Andean Mountains

Andean Mountains

Andean Mountains
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3,5 av 5 bobler32 anmeldelser
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Daniela P
140 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
mai 2022 • Venner
es muy amplio este título, pues depende con qué tipo de movilidad se hizo y en que cruce. En nuestro caso partíamos con auto propio de Malargue y decidimos dedicarle un viaje de ida y vuelta hasta las loicas, y pasando un poquito más, SIN CRUZAR a Chile (pase pehuenche creo que era), es decir, antes de límite se pega la vuelta (se hace migraciones igual, control de documentos). El estado de la ruta optimo, paisaje sin palabras con bastante nieve, hermoso tanto de ida como vuelta, recomendadisimo, si tienen tiempo haganlo, ruta 145 es ir y volver.
Skrevet 9. mai 2022
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Alejandro Sanabria
Cartago, Costa Rica540 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
jan. 2020
El tipo de montaña ver el aconcagua con nieve ver las tonalidades de montañas es algo magnifico que se lleva en la mente
Skrevet 15. januar 2020
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Chris M
1 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
des. 2019
I want to say first - Andes mountains are great. But I don't know where to put a review for AndesMar.
I asked for a round trip to Aconcagua from Mendoza. The ticket for the way back to Mendoza was supposed to be at 16:30. The lady at the counter even wrote 16:30 on a paper to confirm it. When I was leaving Aconcagua the bus driver said that the ticket was for 11:30, and he was right. So I had to buy a new ticket. When I got back to the bus terminal I complained and was told that since the ticket said 11:30, there was nothing they could/wanted to do and that I should've checked the ticket after buying it.

They then pointed to a sign hidden in the bottom corner of the window that said you had to check your ticket after buying it. I thought this was a bit ridiculous considering the person at the counter had confirmed this time with me the previous day. So, apparently it is my fault for trusting their employees. I also called their customer service and was given the same response - no sympathy/empathy only that it was my fault for not checking. Great way to run a business.
Skrevet 11. desember 2019
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Leo Jinling
Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina3 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2019
Tenía un pasaje con Andesmar de Mendoza a Santiago para la noche. Hubo un inconveniente en el túnel internacional, así que los viajes se suspendieron. La companía Andesmar me obligó entonces a viajar en un horario en el que yo no podía viajar y cuando pedí que me dieran un asiento en un horario conveniente para mí, en un colectivo que viajaba prácticamente vacío, me querían cobrar por el canje de pasaje, argumentando que no era culpa de la companía. Una empresa que se lava las manos y no le importa perjudicar al cliente no merece recomendación.
Skrevet 29. november 2019
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Campo Grande, MS4 959 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2019
A guia Marta veio nos buscar no hotel logo cedo, passamos para pegar outros turistas, e seguimos, pela Ruta Nacional 7, para um passeio de dia inteiro. A primeira parada foi na Represa de Potrerillos, a 65km de Mendoza, um grande lago artificial que, além de produzir energia elétrica, serve também para abastecer a cidade e as vinícolas da região com água; a Marta nos mostrou como a represa está com pouca água devido a pouca neve dos últimos anos, o degelo não está sendo suficiente. Interessante foi ver ao longo da estrada alguns locais com muitas garrafas, parecia lixo acumulado, mas fomos informados que as pessoas deixam ali por conta da lenda de uma mulher que tentou atravessar a cordilheira com seu filho recém nascido, mas morreu de sede e, dias depois, seu corpo foi encontrado e o bebê estava vivo porque mamava no seio materno, o que foi considerado um milagre. Hoje a mulher tem muitos devotos e ”não passa mais sede”. A segunda parada foi num lugar chamado Uspallata, para tomar um café e ver artesanatos. Daí seguimos para ver a Ponte do Inca, uma formação natural provocada pela erosão, e amarela pela presença de enxofre na água; há uma feirinha de artesanato na área. Perto da ponte foi construído um Hotel, que atendia hóspedes por conta de suas águas termais, mas uma avalanche atingiu a região em 1965, destruindo o hotel; uma igreja nos arredores permanece intacta até hoje. Depois da ponte fomos ver a estação de esqui Los Penitentes, só funciona na alta temporada de inverno, quando há muita neve; nesse dia parecia uma cidade fantasma. Fizemos uma parada para almoço, num restaurante pré-determinado (não incluso no pacote), com uma eficiência espantosa, um serviço self- service e comida gostosa. Depois do almoço paramos no Parque do Aconcágua, de onde só dá pra ver uma parte da montanha, mas deu belas fotos. Não entramos no parque, paramos num mirante à beira da estrada, porque o vento “zonda” estava presente nesse dia. A estrada é muito bonita, com muitas histórias, e no trajeto vimos 4 casinhas que, segundo a Marta, foram construídas pelos Incas, serviam de posto de correios; assim também, em alguns trechos pudemos ver a estrada de ferro antiga e túneis escavados na pedra, obras de engenharia fantásticas. Daí retornamos ao hotel, final da tarde, cansados mas satisfeitos. A Marta foi ótima, explicou e contou todas as histórias.
Skrevet 22. november 2019
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San Martin, Argentina20 854 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2018
Es la cordillera más larga de la tierra, bordea la costa del Océano Pacífico. Atraviesa varios países y separa a la República Argentina de Chile. El cerro Aconcagua con sus 6962 metros de altura es la montaña principal y la pudimos conocer en nuestro viaje a Mendoza. Tiene los volcanes más altos del planeta, se destaca el Lanín que se ubica en la provincia de Neuquén, tuvimos la suerte de admirar su belleza. Las vistas desde el avión de este cordón montañosos son espectaculares y ver sus picos nevados es una experiencia increíble.
Skrevet 9. oktober 2019
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Merril B
Newcastle, Australia57 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
mar. 2019
If you are in Chile and have time I fully recommend a bus trip from Chile to Mendoza in Argentina. Or the other way round from Mendoza to Chile. There are daily buses either way and if you are returning to your starting point you can get cheap Sky flights at unpopular flight times. When we have visitors from elsewhere we always take them on this trip. Especially if you are from a place with limited mountains. Just note that the toilets at the Argentine border crossing are not inviting at all and you are better off using the one in the bus. You will get some sort of sandwich, biscuit and tea or coffee on the bus. No milk for tea or coffee. Better to do this trip in late Spring, early Autumn or summer. Do not bother In winter as you will probably not get the views due to low clouds and the trip could be very long due to snow.

