs. Very beautiful place. Taxis are very cheap in Xi'an. Ask how much, you might be able to rent one for the day. Have fun
Skrevet 8. oktober 2015
Sean H
Bath, Storbritannia
I am going to be visiting in early April and would like to see the evening show. Does anyone know where I can book tickets for this and whether I need to book in advance? Also is there any show and dinner option with this?
Skrevet 7. mars 2015
For the outdoor show at HuaQing Hot Spring, I would advise you to book in advance. You can book through the hotel travel/tour desk. Most Xian hotels/hostel have travel desk to assist booking. They can provide transportation for you as well and advise you how to get there if you prefer to take public transportation.
Hua Qing Hot Spring show has no dinner package. You can eat in the town area there. For show with dinner, there are a few options in Xian city. Like wise you can book through the hotel travel desk or travel agents near Drum Tower/Moslem Quarter area.
Skrevet 9. mars 2015
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