Palazzo Nicolaci

Palazzo Nicolaci

Palazzo Nicolaci
Severdigheter og landemerkerArkitektoniske bygningerSlott
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
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4,5 av 5 bobler540 anmeldelser
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Marshall B
Ferney-Voltaire, Frankrike5 371 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2023 • Par
I am sure that the interior of this palace is interesting, but I wanted to see all the sculpted corbels on this palace - faces, bodies, intricate designs, animals, monsters, etc. I have seen them in Scicli and Ragusa, but these in my opinion are the best. And there is no charge to view them, they are available 24/7!
Skrevet 29. oktober 2024
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Bergamo, Italia124 659 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
sep. 2024 • Forretning
The Palazzo Nicolaci of Villadorata is located in via Nicolaci where the Infiorata of Noto is made every year. It has a beautiful Baroque facade with a large portal surmounted by a balcony and six side balconies that are supported by corbels decorated in a very rich way with sculptures of lions, mermaids, horses etc. It is among the buildings of Noto included in the UNESCO list and one of the must-sees of a visit to Noto,
Skrevet 24. oktober 2024
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Barcelona, Spania1 365 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
jul. 2024 • Venner
Nicolaci Palace was the noble residence of the family of the same name and is a good example of the civil baroque style designed by Rosario Gagliardi in the 18th century. With a wide front page and a facade studded by a sequence of balconies with carved stone brackets, the building is developed on four floors.
Skrevet 4. august 2024
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Seeking True Quality
Europa4 868 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
mai 2023 • Par
For the two of us, the main attractions in the Via Corrado Nicolaci are located at the upper end of the street, near the church Chiesa di Montevergine. They are the seven outstanding baroque balconies of the Palazzo Nicolaci di Villadorata. We saw them some time ago in an episode of the fabulous documentary series L'Italie invisibili and decided that we must visit them!
The largest balcony is situated above the grandiose entrance with two columns. There are six smaller additional balconies, three on the left and three on the right of the central one. Each of them is supported by five corbels sculpted differently in the shapes of lions, children, centaurs, winged horses, chimaeras and mermaids! The artwork is simply second to none!
Skrevet 28. april 2024
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London, UK5 546 bidrag
5,0 av 5 bobler
mar. 2024 • Venner
the theatre Di Lorenzo and the City Hall (total a tenner). On its own it’s €4 and absolutely worth it. Whilst not as WOW as Palazzo Castellucio, the ballroom is magnificent and the rest of the rooms lovely enough to stroll through. English language placards in most of the rooms if I do recall but they offer general histories and don’t detail all the wonderful artifacts.
Skrevet 12. april 2024
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Southampton, UK72 bidrag
3,0 av 5 bobler
mar. 2024 • Par
Aside from a really lovely, helpful and knowledgable lady on the door, this was a very building provided a really underwhelming experience. At certain times of walking around it, my wife and I were actually in fits of laughter as we thought it was so bad it was almost a joke. I am not really sure what the fuss is all about, the rooms were tired, dusty with little to see.

We went because we had a ticket that included three different venues (20 Euros), and we were told it was a wonderful building. The other two buildings were slightly better, with the theater the best of the three. I guess 10 Euros each was worth looking around the three of them, but only just.
Skrevet 24. mars 2024
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Santa Fe, NM1 348 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
nov. 2022 • Venner
The Palazzo Nicolaci is a baroque palace built in the 1700's with gorgeous, curved, wrought-iron balconies with carved lions, sphinxes, hippogriffs, winged horses, angels and sirens underneath. The interior features frescoed ceilings. It belonged to the Nicolachi family who acquired their fortune from the tuna industry. It's been renovated since having been taken over by Noto. It's an interesting look inside the life of a wealthy Sicilian family.
Skrevet 7. oktober 2023
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Italia18 561 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
okt. 2023 • Venner
...this beautiful and particular Palazzo Nicolaci in Villadorata certainly does not go unnoticed!! is located right on the avenue where the famous flower display takes place every year!! Baroque style!!...the six small balconies with the sculptures underneath are very beautiful putti...lions...centaurs...winged horses...chimeras and mermaids!!...unfortunately I only saw the outside!!...but it is said that inside you can see large, sumptuously decorated halls!!...yes yes! !… definitely worth seeing the inside too!!… maybe for next time!!…
Skrevet 4. oktober 2023
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Giusy S
Province of Bologna, Italia66 bidrag
4,0 av 5 bobler
aug. 2023 • Familie
The Nicolaci palace is a beautiful example of baroque architecture typical of the area which overlooks a street in the historic center of Noto. The area open to the public concerns the Piano Nobile and its rooms. The balconies are adorned with three different groups of figures and the internal rooms are very well preserved, with the presence of two beautiful pianos. The Party Hall displays "Trompe I'oeil" decorations which simulate a balustrade surmounted by lateral columns on the walls with an allegory of the Chariot of Apollo in the center of the ceiling. From the balconies you can enjoy a beautiful view of the horizon. Very interesting indeed
Skrevet 6. september 2023
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Province of Bologna, Italia782 bidrag
3,0 av 5 bobler
aug. 2023 • Par
The Palace was also included in the €7 entry package.
Located in the historic center.
15/20' can be spent visiting the Ancient Palace.
Skrevet 9. august 2023
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