I have done this trip by bus to Mendoza and return by plane 3 times now and have not had any problems. Sometimes the border crossing can take longer than others but not significantly so. Usually leave around 9am and arrive around 5pm.
Skrevet 5. oktober 2019
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Melina Liberatore
Uruguay14 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2019 • Familie
A “must go place” in this planet.
The Alps looks small compared to the Andes.
The clean, fresh air, the politeness of the locals and good food makes this trip a special one
Skrevet 30. september 2019
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5 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
jun. 2019 • Par
Booked with Andesmar because they do have nice own busses. However, instead of that they put us in an Andesmar bus, they put us in a super cheap and old looking bus from Cata International. No WiFi, no charging points, dirty toilet, 7 hours of delay, seatings that could not even decline 10 centimeters and bloody hot in the bus at night.

Please check which bus you get beforehand and don’t get fooled!
Skrevet 4. juni 2019
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Tom H
Santiago, Chile2 bidrag
3,0 av 5 bobler
apr. 2019 • Alene
Travelled to Mendoza from Santiago return journey via Andesmar bus from Santiago Terminar Sur. As other commenters have pointed out, Terminal Sur is crowded, chaotic and a complete nightmare to find your bus, it's actually three separate terminals with one being on a separate block from the other two, requiring an immense amount of faffing about to find your bus with no departure board or signposting, I only managed to find mine two minutes before departure after spending 25 minutes frantically running about and asking several people, it was blind luck that I found it in the end.

Seats were reasonably comfortable, although I was taken aback when the service assistant walked down the aisle halfway through the journey blatantly asking for tips, I found this very bizarre and unprofessional as the only 'service' this man had provided us was to hand us a rock hard inedible sandwich and a cup of water. Journey was approximately 8 hours including a 45 min wait at the border crossing, I imagine it can be much longer in high season, although once in Argentina we seemed to be constantly stopped by random police checkpoints which was quite annoying. On the return journey I stupidly forgot the time difference in Mendoza and missed my 10.30pm bus, resulting in having to wait 8 and a half hours in the terminal for the next one all through the night, strongly recommend you don't miss your bus, not a pleasant experience.

The return journey resulted in a longer wait in processing as Chile is very strict about food items being brought into the country. I've heard anecdotal reports about people being fined hundreds of thousands of pesos for having an apple in their backpack, so it's best to dump all your food before boarding the bus. Again in the customs screening hall we were harassed for tips by some random worker in dirty hi-vis vest, I had no idea what 'service' he was supposed to be providing so I declined to give him anything, it seems Chile is becoming almost as bad as the US for having service people constantly hassling you for money. All in all, Mendoza is a great city and the journey has some majestic scenery, but make sure you arrive at the bus station at least half an hour in advance and be prepared for lots of nagging little annoyances along the way, I would even consider booking a flight for my next trip to Mendoza as it seems it would save a lot of hassle.
Skrevet 16. april 2019
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