Honesty this ended up feeling a lot like a scam. Untimely they did provide a bus, albeit not under the terms provided on this listing. We sent our pickup location and the list of wineries we wanted to visit well in advance of our trip. We even changed wineries once because the contact person, David, said the first two destinations we chose were too far and would result in an extra $180 cost, to be paid in cash. We picked new destinations very close to Leesburg, all within 10 minutes of each other, and David confirmed the revised list of wineries would work. Then the day before our trip David called to say we’d have to be back in DC within 5 hours or they would charge us an extra $125 in cash. I pointed out that the Trip Advisor page clearly says 5-6 hours (the Dmv Tours website just says 6 hours) and he started claiming he was doing us a favor by not charging extra for the fact that two of our wineries were “too far,” even though two of them have addresses in Leesburg and the other is just over the line in neighboring Hamilton (and, to reiterate, he had already confirmed our choices were fine the day prior). David then insisted that we would only receive 6 hours if we stayed in DC, which is not indicated anywhere in the listing and had never been communicated to us before the day prior to the trip. When I read the details from the listing aloud, David complained that his profit margins were already inadequate, accused me of being “difficult,” and threatened to cancel the reservation. Ultimately because this trip was a gift to a friend we kept the reservation and cut the trip down to one winery (there is no way to hit 3 destinations in Leesburg in 5 hours when it’s an hour to and from DC). The driver himself (who seemed to be with a totally different company) was great, but David and Dmv tours were terrible to work with and really put a damper on the whole experience. Save yourself a lot of stress and choose one of the many other bus services.