Dear Stein
First, thank you for your useful feedback. We try to read and answer all online feedback and actively use the feedback to improve both our product in general and our services.
Your feedback about our cleanliness at check in is honestly disappointing to hear. I can only apologize for that. Cleaning is one of the things that we are always 100% in control of and thus always should be top standard.
In relation to your specific critic point, we have gone though all off our bathrooms to check all bathrooms joints (fuger) and have started up a project to change them all the places that they have become moldy or discolored.
I can thus only thank you for drawing our attention to it and I can guarantee you that we will have it fixed it we ever get the chance to welcome you back at some point - which I sincerely hope we do.
We will consider adding more and different items to the breakfast - I can inform you, that since you stayed with us, we have added omelets to the breakfast. I am glad that you liked our coffee by the way.
Finally yet importantly, I appreciate the positive feedback you gave as well. Especially in terms of our staff.
Best Regards,
Niklas, General Manager.