Great Salt Lake State Park
Great Salt Lake State Park
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Mesa, AZ3 071 bidrag
okt. 2024 • Familie
We stopped by here over the weekend and did not pay the $10 fee. No one was there. We just kind of sat in the parking lot and walked around. But today Tuesday we went in the afternoon to kill 15 minutes 20 minutes with our family and the dude at thechurch just $10 a car $20 to just hang out for a little bit was ridiculous. There is nothing there and it is winter time considerably not going out or having although it does smell like fish.
Skrevet 8. oktober 2024
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Stanley H
Hongkong, Kina9 588 bidrag
jul. 2024 • Familie
當這一次計劃美國西岸遊時,我們的 road trip 決定要路經鹽湖城 (Salt Lake City) 的時候,我突然想起 "老殘遊記" 的"大明湖",也想起了 "梁容若" 的 "我看大明湖"。之不過,我去的地方是美國猶他州的的大鹽湖 (Great Salt Lake) 啊,怎可能碰到名士呢? 湖邊沒可能有蘆葦...... 當然,亦唔會有類似趵突泉同千佛山倒影的東西啦。當日行情,我們在鹽湖城過了一晚,一早起來準備再出發前,大家就決定花些時間開過來湖邊,來看看美國境內,最大的一個鹽湖是怎麼樣的景色。
我們來到一個大停車場,停車場也泊了兩部大旅遊巴 (原來是中國來的旅行團)。也有一些本地的遊客。更有一個小型的 caravan park,有兩個家庭泊低過夜。不過,可能我們來到時,時間尚早,Visitor Center 並沒有開門。
那,我們就無目的及無目標地,在這一個好自然既 state park 欣賞鹽湖的景色。這一個《大鹽湖》,因為一條工業用鐵路把湖劃分成南北兩 part。整個湖的面積約 4,000平方公里。是五大湖區以外美國最大的湖泊。所以,站在岸邊,都是一主無際的。之不過,由於是內陸,天氣熱加上周圍的咸氣比較重,在這兒欣賞湖景,並沒有任何 fresh 的感覺。
雖這樣,站在這一個暸望台並不算恐怖 (但嚇怕了我女兒,不敢上來。) 。只要不動那些蜘蛛就可以,而水曱甴遇人就會閃避,唔會搞你。
站在這一個暸望台,除了可以360度欣賞大鹽湖的景色之外,也有大鹽湖的生態資訊可以讓大家上一堂生物課。暸望台的每一個牌,都在講解這湖的 wildlife。首先,因為這湖的高鹽份,湖中並沒有任何魚類。Brine shrimp, Brine Flies (我之前說, 似是水曱甴的東西),是這一個湖的長年住客。而 Brine shrimp,就是我們兒時玩的 Sea Monkey。
大鹽湖,也是世界上第二咸的鹽湖。死海的鹽濃度是 33%,而北大鹽湖是 25%,我身處的南大鹽湖則是 14%。而平均海水的含鹽度,只是 3.5%。
然後,我留意到,公園內有幾座電燈柱,其底座有一個奧運五環的標誌。原因就是鹽湖城曾在 2002年舉辦過冬季奧運會。而這幾條柱就是為了紀念而設。而且,鹽湖城亦成功申辦了 2034年的冬季奧運會,到時,這一個內陸城市,又會再熱鬧起來。
總算看過大鹽湖了。之不過,我看的是夏季景色。據說,不同天氣來,大鹽湖也會給你我不一樣的感覺。也許,冬天來,看著湖水結冰及鹽份結晶的時候來,也許會有不一樣的感受。第一次到大鹽湖,給我的感覺,就是好 "咸"。
我們來到一個大停車場,停車場也泊了兩部大旅遊巴 (原來是中國來的旅行團)。也有一些本地的遊客。更有一個小型的 caravan park,有兩個家庭泊低過夜。不過,可能我們來到時,時間尚早,Visitor Center 並沒有開門。
那,我們就無目的及無目標地,在這一個好自然既 state park 欣賞鹽湖的景色。這一個《大鹽湖》,因為一條工業用鐵路把湖劃分成南北兩 part。整個湖的面積約 4,000平方公里。是五大湖區以外美國最大的湖泊。所以,站在岸邊,都是一主無際的。之不過,由於是內陸,天氣熱加上周圍的咸氣比較重,在這兒欣賞湖景,並沒有任何 fresh 的感覺。
雖這樣,站在這一個暸望台並不算恐怖 (但嚇怕了我女兒,不敢上來。) 。只要不動那些蜘蛛就可以,而水曱甴遇人就會閃避,唔會搞你。
站在這一個暸望台,除了可以360度欣賞大鹽湖的景色之外,也有大鹽湖的生態資訊可以讓大家上一堂生物課。暸望台的每一個牌,都在講解這湖的 wildlife。首先,因為這湖的高鹽份,湖中並沒有任何魚類。Brine shrimp, Brine Flies (我之前說, 似是水曱甴的東西),是這一個湖的長年住客。而 Brine shrimp,就是我們兒時玩的 Sea Monkey。
大鹽湖,也是世界上第二咸的鹽湖。死海的鹽濃度是 33%,而北大鹽湖是 25%,我身處的南大鹽湖則是 14%。而平均海水的含鹽度,只是 3.5%。
然後,我留意到,公園內有幾座電燈柱,其底座有一個奧運五環的標誌。原因就是鹽湖城曾在 2002年舉辦過冬季奧運會。而這幾條柱就是為了紀念而設。而且,鹽湖城亦成功申辦了 2034年的冬季奧運會,到時,這一個內陸城市,又會再熱鬧起來。
總算看過大鹽湖了。之不過,我看的是夏季景色。據說,不同天氣來,大鹽湖也會給你我不一樣的感覺。也許,冬天來,看著湖水結冰及鹽份結晶的時候來,也許會有不一樣的感受。第一次到大鹽湖,給我的感覺,就是好 "咸"。
Skrevet 7. oktober 2024
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Connie E
Bartow, FL111 bidrag
sep. 2024 • Par
Not much at this park and not well kept. There is a visitor center but they should clean the place up and make it more inviting. We thought we could take a scenic drive but apparently there is no such thing with the Great Salt Lake. One small point where you see from a vantage point but that is it. Better views and scenery at Antelope Island State Park
Skrevet 27. september 2024
