The Hill House

The Hill House

The Hill House
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
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Leanne H
Bollington, UK178 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Par
A great place to visit if you are interested in architecture and design. Practically the whole house is open to view with so many originally furnishings by Charles Rennie Macintosh. This really was a family house and not a stately home! So interesting to view with the current conservation project underway. Do not be put off by the protective cage, it allows you to walk all around and above the house as well as visiting the inside. Nice cafe , shop and facilities too.
Skrevet 10. november 2024
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Patrick M
Truro, UK49 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Par
We visited Hill House, Helensburgh in late October 2024 and it was beautiful. This creation of Charles Rennie-Mackintosh is well worth a visit. The Trust have organised the site in such a way that the visitor can have a really close look at the exterior and interior of this magnificent house. The external framework allows easy access to the whole structure including the roof. Inside it feels as if the family have only recently left. The style and design are wonderful. Each room has a unique character and feel. If you love Rennie-Mackintosh’s artwork and design you will love Hill House. There is also a well stocked shop and a lovely cafe with warm,friendly and local staff.
Skrevet 9. november 2024
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Jemima V
Glasgow, UK27 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
aug. 2024 • Alene
I love the Hill House. As a fan of Charles Rennie Mackintosh's designs, I have visited many times. My objection is that NTS gets to run it and charge ridiculous entry fees.

A big shout out to the amazing volunteers though, those who give their time freely to pass on their knowledge of the house, past and present. They make the visit worthwhile.

It's really annoying that the only way you can get into the house is by walking past the overpriced junk in the shop. There's got to be a classier way to do things. People aren't interested in tea towels and pencils.
Skrevet 9. november 2024
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Helen S
Nottingham, UK27 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2024 • Par
This was an absolutely fabulous National Trust Visit. Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Margaret and Frances MacDonald designed and built this house for the Blackie family. There is a cover around the whole building which allows visitors to get a Birds Eye view including over the roof and around all sides. There is also a great cafe with homemade food and a small shop. The staff are great! This is the most enjoyable National Trust visit we have done.
Skrevet 11. oktober 2024
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David W
Sheffield, UK99 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2024 • Par
Such an interesting place to see from all angles to include the view from above while walking around the scaffold. Inside a marvellous time capsule with helpful and informative guides.
Skrevet 21. september 2024
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John T
43 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2024 • Familie
Our first visit to this property- shrouded in protective mesh as it is suffering from serious damp problems and is being dried out. A classic Renee Mackintosh design-

Friendly staff- small cafe. lovely gardens.
Skrevet 13. september 2024
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5 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2024 • Par
Saw this property on Tv some time ago just after the chain mail box had been put on and it looked interesting … only just got to see it now… it is better than my expectations and well worth the entrance fee…. The walkway round the inside of the box brings a new view to the drone look of it from above, the cafe is excellent at reasonable prices. The inside of the house shows Rennie Mackintosh works in great detail
Skrevet 12. september 2024
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claudio d
Viterbo, Italia43 939 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
jul. 2024 • Par
Famous work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, this large house on the hill (as the name suggests): externally pleasing, because very articulate, although you should not expect something grand such as, for example, the castle of Glamis. I was puzzled by the choice of the full roof of the building with an unsightly scaffolding (it seems enclosed in a Faraday cage), probably to preserve it from the wear and tear of the weather; but such a thing I have seen only for the ancient ruins. Of course, going up to the various levels of the scaffolding via stairs and walkways you can see different details up close and also catch suggestive views but unfortunately you can not have an overall view of the outside, even if the metal structure is spaced from the walls of the house; more than a house on the hill is now a cage on the hill. In any case, it is a visit that I greatly appreciated overall, not being the usual baronial palace or ancient castle: a particular building in the forms and if you like also in the distribution of the interior spaces, but especially in the furnishings, in my opinion the most interesting part. It will delight architects, especially interior architects, but even an ordinary visitor will have the opportunity to see many original aspects (provided you are willing to pay an entrance fee of £14, which is certainly not a few).
Skrevet 31. august 2024
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London, UK4 698 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
aug. 2024 • Venner
The National Trust Hill House was designed by Charles & Margaret Mackintosh and commissioned by Walter Blackie in 1902 / 1904. It is a fascinating time capsule of a a beautiful historic building that is with deep regret falling down as a result of materials used and lack of understanding in this area. It also has a sad past of it's designers passing away in what I can only see as poverty. His / there background alone is worth researching for interest.

The house now has a steel / metal structure over it (locally sourced - excluding the German mesh), to stop it from deteriorating further and allowing the building to dry out and inside are snippets of information on how the house was run.

The volunteers in the house had a wealth of knowledge on it's background, as well as what may be happening to it in the future, so it's worth engaging with them if you have questions.

We also used the cafe for refreshments and the staff were all pleasant and friendly, although the food seemed a little over priced in my opinion.

The hill house is worth visiting and we hope to return again when next in the area, if anything to see how it's being developed (or not!)
Skrevet 27. august 2024
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1 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
aug. 2024 • Familie
What an amazing place!

The views around the walkways were quite unique and gave spectacular views of the house, the surroundings and down to the sea.

What a joy it was to see the beautiful works of Margaret and Charles Mackintosh and hear about the Blackie family from the guides who were so knowledgeable and friendly.

We were made to feel so welcome in the café, by a lovely lady from Yorkshire, unfortunately I did not get her name. She made the visit special for us. We enjoyed the most delicious scones and coffee and even met the chef!

The whole staff made our visit truly memorable. Thank you so much.
Skrevet 13. august 2024
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