Beacon's Closet

Beacon's Closet

Beacon's Closet
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4,5 av 5 bobler54 anmeldelser
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Syosset, NY1 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
aug. 2024 • Familie
The Worst Selling experience ever
Stood on line for 40 minutes and then we were told at 4PM on a Saturday they were not going to do any more buys
BTW they close at 8 PM
Then you can leave your clothes and they will text you when they are done the following day Sunday
I had a huge IKEA bag of designer clothes
PS I got a text at 7 PM that the buy was done ??
We were on out way back to Long Island at that point
I would have never left my clothes if iknew they were doing the buy that day ??
My total buy was 16.89
A disgrace disorganized dark and dingy and need to tell customers the truth
Go to Other Peoples Clothes on Marcy ave and see what a bright professional staff is all about !!!!
Not Returning to Beacons EVER!!!!!
Skrevet 19. september 2024
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Gena O
New York City, NY7 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
jun. 2023
just had the worst experience, not even talking about the TWO hours wait to sell (mind you there were six people behind the counter but only one seemed to be working, the other five appeared to be watching YouTube videos.) Buyers kept pushing their friends ahead of me until I said something and then the buyer did a really fast look at my bag of new designer closed and passed (I wouldn't have cared if she actually looked at the items.) seems like it's under new/poor management. Go anywhere else. I wish I could give zero stars for the lack of professionalism.
Skrevet 22. juni 2023
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Washington DC, DC29 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2022 • Familie
A great thrift store! We stayed in NYC and the thrift/vintage stores in Manhattan are SO overpriced. This was a GREAT store with GREAT prices.

Only complaint: clothes are organized by type and then color which makes finding things more difficult. Displaying clothing by type and then size (versus color) would have resulted in a five star rating.

Overall…I recommend this shop for ALL ages. :)
Skrevet 20. september 2022
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Escondido, CA109 bidrag
3,0 av 5 bobler
jul. 2022
So many clothes, shoes, accessories etc. I am from CA and my folks took me there. They wanted to get some clothes (I did not want to....) since there are so many, it takes forever to go through. Clothes were pretty much "color" coordinated, and well arranged. But again, it will take forever to go through all to find something you would like. But if you love shopping, I believe this could be the perfect place. Prices? Less than new items but not that cheap.
Skrevet 3. juli 2022
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Jo C
1 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2021 • Alene
Ok so actually I usually like this place - the Greenpoint location in specific, but a few days ago I had the misfortune of picking up a pair of high-end sneakers and when I got home I realized the treads on one shoe were inground with dogshit (at least I can only hope that was the origin) the absolute horror of dealing what that is ground into my memory.
The buyers are usually pretty food at inspecting items so someone really messed up here - I think the reality that a seller brought these in probably mixed in a bag with a bunch of other clothes people have sadly purchased (ughhhh) has really put me off buying here.
Please buyers this is a fundamental ask - check the soles of shoes you are putting out for sale as this was a horribly unsettling experience.

I will save you the image of uploading a photo but I could dig them out the trash if needed.
Skrevet 20. oktober 2021
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Brooklyn, NY398 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
des. 2019
Man, I really want to dislike Beacon's because of the stuck-up people who work here - but I do find some good items there. And I'm there for the stuff, not the people. Plus, it's great for the environment to buy second-hand! (Disclaimer: They do sell new things too, I just don't bother with it bc it's fast fashion.) You have to be in a big mood to dig but yeah I do find some good stuff from time to time. Sometimes it's just one vintage softer-than-heaven 80's rock t-shirt, other times it's a whole haul of discarded A.P.C. ...but you have to be in the mood to look because they showcase things in color order and I'm not going to sugar coat it - you might find some funky, gross stuff. I think it's funny that people say the buyers are snobby because there's seriously some unkempt stuff that ends up on the racks. Definitely clean the items before you wear them, and you'll be all good!
Skrevet 18. april 2020
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Lauren L
1 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
des. 2019 • Venner
No doubt staff are very particular with their..."brand"? and hey thats the name-a-the-game. These cute kids all trying to be the next Alexander McQueen or act like their job is that important or miserable (in the scheme of things, come on). Some people really do want just simple, nice, modern things to wear, in good shape, and not at a ludicrous price point w stains & smells like half their stuff. But their staff take their job a biiiiiit seriously w some of their selecting. Idiosyncratic, that is “le fashion”. It’s cute. But for real. Get rid of about 3/4 the crap you have in your store, it’s not Halloween in NYC chronically anymore; “normal” people work and live and need functional nice quality clothing - ESP winter clothing — at a low price...) STOP being a slave to the fashion industry standard and hating on ‘basics’ when they just simply work & would make many people happy who live here, and would sell very easily. Recycle. Let people sell things without judging them outwardly at first glance. Is a marked down Alexander Wang white tee gonna help dude A succeed more than an off brand white tee? I hope the f not. Cuz that’s pretty lame but I digress.

Create an atmosphere like some of THEE BEST consignment stores I know of, which help regular people get a little cash when they need it, and help people who need necessary things, purchase them at a reasonable cost, recycled and in good shape/clean. Most simple classics last quite a long time. AND true style.

Like if you're going for a certain offbeat thing, then re-brand your business and make it known that you only want to cater to fashion kids who follow with a passion. No one needs "Unique" finds from the 80s with s%*# stains on them. make it known you only want kids in there who wanna be suuuuuper cool and "aware" with their fashion finds cuz they're so unique. are a dingey overpriced smelly crowded regular run of the mill (hypocritical) used and consignment goods store, with a GIANT chip on their shoulder.
Skrevet 23. desember 2019
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Claudia A
Venezia, Italia23 bidrag
1,0 av 5 bobler
des. 2019 • Familie
Un bazar, un’accozzaglia di indumenti maleodoranti.
Non ne vale assolutamente la pena fare la strada per arrivarci.
Skrevet 12. desember 2019
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Brest, Frankrike135 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2019
Étonnante friperie new-yorkaise, toujours pleine de monde. On y trouve des vêtements, casquettes, chaussures, foulards, etc. et vue le monde qu'il y a en permanence (jeunes et vieux), c'est une adresse à ne pas manquer pour qui aime se faire plaisir à petit prix à New York
Skrevet 20. oktober 2019
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Wien, Østerrike9 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2019
Ein "Muss" für Menschen die Vintage Kleidung und ausgefallene Stücke suchen. Hier findest Du Kleidung, Schuhe und eine Menge Accessoires. Eine wahre Fundgrube für den teilweise crazy New Yorker Style, bunt, ausgefallen und einfach anders. Daumen hoch!
Skrevet 10. oktober 2019
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