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Candy Kim
Singapore348 bidrag
sep. 2024 • Familie
Full views surrounding with mountains 🏔️
All natural and beautiful places to explore and no regrets about the journey 🤗❄️⛅️
All natural and beautiful places to explore and no regrets about the journey 🤗❄️⛅️
Skrevet 22. september 2024
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Angela H
88 bidrag
aug. 2024 • Familie
Set the bar low. It was only $5 and I'm glad we've seen it, but would not return again. It was our first time in SLC so we wanted to stop and see this natural phenomenon. Luckily, we had been warned that it was gross but we were still disgusted with the dead fish on the shore and the terrible smell.
None of us were brave enough to get in after smelling it and seeing the brine shrimp that abound there (and apparently leave brown guts crushed all over you if you go in the water).
There were beach type outdoor showers to rinse off but I would bring soap and shampoo and several towels if you plan to brave the water
The views were pretty and I'm glad I've seen it, but wish there was a more hygienic way to experience the salinity without it feeling like a health hazard.
All in all, I'd still recommend a quick stop to check it out.
None of us were brave enough to get in after smelling it and seeing the brine shrimp that abound there (and apparently leave brown guts crushed all over you if you go in the water).
There were beach type outdoor showers to rinse off but I would bring soap and shampoo and several towels if you plan to brave the water
The views were pretty and I'm glad I've seen it, but wish there was a more hygienic way to experience the salinity without it feeling like a health hazard.
All in all, I'd still recommend a quick stop to check it out.
Skrevet 23. august 2024
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Joe W
3 bidrag
aug. 2024 • Familie
Worth seeing. Quite a small park, and not much to do or see. But it is a significant natural landmark. There is the natural smell that comes from the lake that isn't that pleasant.
Skrevet 19. august 2024
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Holiday Road Shoes
16 bidrag
jul. 2024 • Familie
Definitely worth a stop for a quick dip. The vistas are incredible and it was fun to float in the extremely salty water! The sea/ocean generally contains approx 3.5% salt, Salt Lake contains between 11% -25% salt depending on which part, so you just float! It’s fun!
Skrevet 30. juli 2024
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Kirsten J
Dallas, TX15 bidrag
jul. 2024 • Familie
Stinks, bugs covering any water close enough to touch, large spiders covering the outside of the visitors center. Just gross. My kids say I can always find something positive about an experience, but the best part of this was leaving.
Skrevet 13. juli 2024
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Eileen P
1 bidrag
jun. 2023 • Familie
The Great Salt Lake shore was chock full of decaying, dead birds who evidently had consumed small creatures in the lake. It smelled awful. It was like the apocalypse.
