Poas Volcano

Poas Volcano

Poas Volcano
07:00 - 13:15
07:00 - 13:15
07:00 - 13:15
07:00 - 13:15
07:00 - 13:15
07:00 - 13:15
07:00 - 13:15
kr 376,05
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192 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
des. 2024 • Par
We went to the Poás Volcano, which is about 45 km from San José (1 hour and 30 minutes by car). To be farsighted, we had the VERY BAD IDEA of getting the tickets out in advance (U$S 17), and despite the deluge we went there. They validated our tickets at the entrance (even though the conditions for seeing the Volcano were not there) and then charged us parking (a nonsense, as it is in the middle of nowhere and is discovered). We arrived at the Visitor Center, and there we could see the infographics of the volcano, its history, etc.). But it was just that. How it rained, we had to buy some pilots, to walk to the volcano and SEE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It is clear that the weather does not depend on the National Park authorities, but they could for example bonus parking and also warn that the visit is suspended because of adverse weather conditions (as surely. If we do not improve these issues, tourists will choose other options to not lose money and 1/2 day of our vacation.
Skrevet 31. desember 2024
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Mollie B
15 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
des. 2024 • Par
Book in advance online. Arriving late for your time slot wasn't an issue for us. Be prepared to pay for parking and bring a mask if needed since the sulfur smell can be a lot. If you're sensitive, plan for a shorter visit. Avoid rainy days, as you can't see much. The nature is stunning, with easy walking paths making it really enjoyable. I was skeptical, but it was gorgeous, and I'm glad we went.
Skrevet 28. desember 2024
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Laura L
Chicago, IL336 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2024 • Venner
So lucky and the clouds at the volcano parted as arrived for a couple minutes. Nice exhibit about the volcanos and a shop/snack place. The trails were closed due to recent rains and mudslides. I'm sure they are amazing when open.
Skrevet 14. desember 2024
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Barcelona, Spania950 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
aug. 2024 • Familie
As in many parks in Costa Rica, it is necessary to make an online reservation in advance. Once you arrive, you leave your car in the (paid) parking lot and walk a few minutes until you reach a viewpoint next to the volcano. The views, if you have a good day, are spectacular.
There is the option to walk around the rest of the park, visit the lagoon, or explore trails.
Just like in most parks in Costa Rica, there is a balance between nature and the more “wild” parts of the park and the areas where tourists can move freely.
Skrevet 13. desember 2024
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23 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
des. 2024 • Par
We had a Beautiful, Wet, Cold, Cloudy, Romantic Amazing Time! There not alot of places in the World Where you can experience being in an Active Volcano. We would do it 100% again. The atmosphere it's a unique experience
Skrevet 10. desember 2024
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Kiel, Tyskland76 bidrag
2,0 av 5 bobler
Entry to the volcano must be made in advance via the Sinac website, so a visit is not possible spontaneously. Not exactly conducive when the volcano is almost constantly stuck in the clouds. Admission is currently $15. We went there twice, so we paid $30 p.p. and never saw the crater. Other visitors had never seen the fifth visit (5x $15 !!!) and the volcano either. There is a webcam (just search for Webcam Poas), but it doesn't make predictions... Booking through the official Sinac site is also a disaster: it often doesn't work, crashes (happily after all data has already been entered) and, if the language is set to English, is translated into an incomprehensible Spanish-English mixture.
Skrevet 5. desember 2024
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Mont-Tremblant, Canada217 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2024 • Par
We flew for 6 hours.
And four hours drive to see the volcano,
on their website telling us we could pay on the spot to get our tickets, went there he refuses us entry?!?!!!?!!!!!
You have to seal a linen all over this road for nothing
I suggested to the agent we have cash pile
He has to laugh - he really doesn't care about us.
We were a 30th of people to be fired from the boat and very unhappy with the situation
Skrevet 23. november 2024
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Asha S
Texas39 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Par
Pretty disappointing given that it was rainy and foggy and we couldn’t see anything. For about a min it cleared a bit and we saw the lagoon. Not sure what I was expecting to see though. Maybe visit during dry months next time
Skrevet 14. oktober 2024
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San Miguel de Allende, Mexico73 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Par
We were lucky enough that it touched us in sunny and clear day for a few minutes and that allowed us to see in all its splendour the crater and really impressed me. It's fascinating to be able to get so close to the crater of an active volcano. It smells of sulfur and you feel the energy. In minutes the clouds arrived and everything covered in seconds, moment that was also magical. 100% recommend it as well as going to the lagoon of the other volcano that is a few minutes walking along a trail that is right there. I recommend carrying a jacket and a bottle of water to drink when you start coughing because of the sulfur aroma. Also the earlier you go, I think there's a better chance you can see the cloudless crater.
Skrevet 8. oktober 2024
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Aldo T
Lima, Peru539 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
mar. 2024 • Venner
We visited the POAS volcano with a group of friends, making the tour lucky to arrive in time before the haze of the day hides the volcano. You climb in groups to the location of the volcano and have a specific time to observe it, complying with safety measures. A highly recommended visit to observe a volcano.
Skrevet 20. august 2024
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