Skrevet 16. mai 2024
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New Orleans, LA632 bidrag
sep. 2023 • Venner
This was one of the disappointing places we stopped. We did have a nice picnic here, but could have done this somewhere else for free. We wanted to see the Great Salt Lake, so thought that the Great Salt Lake State Park would be a good place to see it. Not really. I guess if we were going out in a boat it might be worth it, but we weren't. The visitor center was very small and had the rotten-egg-smell due to the hydrogen sulfate. I expected that, but didn't expect the smell of decaying biomass (algae and brine fly pupae casings that wash ashore) smell. It was pretty overwhelming. Compared to the other State Parks we visited, this one need some work!
Skrevet 12. oktober 2023
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My fiancée and I are camping at Great Salt Lake State Park for two nights, starting tomorrow. We are wondering if campfires are allowed? We want to cook our food for meals over a fire, but we don't see anything online about campfires.
Skrevet 15. juli 2021
Hi, my wife and I are visiting SLC in July and looking for unique things to do to experience the SLC area while we are there. This place was recommended, but I have a few questions. I apologize in advance if these are dumb, but hoping to get some answers from the people who have already visited:
1. Are there bison roaming all times of the year? Or just certain months?
2. Can we see the bison from our vehicle, or do we need to hike somewhere?
3. Can you actually get close to Salt Lake from this park? Or is it in the distance?
4. Is there a cost?
5. Any suggestions or tips?
I love the idea of seeing bison in the free, but just trying to gather information before we plan the trip.
Thanks in advance!
Skrevet 19. april 2020
Hi I have ALWAYS seen bison. Just ask when you pay the $10 at the gate and they will tell you where they are but they are typically close to the homestead which can be seen from the car, no hiking required. It is right at the Great Salt Lake yes you can get out and walk into the salty waters. Hope it helps! It’s prob 30 min from the airport.
Skrevet 20. april 2020
How do we get from Salt Lake City to Antelope Island without a car? We are 11 people from Belgium. Is there a tour from SLC to Antelope?
Skrevet 24. august 2019
Hi! I've actually never been to Antelope Island. I doubt there are actually any official tour buses that go out there. But since there's enough of you, maybe you could rent two large SUVs for a day and drive out there.
Skrevet 24. august 2019
Hi, we have a LOT we want to see for our trip the end of September. Its just going to be my husband and I to fit in as much as possible of the State Parks in Utah & end our trip at Vegas for a few nights. We are landing in SLC, so I wondered how much chance would it be to see wildlife at this Park? I've read that some folks may not bother seeing the Great Salt Lake or "trying" to see the wildlife, if limited with time and may never see Utah again. Someone please advise; need honest opinion to take the time or "not a biggie". Thanks.
Skrevet 31. mai 2016
I'm not really sure what wildlife there is to see here. The park itself is pretty small, and other than some birds, I didn't see much of anything other than the lake while there.
Skrevet 31. mai 2016
huiling s
Guangzhou, Kina
How do I get the salt lake park by using public transportation?
Skrevet 3. februar 2015
Just to help another visitor in the future, we don't have public transportation usually to state parks or out of the way areas, only usually lines within a city to places. There would not be public transportation out to Great Salt Lake Park. There are Guided Tours to the GSLP though. Antelope Island State Park also has tour buses that you can reserve if you do a search on "Antelope Island State Park tour bus". Hope this helps someone.
Skrevet 5. juli 2020
huiling s
Guangzhou, Kina
How do I get Antelope Island using public transportation?
Skrevet 3. februar 2015
Hi, huiling s. I went to Antelope Island last July. I doubt that you can get to Antelope Island by public transportation. It is about one hour and forty minutes' drive north of Salt Lake City. You have to get out to Antelope Island by driving on a causeway. Once you are on the island there is a long road leading to intermittent beaches. It is car-friendly, but not pedestrian-friendly. I did not see any bus stops or bus shelters on the island or in the vicinity.
That said, I also went to the Great Salt Lake State Marina, which is located about 20 minutes' drive west of the Salt Lake City airport and has Silver Sands Beach. I did not mention it when I wrote my review, but there were many Chinese tourists both times I went. They seem to have come on tour buses. Obviously, there is some private way to get to these beaches without driving yourself. Unfortunately, I do not know what private bus companies go to the Salt Lake beaches. Good luck.
Skrevet 6. februar 2015
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